TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Lucy, the living arrangements you have sound like a pretty good deal! When I was renting I hated my landlord - my rent included utilities but whenever a certain month was higher he would complain and sarcastically ask if the increased heating was due to some special project. This in the dead of winter..umm... ok, I need to turn up the heat because I am simply cold. I digress... I hope that you get your positive signal soon. Though since you and your dh are quite the lovebirds I think that regardless of when you get the signal, there will be plenty of swimmers just hanging around waiting right?!!

Pink, I am so glad to hear that the spotting stopped. Mine has as well - yay for us! Do you have the book What To Expect When You Are Expecting? I looked at week 6 and it is just so amazing to see what the baby looks like now. Eventhough it is so tiny I am just amazed! Alvin and The Chipmunks sounds fun. It used to be one of my fave cartoons on Sunday morning to watch ( I am an 80s child). The closer we get to the 23rd the more anxious I am feeling. How about you? I guess it will just look like a little peanut or something on the screen but at least we can confirm it is in the right place right?!

Annie, thank you so much for sharing that information about cervical erosion. I guess after the ectopic I tend to think the worse of things. As I walked out of my doctors office thoughts of having cancer and passing it onto my baby were dancing in my head. Sorry to hear that the witch got you this month. I know what you mean by 2 months TTC seeming like forever. Fairy dust to you that you get your BFP next cycle!

How is everyone else doing?

AFM, I dont have much of an appetite and feel really tired. Dh is being very sweet and cooking dinners for me. Yep, that is right - dinners in the plural because some times I will take one sniff of something and feel like throwing up. Strangely, I am only preferring fruits and vegetables at this point. I wonder if there is any correlation to food cravings and gender lol.

Night, night ladies. I love hearing about what is going on with everyone so please keep posting!
Hi Ladies! Sorry I havent been on much; but we found a house...Yay! So excited! We wont be able to move in until April as it isn't built yet..We get to go to pick out our upgrades tomorrow..

Pink: I can't wait til Monday to hear about your scan..I'm glad to hear the spotting has stopped. I can imagine the fear; I would be a nervous wreck..

Hope all you ladies are well! Hugs!
peachy so glad that the spotting stoped it makes me feel so much better for you. as for me your right lol there will be plenty of swimmers waiting for the eggie when it finally makes an appearance lol, and about the housing yeah i have it pretty made since my hubby doesn't speak much english my bosses are bilingual so they can communicate which is great our last landlord was mean too well at least the wife was the guy was really nice he actually comes by the motel bc he owns a skii and bike shop he said that if i ever wanted to learn to skii he would hook me up with the equipment lol

december yay that you found the house you are going to have to share some pics when you get a chance lol

afm well it is really cold it has snowed all day long but i guess that we need it for the skii mountains lol although i like watching it fall i hate driving in it good thing i walk to work lol well off to bed i'll keep you all in my prayers night night ladies
December, congrats on finding a new place! Buying a newly built must be so exciting! My first house we bought based on plans and when I was at the design centre it was a ton of fun picking out colors, floors, etc. To add some uncolicited advise... : ) The side by side fridges (with freezer beside the fridge) generally do not fit as much as having one on top of the other.

Lucy, when I think of Colorado I imagine it very hollywood winter wonderland glam! Am I totally off base? lol
Thank you Lucy & Peachy!

It was so overwhelming today @ the design studio, too many
Peachy: we opted to not get the fridge as they want $1700 for the cheapest model...ill get it on my own, lol...

Lucy: ill definately share pics when I get some.

