TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Lovebot & Nicky - how is the testing going? Keeping you in my thoughts today, and hoping for good news from you both.

Lucy - I'm excited to read that your CBFM has moved to 'high'! That's great! How are those OPK's going?

We are off to the beach for a week. I'm hoping that I can still tap into the internet while I'm there. If I do happen to disappear for the week, you'll know why.

Nothing else to report from me. Just hoping that I get through this coming week, and then I have my ultrasound to look forward to.

Take care everyone.

Hi ladies,

Hope I dont sound self-centred by just talking about me right now... just arrived home from my doctor appointment and she did a pap smear. Told me that my cervix seems eroded and that she would note this on the referral to the OB. When I tried to pry what that meant she told me that I should not get concerned about it... but just if there is anything out of the ordinary the OB should know. I am soooooo worried : (
Hi Peachy

{{Hugs}} - of course you're not self centred!!! That's what we're here for!

I just did a google search (as I'm sure you have!) and found this article:

It sounds like it is perfectly fine, and not harmful to your pregnancy at all. However it does sound like you may be prone to some light bleeding through the pregnancy, if you are diagnosed with an eroded cervix?

Your OB will be able to examine the situation. I'm sure it will all be OK...but I understand why you are worried. It's just something that you really didn't need, as you are already worried enough after the ectopic.

{{Hugs}} Hope you've done some Google research of your own and are feeling better about it.

Thanks so much pink. I did consult google and feel a bit better now. I want this baby so much and would be devastated if anything bad happened.

Have a great trip!
hi girls sorry that i have not been on all day super busy at work i thought the day would never end

peachy so sorry that there is now extra stress added but am sure that all is going to work out fine am glad that you are feeling a little better what would we do with out google it can such a helpful tool when dr are not willing to give us the answers we need

pink nothing yet on the opks but am not supposed to o until the 19 so i have a few days to go hope that you have fun at the beach and that you are able to relax for a few days wish i was headed to the beach lol

afm still waiting to o so nothing much going on i think that being busy at work has been a good thing as i was not thinking about temps or anything for more than half of the day so i guess that is a good thing but now am off to bed have a busy day tom as well night ladies
Hi ladies

Please could I join the group? I've had 2 ectopics, 1 in July '10 where I lost my tube and baby, and in Aug '11 where I had to have the MTX shot :( Would love to have a buddy or buddies I can chat to about this. DH and I have decided this is our year :)

Carmen. x
carmen so sorry for your losses af course you are welcome to join us, we are all hoping that this year is our year as you might have read we already have 2 bfp and waiting on news on 2 more of the ladies. if you dont mind me asking what cd are you on? are you doing anything like temps or cbfm? again welcome and so sorry for your loss
Hi ladies

I managed to get wireless internet at the beach! Hooray!

Mrs Moose - Welcome, and so sorry for your two losses. I'm sorry that you had to endure 2 ectopic pregnancies. Getting through 1 has been hard enough..I can't imagine having history repeat itself again. I hope 2012 is your year...I am counting on it myself!

Me - I've had some spotting this morning. :( Of course I am thinking the worst. Will have to see what happens over the course of today, but I'm pretty worried. 6 weeks today. I always knew there was a danger of miscarriage going straight from the ectopic to pregnancy, and it was a risk that I 100% decided to take. I pray that everything will be OK...but I can't shake the feeling that it's not. Nothing I can do except wait and hope.

Thanks for your prayers. Will keep you updated.

Carmen, welcome to the group. Sorry to hear about your loss. I am very recently pregnant after losing my right tube and have found this group wonderfully supportive and a fun place to hang out with to share thoughts on other things as well.

Lucy, how are you feeling my dear? Is the cold finally gone yet? Keeping busy is a good things while waiting to O. Any positive signs from the monitor yet? Hope you and dh are enjoying your time together *wink*. We all hope that a swimmer makers it to the prize but might as well enjoy things in the meantime right?!!

Pink, you must be officially on vacation right now? I think we just had our coldest day every today and I was thinking of you and the beach. What part of Australia are you from? Is there a best time to visit? All the Canadians seem to go during our winter here (around this time) but not sure if that is the best time to see Australia or we just desperately need to escape the winter lol. Hope you are still feeling good!

Lovebot and Nicky - have either of you done anymore testing? I think you are both around 14 dpo? Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

AFM, I did another blood test and my beta came in at over 2000 - yay!! The nurse told me that she is quite pleased with the doubling in numbers and since this is my third blood test told me that she advises that we stop further blood tests until my ultrasound on the 23rd. I feel so much better today. Well, off to make dinner. Talk to you all soon!
Hi ladies

Thank you for the warm welcome :) I'm looking forward to getting to know you all and hearing all your lovely stories!

