TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

pink thanks for helping analyze my chart it is so difficult when i look it it makes me mad to think that i geared up and then nothing happens my temp dropped a little today but am having some slight cramping on my ovary so i wonder if am going to o super late. i was a little embarrased about all the hearts to and yeah i told DH if we could try every other day but he gave me a funny look so i doubt that it would work

last night i took the opks before bed they were the darkest that they have been the whole time and then this morning barely any second line so i think that they were positive we'll see what happens in the next few days

ladies sorry to make this post a "me" post but am really freaking out that something is not going right might have to go back to not poas and just temps and see what happens then is having slight cramps normal? thanks again
Have pulled muscles in lower back and having some pain down legs so guessing I will not be making a baby over next few days :-(
Am doped up on codeine, diazepam and strapped to a tens machine so am not looking or feeling very sexy.
oh annie i hope that you get to feeling better hugs hun

i have a chipped bone in my back and the pain can be intense at times it gets to a point that it gets me in tears i take percocets but i can only take 2 a day but after months on them that is not enough and my dr won't up my dose so hun i feel for you
Annie - you poor thing. :( I'm sorry to hear that. Is there a chance that you'll be able to improve enough in the next couple of days to at least give BD'ing a try? I can't imagine how frustrating it will be if you know you're O'ing and can't do anything about it? :(

baby_love - watery milky CM is a *GREAT* sign. I've had it with all of my pregnancies and is always a telltale sign for me! Keeping fingers crossed for you.

Lucy - really hoping that your temp shoots up tomorrow. lol, I didn't think you guys would be an 'every other day' kind of couple! I don't get cramping around O, so I'm no use there. Perhaps you will O later this month? I'm sorry that your body is not being very predictable at the moment. You are doing everything you can. Hang in there.

It's Australia Day here!!

pink thanks i think am just going to keep tempting and see what happens
i know at the moment i hate my body but i know that sooner or later it will happen even if i get into the rut of thinking it is not. i am beginning to feel the whole nausea and symptoms that i have had when am getting ready to o so hope that it does happen and if not i hope that i get af in two weeks and we can begin again.

oh about the cbfm i asked my boss if she ever didn't get the peak and she told me that when she got preg this last time with her baby girl she never got the peak so the pregnancy was a total shock lol, so there is always hope God has a plan

today i had a small breakdown and being moody as heck does not help me much, i tell you DH is lucky to be alive i don't want him near me but then when he's away i miss him, if he cooks for me it makes me mad but when he doesn't ask if i want something i get mad he can't win with me at the moment but he's hanging in there i hope it passes soon bc i even hate myself with how am acting or feeling

how are you doing? hope that all the other ladies are doing good any more testers? or BFP's to report? hugs all around

HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY to you pink is that like Independence Day for the US?
Morning ladies.....

Well I done 2 tests this morning, one FRER which was negative, BUT i done an Asda own brand 10ml and got a faint line!! Didnt have to hold it to the light or anything!! Just hope its not an evap.

You are all the first to know, gonna hold off telling OH until after AF is due. Dont want to get his hopes up for no reason. I am all giddy at the minute!!

Hope we get more BFP's soon, this thread has been a great support. xx
YAY baby_love!!!

This sounds very promising!!! It sounds like we have our 3rd BFP! Congratulations!!!

A line is a line!

What a great way to end my day!
Thanks Pink!! I keep lookig at it to make sure its Pink but it really is!!
Babylove - congratulations!! Yay this thread is turning out to be a lucky one : ) I had a really good felling you would be the bfp!

Annie - awwww I am sorry that you are going through this. Take care of yourself hun. *hugs*

Lucy - I know it is hard to do but try not to stress out over the charting and stuff. Maybe light a nice candle, and just give yourself this time for some R&R.

Pink - Happy Australia Day! Hope you are feeling good. Have you found any changes to your waistline yet? I am not sure if it is because this is my second but I am having trouble zipping up pants already...

AFM, the morning sickness is getting so bad. I hate the taste of ginger and really am just cranky at the moment. *sigh*
Thanks Peachy!! I just hope everything is ok this time.