How are you ladies doing? Hugs!
hey ladies
peachy where i live they caterto fly fishermen we have skiiers but not as many as before the depression but we did have paparrazzi here we actually got to see some pics of mariah carey and her twins before the guy sells them to a mag which was cool ooh but they prefer to be called photographers lol Now Aspen which is only about 20 miles up the road from us is like one of those small towns you see on a postcard literally it's small and cute my first time there i was like "is this it?" lol they cater to the rich and famous my hubby is trying to get a job at one of hotel restaurants but we are really thinking about him being closer to home as the cayon to get there gets really bad in the winter and it scares the crap out of me

decerose shopping can be both nice and exhausting so happy that you are having some run choosing some things, i too want to remodel the apt where i am now and i got the landlords permission i just need the money, lol, i want to put in hardwood floors and a new stove, and fridge,dishwasher, and i think that those are the main things that i want at the moment i want to at least the floors before we have a baby as i dont want him or her crawling on the carpet

afm i ended up going to the drs today as am having an allergic reaction to something and am breaking out in hives, she gave me some good strong meds and ointment to help ease the itch my back is killing me today hope that it goes away soon am thinking that i might look into some other meds if something is not done soon my dr is checking on my shoulders and knees for arthritis and then we will go from them hope they find something soon pink hope that all is good with you and that you are having a good time with the fam hugs to you all ladies
Hi girls

I'm here! Still having a nice holiday...BUT the weather has been absolutely dreadful these past 2 days. Heaps and heaps of rain. But hopefully tomorrow will be fine and we can take the girls back to the beach. Today we drove back down to the city to take the girls to the theatre to see a production of "Mary Poppins". It was really great. We all enjoyed it.

decemberose - congrats on the house...and a new one too, that is even nicer!! We built our home in 2010, and we love it! It's great that you're getting to make some of the decisions. Building our house took 9 months, and I say that it was like having another baby, as it filled the gap for me: 2004=baby, 2006=baby, 2008=baby, 2010=house, and 2012=baby (fingers crossed!!!). Can't wait to hear more about it!

Lucy - your allergic reaction doesn't sound good. I hope you can get it under control quickly. Your hotel in the snow sounds amazing!! It is like a whole other world away from where I am now! I have heard of Aspen, and I figured it was a place for celebrities. I will have to come and visit one day!! lol probably a long time away, but one day!

peachy - yes, I do have 'what to expect when you're expecting!'. I bought it with my first pregnancy, and I remember reading it religiously nearly everyday! I loved progressing through the weeks! I did have a quick look the other day, and it is pretty amazing to see the development! I am getting increasingly nervous about the 23rd. By my estimation, I will be 7w1d...give or take 1-2 days. By that stage, I should definitely see a heartbeat. My earliest scan with my other girls was 7w4d with my DD#2 as I'd had a bit of spotting. At that stage I had a transvaginal scan and there was a clear heartbeat. With DD#3 it was 8w exactly and I think it was a normal tummy ultrasound. I'm thinking this one will be transvaginal, but I'm not really sure. I'm just hoping to see a sac in the right remaining tube totally clear...and a heartbeat. I still feel pretty normal. Sore boobs, hungry, and my skin is pretty bad with breakouts (but that is normal for me too). Just hanging out for confirmation of a healthy pregnancy. How are you doing?

Well, babydust to everyone else.

It's high time for another BFP or two in here. I hope some more of you ladies see 2 lines again very soon. Thinking of you all.

pink good to hear from you hope that the weather clears up soon and that you can go hang out at the beach i used to love marry poppins when i was a kid lol well hope that all goes well and i would love for you to come here one day i too would like to go to australia too

afm the allergic reaction had calmed down since yesterday they gave me a steriod shot and some meds that helped and last night i slept like a baby lol but so glad that there was no itching opks getting darker and supposed to o on tuesday hope that it happens am not feeling it so much at the moment hope the feeling changes
Good evening ladies!

Lucy, glad to hear that the meds for the allergies are kicking in. Tuesday is still a few days away and I am sure your mood for BDing will be better once the allergic reaction is well under control. Is the allergy to a food or is it topical? My dh is allergic to crab shell but not the crab alone. When he first told me that one of the deals about being married was that for the rest of my life I would have to de-shell crabs for him I though he was pulling a quick one... but his doctor confirmed that it is indeed true. Lol.