Lucy & Pink Ribbons - I'm also so sad to hear you both went through ectopics [hugs]. It's so devastating and cruel. How are you holding up?

I have PCOS so my cycles are all over the place! Not sure what CD I'm on now but my last period was 18 Nov. I've been referred to a gynae at Frimley Park but am waiting to get an appointment. I need to get a handle on this PCOS because I haven't been managing it very well (my own fault, been a bit lazy and procrastinating....) but I do track my cycles.
pink hope that everything is going well with you i hope that the spotting has gone away and that you are able to enjoy your time at the beach which am so jealous of you at the moment, please do keep us updated keeping fx for you

peachy hi hun am doing so much better i went to the pharmacy and the guy gave me some good meds for the congestion and am better thanks for asking. How are you? so happy that those betas are doubling and that all is going well with you def enjoying the time with hubby

carmen i too have pcos they have me on metformin and since im insulin resistant am on insulin and on high blood pressure meds i have like a whole cutboard of meds the metformin helped me get my bfp back in october and am praying that it will do the trick again as to how am holding up well to be honest there are days that i still think about my baby and how far along i would be all the ladies on this thread have had ectopics and so that makes it so much easier to talk about our emotions as you will see

afm still high on the monitor but am not supposed to o until the 24 i thought it was the 19 but no couple more days hubby keeps asking me when sometimes i wish i hadn't told him anything now he wants to know everything but i know that he worries about me so i shouldn't complain starting to feel a little pain on my ovary so hope that it means there is something growing there lol well ladies back to work talk to you all in a little while oh and carmen would it be ok if i add you to the front of our thread hugs to you all
Hi...quick update as I see that you are still online Lucy....spotting has tapered off. I'm hoping it was just a bit of stuff that had to work its way out and there will be nothing more. I feel like I'm right on the edge between a viable pregnancy and things going pear-shaped. I will keep checking in to let you know how I'm doing.

Will reply more later. Just trying to rest and relax. Faith over Fear. xox
Pink, *hugs*... I hope that the spotting completely stops soon and that you have a healthy 8 months ahead of you. I understand the worry as anyone I think that has had to endure a loss is likely to be extra anxious. Not sure if you remember but I had a pap smear yesterday, and today got some light spotting. Of course, I am worried... eventhough my doctor told me I might spot. In anycase, you are absolutely right in having faith over fear. Enjoy your time on the beach, relax, and I will keep you in my prayers. *hugs*
well checking on you ladies before i go to bed and am glad that there is good news

pink hope that it completely stops and that the remainder of the pref is uneventful just remember faith over fear i too will pray for you and that all goes well

peachy same for you hope that the spotting stops soon and that dr quit going in there we have enough to worry about with out them searching? for something lol hugs to ya

hugs to ya both good night oh and i don't log off since im the only one that uses this laptop i hate having to reenter my name and password lol and it makes it easier when am at work so that i can come on and check on you all night night ladies
I'm also on metformin, although I really don't like it because of the nasty side effects! Mine haven't seemed to calmed down and I've been on it for 2 years :S But, as you say, it has it's role to fulfil :)

Pink - sending you lots of positive vibes and positive thoughts that all is ok. I hope that it stops and that the remainder of your pregnancy is hassle free and beautiful. Let us know how you get on ok?

Yep, please add me to the front of the thread!

Have a lovely Sunday evening girls. xx
Hey guys - sorry for writing and running but the girls are still up and they really need to go to sleep so just quickly updating

Peachy - I had cervical erosion with 2 pregnancies - harmless spotting after sex but worrying all the same. it is just because of the swollen blood vessels in your cervix during early pregnancy - the speculum must have done it whilst getting the pap.

Hope all the rest of you are fine?

AFM - got my AF today, pretty gutted but let's face it, not much I can do. I BD at the right times but it obviously didnt take. Am so used to conceiving straight away, even two months of TCC is doing my head in!
Hi lovelies!

Thank you all for your positive thoughts, finger crossing and prayers. I didn't see any further spotting for the 2nd half of the day yesterday, and none this I'm hoping it was just an isolated incident. I feel like I'm on such a rollercoaster right now. I am finding it hard to keep positive, and just keep feeling like the rug is going to be pulled from under me at any second. It's amazing how jaded I've become since the ectopic.

Annie - I'm sorry that the witch found you. :( I know it must be hard not to get a BFP straight away. I was also used to conceiving straight away, and in my mind I thought it was going to take a long time on 1 tube. I know that I have been incredibly fortunate, and if I put myself in your shoes, I would be feeling pretty miserable right now. {{Hugs}} Go easy on yourself, give yourself a few days, and then come out firing for this month.