Just take the morning sickness as a good sign!! Hope you are keeping well other than that.

baby love Congrats !!! are you going to test again tom? you know am going to need some pics now lol am an addict what can i say

peach thanks for the advice am trying not to stress out about it

pink hope that you are doing good today

annie hope that your back is feeling a little better mine is killing me today ugh but i think it is due to all the laundry that am doing at the moment can't wait til the end of the weekend lol

afm i am having some weird symptoms today at noon i began to have some light brown discharge and some pain around where my ovary is? i dont know whether am running a low fever or am just hot but am sitting here sweating and it is snowing and cold out ugh i hate being in limbo not knowing what is going on hubby thinks that am going to get af so we are going to have to wait and see what happens. i have an appt. tom with my reg dr to get a diabetes check up so i might ask her what she thinks hugs to you ladies hope i get some answers soon

guys does this look positive to you all i just did it when i got home this evening i had a very neg this morning and then this what do you all think dont you all worry am pretty sure i covered my bases already lol but am bd tonight now that i love my hubby again lol

oh would i put it as todays positive or would i do it as tom when i take my temp?
Thanks Lucy!! I tested again this morning and its slightly darker!! Still nowhere near as dark as the control line yet though. I will try take a photo tonight for you!!
Pink - Happy Australia Day for yesterday - 7 years ago today I was flying out to australia and I wish I could just pop over again to brisbane now to see my big bruv (and down a couple of VB's)

Peachy - My jeans get too tight at 4 weeks!

Babylove - congrats!

Lucy - Am clueless about OPKs - sorry x

AFM - Back is still very painful but against hubby's advice I didn;t take last nights diazepam or codeine and did some BD instead. Every other movement was agony but at least I feel like I have tried this month. GP has told me that co-codamol will be okay until I get BFP but going to try and stay off drugs and just use heat and tens machine for now.

I shoudn;t moan though - I broke my spine horseriding when I was 19 and despite months in hsopital and plaster jacket I was VERY lucky to not be paralysed and then go on to have two beautiful children.

:hugs: to everyone in need of one!
Hi girls

Sorry I've been scarce, been a bit manic here. How is everyone?

Lucy - that looks like a definite positive OPK hun!!! Get to BD ;-) As for your symptoms that sounds like me before AF arrives, but it could also signal ovulation? how did the checkup go for diabetes? Btw, will private message you about the supplements I'm taking :)

Pink - happy belated Australia day :) how are you doing?

baby_love - so chuffed for you honey!!! Post a piccie of the stickie! :p

Annie - my goodness girl, are you ok? Sounds like you're in a great deal of pain :( Is there nothing your doc can give you to help with pain relief?

AFM - not much happening. Hubby arrives back tomorrow after 2 weeks in the US, and just in time for us to BD ;) All I'm saying is that jetlag is not an excuse hahahah!

Hugs to you all, have a super day!

Carmen. xx
Oh ladies!! I thought you all have forgotten about me lol! :dohh: I'm so sorry!!!

I'm actually now 3 DPO, and apparently I ovulated on CD 10! Craziness! Cautiously, I'm in the TWW. It all happened so fast...I think the ectopic shortened my cycle from 27 days to 24...oh well.

Lucy, that OPK definitely looks positive. I hope you have loads of fun BDing!

Baby_love, congrats on your BFP! That's incredible! It's looking like a great year so far! I hope to join you, peachy, wanabmommy, and pinkribbons soon enough (hope I didn't forget anyone else). :happydance:

I'm kind of scared about my chart...I'm afraid my temp will drop even lower for tomorrow and FF will take away the crosshairs. Ugh. Why does my body have these stupid fallback rises? Oh well. I guess it could always be worse (I know it can actually).

I really, really do appreciate you ladies thinking about me. I just felt discouraged for a little while, and was so stressed about work...but I'm okay now. I guess depending on tomorrow's temp, I'll remove my doubt about actually ovulating so early. Still odd.
Hi ladies!