Pink, awww rainy weather sucks. Sounds like your family is still having a lot of fun on the vacation. Are you there through the weekend? Do your girls know how to swim? I was thinking of putting my son in swimming lessons this summer. He will be 4 years old. I do not plan on going in with him so hopefully that have lessons where only the kid goes in. Are you getting anxious for Monday at all? I try not to think about it but will be relieved when I (hopefully) get the confirmation that baby is in the right place.

December, good call on getting the appliance separately. I think the builders mark them up huge when you get it direct. How are you feeling otherwise? I hope a bit more relaxed now that you have the purchase made!

How is everyone else? Is anyone in the 2 ww?

AFM, I just had curry chicken for dinner and now feel like I have heart burn or something. It is so strange but very recently I started developing an aversion to meat. mainly craving salads or desert... and not much in between.
peachy lol on the de shelling the things we do for our hubbys lol as to what is causing the allergic reaction we ( and by that i mean the dr) have no clue as neither do i they think that maybe am allegic to the sun as i had been told that when i was a kid but they dont know what triggered it this time it has not been sunny here i just hope that it goes away soon and that i get back to normal i was not in the mood to do anything last night i just wanted to sleep but i think that it was all the meds in me.

today i went and had my nails done so i hope that it is a start to a mood change lol when are you having your scan? not in the mood to work today but i guess i need to make up my hours from yesterday hubby and i are planning a trip to vegas hope that it can happpen soon i need some down time
Lucy, I am having my scan Jan. 23rd. I am quite nervous and so afraid of having another ectopic : ( I have this stretch right now on my left side and I am all paranoid... no pain, no spotting... I hope it is just my uterus expanding. A Vegas trip now would be so nice! Been there twice and had a wonderful time. I really envy American and how awesome your flight rates are. It is so much more expensive travelling from Canada. How is everything else going? Did you get the positive on the monitor yet?
peachy am sure that it is just your uterus stretching but i totally understand how you must feel try( and i know how hard it is ) but try to relax and just enjoy that today you are pregnant

afm cbfm still on high am supposed to o on tuesday and i swear it seems like it's going to take forever well about vegas i can drive there since am only 8 hours away or i can drive 2 hours and take a flight but i really need some time to get some money together to go i found out last year when hubby took me to a casino that i like to gamble lol but i need to think about where i want to go for vacation bc my sister wants me to go see her as well although i could possibly take the time off vegas would be for a weekend mini breather before the high season in the summer here

well i hope that you are all well
Vegas it fun to visit; but as us residents we tend to stay away from the strip. I'll gamble once in a blue moon, but get sad if I lose $5; lol...

Peachy: can't wait to hear about your scan on Monday, prayers and hugs!

Other than the house, been ok. Just bieen so busy, so that has helped. But, once this house thing is underway we can start actively trying... :)

Hugs to all you lovely ladies!

Hi everyone!

We just got back from our little beach holiday. School starts back on Tuesday, so it is well and truly back to reality for me!

At the moment, I'm counting down the hours until my scan on Monday. About 45 hours to go! I'm feeling terrified about the moment when he starts scanning. Just hope to see everything in the right spot. Peachy, I've also felt twinges and pain on my right side (non-ectopic side) from time-to-time...but I have faith that this one is OK, as I haven't had any spotting or bleeding (a couple of little spots, but nothing like the ectopic), and my hcg rose as it should I'm feeling as confident as I can that everything will be fine. I've also had a bit of heartburn...another good sign Peachy!

Lucy - Fingers crossed that O is on track for Tuesday. It's been a long wait! Vegas sounds great! I would like to visit someday. Our Australian dollar has been performing very well against the $US, so a lot of Aussies are making the trek to America right now. I would love to, but my girls are still little...and then I'm going to add another one...I think I'm crazy?!

decemberose - when will the house be ready to move into? Looking forward to you starting to TTC. It's a good distraction with the will probably happen without you really thinking about it, as you've got so much on your plate. And getting a new house is exciting!