Lovebot & Nicky - I'm assuming no BFP joy your way either? :(

MrsMoose - thanks for your good wishes. You will be a great support for Lucy as you seem to have similar stories. I look forward to supporting you through your cycle/s.

Lucy - thanks for your concern and for checking up on me. You are an angel. I can't wait for your CBFM to shift up a gear and you post saying you have a +OPK! Praying for you this month. xox

peachy - thanks for your prayers...they are working! I remember having a pap smear while pregnant with DD#1 and I got pink spotting afterwards too. It's always scary to see any kind of spotting, so fx that it doesn't last long. Hopefully just a day..or a few trips to the toilet. I live in Brisbane, Queensland, which is on the east coast of Australia, and is definitely a hotspot with the tourists. We have a lot of beaches here, and theme parks to visit...Australia Zoo (Steve Irwin) and heaps of things to do. It is summer holidays here, although they are drawing to a close. School goes back next week. I'd say anytime from Oct-March is a good time to visit. I also saw your post re. bathing suits! Yes, we do have some great shops here! I am always happy to post to Canada if you ever find something you really want!!!

decemberose - how are you going...where are things at?

Hi to everyone else. Well, DH has taken the girls for a walk to the beach. It has actually been raining here. I think we're going to take the girls to the movies today. I don't really mind rain, hail or shine...just good to be away from home.

1 week until our ultrasound, Peachy!!!

Babydust to everyone...

pink so happy that spotting has stopped hope that it keeps away thanks so much for your kind words always makes me smile when i see a post from all of you ladies it's nice to have people concerned with me makes me feel special australia sounds like a wonderful place did i tell you we had a lot of people from there come here a few weeks ago? they are the nicest people and i love the way they talk lol ooh i would love to go to the zoo i took my DH to the denver zoo last year( he had never been to the zoo before so much fun) hope to do it again soon hope that the rest of your holiday is great and that you enjoy that movie with your family hugs to you

annie so sorry that the witch got to you damn her, but am sure that it will happen sooner than you think we are just going to keep on trying hugs to you too

mrsmoose i never got the side effects from the metformin thank God knock on wood that i don't, i did have to start one pill a day for 2 weeks and now am taking 2 a day so about 2000 mg a day so am hoping that it really helps me this cycle the things we ladies have to endure to make our dreams come true hope that you get your bfp soon it will so worth it

afm nothing yet ugh makes me mad that the days are not going by faster wish that they would so that i can o soon lol but only a few more days, had a long day at work today it had been a long time since i had to do so much laundry i think that i folded laundry for about 8 or 9 hours straight lol so am of to bed talk to you all tom i will keep you all in my prayers

all the other ladies hope that all is going well lovebot nicky and decemberose hope to hear from you ladies soon
Lucy - your job sounds really hard and exhausting. It sounds like you do pretty much everything! 8 to 9 hours of folding washing is not my idea of fun. Do you ever get a break? Do you live onsite in the hotel? Hope you get a chance for some downtime. Yes, Australia is a great place to live, and the people are generally nice. Very down to earth! LOL our accent is very different to America! It rained all day summer has kind of disappeared at the moment. We are still enjoying it. We took the girls to see Alvin & The Chipmunks at the movies today. Sending you "O" prayers, and hoping you have a great day when you wake up. xox
pink hope that you manage to have fun even though it is raining, all the laundry came bc the motel was full from a skii team that were here for a competition most of the past few weeks i have been sitting on the couch on the laptop or watching tv lol. i guess that is the good thing of my job, when there is nothing to do i just get to sit there and answer the phones play on the comp or watch tv and get paid for it, at the moment i have an agreement with the owners i work about 100 to 120 hour by weekly bc there is really no demand to hire someone else so its just the owner his wife and myself. i do live on site so am like the night manager(at least i take over when needed) there can be phone calls at 3 am or in the summer some drunk will lock himself out and i have to give them a key but that doesn't happen often, thank God, although at times it makes me so mad when i get home and have to go back downstairs to get a key lol but also when the owners go on vacation am in charge of the whole thing, i guess when i think about it it's a good exchange i save about $1500 on rent bc i have employee housing all bills included we used to pay cable but then my boss said we didn't have to bc hubby helps around to fix things, all in all its nice we have a one bedroom apt which here it runs up to $1500 or more bc of the actual bedroom, we used to rent a studio apt for 1000 a month but we were not allowed to cook what we wanted bc the lady said it stunk up her house( that pissed me off) sorry so long lol oh and my furry baby is allowed to come to work with me so that is nice when hubby does work and they babysit for me too so like i said all in all it is nice oh and today i woke up to snow

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