Sorry I was missing yesterday. I couldn't login to my computer for some strange reason. We've had rain here for past 2 weeks, so I don't know whether it was something to do with that, but I had no internet connection.

lovebot - welcome back! Of course we didn't forget about you!! I will be watching your chart and hoping that your temp starts climbing. I know it's easy to feel down and discouraged, but I just know that you have good things ahead...the waiting game sucks though. Keep popping in...we missed you!

MrsMoose - ditto, great to see you! That's great that your DH is back just in time to BD. It must be so hard for people whose husbands travel regularly. And what about those who have husbands in the army, who are posted away for extended periods. It would be hell!

Annie - I am also in Brisbane, so your brother could be somewhere close by! lol, you know your Aussie beers. VB is a very popular choice!! My goodness, I can't believe you broke your spine. That is just awful. And for it to happen when you were so young. What a frightening experience. :( You were incredibly lucky that it wasn't worse. Were you experienced on horses when you had the fall? I've always been very wary of horses. I went riding a few years ago, and it started to canter and I went right over its head. I don't think I'll be hopping on another horse again! You were very brave to BD with all the pain you have...but I'm sure I would have done the same thing if it were me. At least you have a chance at this month. Missing a month just seems like such a waste!

baby_love - congratulations on the line getting darker!! You're our 3rd BFP!!! Very excited for you!!!!

peachy - hope you are managing to keep the sickness at bay. I get a bit squeamish from time to time, but nothing too bad. My sister, on the other hand, has nausea all day...she is a couple of weeks ahead of me. Re. my waistline...I have started this pregnancy a fair bit bigger than my other girls. I weigh 10kg more than I started my last I'm going to get pretty big this time around. I am already big and bloated. I'm hanging around in dresses, or leggings. No way can I fit into jeans.

Lucy - saved you for last! Hmmm brown discharge and pain. Could be ovulation pain. Hard to know. Your OPK looks lovely and dark. What does CBFM say at the moment? I would LOVE to see your temps shoot up and stay elevated, so that we definitely know you've O'd. At the moment, there is nothing to indicate you've already O' I think it is still coming. :( I'm thinking maybe your temp will rise in the next few days. What is your long term plan with everything? I mean, if your cycles continue to be all over the place and unpredictable...will you go and see a specialist to get some advice?

Nothing to report from here. To be honest, I'm feeling a bit *blah* about the whole pregnancy at the moment. I don't really want to discuss it with anyone, or tell anyone. I think I have a lot of issues that are surfacing from the ectopic. My sister came around yesterday and was really excited, touching my stomach, and I was pretty abrupt with her...told her that I didn't want to discuss it. I am kind of pretending it isn't happening. It is all very bizarre. I think the ectopic has scarred me more than I thought. I'm sure I'll come good, but I guess I'm in self-preservation mode right now, incase anything goes wrong.

Aww Pink I hope you fell better soon. I am excited at the minute but also very scared. I will get a scan at the end of next week/beginning of following week to make sure the sac is where its meant to be. It'll be too early to see a HB but I hope they'll scan me again in a couple of weeks to see that. I told OH yesterday, he's excited but isnt accepting that we'll have a baby until he see's the scan. He doesnt want to get his hopes up.

I done a CB digital this morning and it 'Pregnant 1-2' so thats good. Although my lines dont seem to be getting darker which I am a bit worried about. Although Im only 13/14 DPO so its maybe still early.

Wecome back Lovebot, hope you are keeping well.

Peachy, hope your morning sickness isnt too bad!! I kinda want it cos I didnt have it last time and I think it would be a sign that all is going well.

Hope everyone has had a nice weekend. Thank goodness January is nearly at an end, its such a depressing month!!
Hello ladies,

Sorry I have not been on much but I am still feeling awful. Barely able to keep anything down and I still do not have an OB yet. My first choice ended up being full for September so I am waiting to see if the second doctor will take me. I am still feeling really terrible, throwing up several times a day. Had to take a day off work last week because I just could not get up : ( Will write more when I am feeling a bit better. *Hugs to all*
hey girls sorry i have been mia but have been super busy at work have not seen my laptop in 2 days just wanted to say hello will post properly in the morning it is 2am here so got to get to bed long day tom. hugs to you lovely ladies

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