Well, I will be back to continue my countdown.

Any further news from lovebot - or anyone else?

(Edited: just checked Lovebot's chart. AF arrived, and she's almost through it from what I can see. Onwards and upwards for this cycle Lovebot! x)

Evening ladies!

December, lol at hurting when you use $5. I am the same way. I once blew $20 at a slot machine and called it quits as it felt too much. Glad to hear you are busy as I think it takes some of the stress away from TTC.

Pink, so glad to hear that the twinges and little cramps are nothing to worry about. I have moments where I imagine that a little egg is getting stuck in the tube and that I am on my way to a rupture. I am counting down the hours as well and will definitely post results as soon as I get them. I hope all will be well.

Lucy, yay for being on track to O. Hope you and dh are doing lots of BDing. Were you the one that mentioned dh was not fond of preseed? My dh was way better about it if I did all the insertion and stuff while he was not in the room... I guess first time he saw me with the syringe kind of put him off lol. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

AFM, morning sickness has kicked in and now in addition to feeling tired I cannot eat. Meat in general kind of grosses me out : (
peachy good sign that you have ms although i personally hate it but am willing to take it and anything that comes my way for a healthy baby no my hubby doesn't mind the preseed at all sorry tmi ahead but he actually helps with it lol bc am nervous to do it on my own he's very well at it

decemberose when am prepared to make that trip to vegas you can let me know where to go and what to see i have never been there so the strip sounds like fun and am a big gambler lol but i do know when to walk away and DH keeps me in check too so i won't spend to much i just want a weekend away to get my energies back hope that you are enjoying the though of a new home

pink hope that getting away for a while was good and i hope that you won't keep us waiting to long for the results of that u/s but am sure that all is fine fx i will pray for you and peachy that all goes well

afm i have not been feeling all that great my knees hurt allong with my back but i can't get any more percocets until the end of the month am on ambien to help me sleep but they won't up the dose, i swear that dr is making me mad. i keep telling them that am only getting about 5 hours maybe 6 a night and sometimes they are not consecutive so i end up super tired by the end of the day and still not getting sleepy but i will call and bitch at them if i don't get results soon. am not even in the mood to bd and i know that i have to be bc it's the time although i really am not feeling that this is going to be our month
i don't know what happened i was really excited about ttc but now am feeling like it is not going to happen so it makes me sad it makes me even sadder to feel this way but it has been on my mind for a few days hope that this feeling changes soon

hugs to lovebot hope that you are doing ok and come join us again
16 hours to go!!

Just quickly stopping by, but will be back later on!

peachy - I love our matching tickers!!! I thought there was a week's difference between us, but maybe I've, or maybe my date is out! I think I O'd around 18th December, which according to the due date calculators, gives me a due date of 9th of September. I'd better go and recheck! I guess tomorrow will tell the story! I'm also feeling VERY queasy today. From memory, I was the same with the girls...however I never vomited. More just nausea and needing to eat regularly or I get very shaky.

Lucy - {{hugs}} it IS going to happen for you. I have every confidence. It was extremely unfortunate that you had an ectopic (as it was for all of us)...but it proves that you CAN get pregnant, and you just have to keep the faith. I am really hanging out for you to get great signs of ovulation. I'm here with you until the end. Sorry to hear that your knees and back are giving you trouble. Have you always had trouble with them? Big hugs from here. I can sense that you are struggling a bit at the moment....hang in there.

Will pop back later. You gals are most likely all asleep at the moment!!!

9 hours to go....going to sleep now, and then I'll be up and getting ready in the morning. Will post here as soon as I get back from the scan. xox
Hi ladies

Sorry I've been scarce - DH is in Colorado for work for 2 weeks and my very kind friends and family have been looking after me and inviting me over for dinner every night - woohoo, no cooking for me hahah! ;)

Lucy - how are you honey? I see you're going through a bit of a rough patch at the moment *big hugs*. As Pink said, it IS going to happen for you. You need to keep that positive spirit going. I know how you feel. There's that scared part of you which thinks 'what if it happens again' because you feel you're almost pre-destined to have a problem with every pregnancy and that your body's betraying you. I know this may sound all airyfairy, but have you maybe tried speaking to someone, like a counsellor? I know the Ectopic Pregnancy trust in the UK has counsellors you can speak to, maybe there's a similar organisation in the US? I know it feels so scary, and that you think that you've got all the bad luck in the world, but I PROMISE you, you ARE going to be a mom. You WILL fall pregnant and it will be the scariest, most nerve-wracking time of your life...but it will also be the most magical, most loving, most awe-inducing miracle...and that's what you need to hang onto. It's what's keeping me going.

Pink - sorry to hear you've got ms :( but I've heard that having MS is a good sign (although that may be an old wives' tale and dreamt up by some male who has no clue hahah!)....I've heard ginger helps with the nausea. Maybe some ginger tea or ginger biscuits may help?

Peachy - YAY!!! so happy to hear of your BFP :D that's some really good news there. You made me laugh about the pre-seed, my hubby thought it was a bit weird at first, but now we've kind of incorporated it into 'the deed' (sorry for TMI haha!) and he's absolutely fine with it. I've basically said to him if he ever wants a quickie then he'd best be prepared to use the preseed as mama needs a little more time to rev her engine before he gets in and drives ;)

AFM - well I'm very pleased, as AF has arrived. Very weird to say, I know, but my last AF was 18 Nov so anytime I see her I'm pleased, as I know it's another opportunity to try! I was actually quite surprised this month, I started taking Agnus Castus again after a long period of not really taking my supplements, and within a week of taking it AF showed up! cramps or sore boobies or anything!! High five on the zero PMS :) I've started taking a whole bunch of supplements which are apparently great for us PCOS girls (Lucy, happy to let you know more if you're interested?) and I must say I'm feeling really good. Like my body's getting back in sync. It's a good feeling and I'm going to try and stay positive about it :) Now all I need is for DH to come home next Sunday and I'm going to literally pounce him at the front door....poor guy had better be prepared!!

Have a lovely day all of you ladies (and those that I've left out - sorry!).

Big hugs!
Carmen. xx
pink hope that all is going well with you am waiting for you to tell us what happened with the appt. my back had always hurt or well since i hurt it way back when lol but the knees is something new i got some x rays to see whether i have arthitis but i wont get the results until friday ugh and then we will see what happens thanks for you kind words

carmen thanks so much on the kind words and i would love to know what you are using am using fertilaid it supposed to help balance you as well but well see am running out but am not sure whether am going to purchase it again i might look into something more budget friendly totally get you on getting af it means that our bodies are doing what they are supposed to do i was shocked that i got it on the 27 although i wanted a bfp too but thats ok it gave me body an extra month to recuperate i was told to go to a couselor and i have the referrel but that was to talk about the loss of my baby the feeling that am having are more of, if it didnt happen fast the last time its going to be years before it happens again kind of thing, i guess i want it so bad am afraid its going to take a long time and thats what i dont want iykwim

peachy hugs girly hope that you are not suffering to much with the ms but its a god sign

afm still feeling a little down but it was so nice to hear from you all am irritable today poor DH cant do anything right for me at least in my mind i keep snapping at him but he's been a trooper tom i get to go shop for some supplies for the motel so it means i get a day or half a day off to shop for me too and to have lunch so that it going to be a welcome get away. i seriously think that the lack of sleep and the pain is having a lot to do with my mood and it doesn't help when i have to deal with some over obnoxious guests but what can you do hope that this mood passes soon do any of you get mood swings like this when you are going to o ? hugs to you all


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