(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

AHHHH Devi!!! Yay! I hope that everything turns out best for pandu! Weather or not that means you give birth today or wait 4 more weeks! But it IS very exciting!!

I FAILED my stupid gestational diabetes test :( So now I have to go talk to a nutritionist on tuesday... I only failed a little :( It shouldn't count lol. I'm NOT going to do well without soda or without carbs!
I'm also still showing low amnio fluid... so Doc is sending me for ANOTHER ultrasound tomorrow!!! YAY! I hope we get some good stinkin pics this time! She is so uncooperative!!! Little stinker! And we can never get a good HB on the doppler because she kicks it away lol. I <3 her so much already! I'm just hoping that shes still a she after tomorrow!!!! If not I'm going to have a WHOLE lot of baby clothes to get rid of lol

In other completely unrealated news.... My SIL (who hates me) Just had baby number 2... and she puts on facebook " Camerom(baby#1) is totally my favorite... I should have listened when my husband told me we shoudln't have any more kids." and I'm like :what: How could you say that about your own child?!?! And then to say that on facebook for the whole world to see.... just seems really unappropratie! And It makes me feel so much better about myself and MY marraige because we are really excited and really planned and want this baby!

How is everyone else feeling?? Joli- hows the blood clot? did it dissolve on its own? I didn't see if you updated about it!

MM- Hows the nesting? are you getting excited??
Thought I would copy/paste my scan update from my journal:

All that worry for nothing! (kind of) Had the scan and everything was perfect - Squiggle had two of the things he should have, none of the things he shouldn't! :thumbup:
He put on a great show and at one point, when the sonographer was trying to get a profile pic, he turned his head to face the probe....then pressed one little hand up against my oooom....then the other.....then seemed to press his little face against it like you would against a window pane! :rofl: It was beyond cute! :cloud9:
She really struggled to get a good profile pic for us which is why his face looks a bit elongated at the bottom because of the wierd angle.
He was measuring about a week ahead again, bearing in mind they have already put me a week ahead of what I know I should be based on ov date, so he is just a very big/fast growing boy. They don't change dates again though because the measurements can be inaccurate at this stage.
My cervix measured 3.2cm with no funnelling and the sonographer was happy with that so I left to wait for the consultant relieved and happy as larry! :yipee:

Then we went in to see the consultant and he managed to scare the bejesus outta me! :cry: He wasn't thrilled with 3.2cm and suggested we go for the stitch straightaway! My blood just ran cold. I am happy to have a stitch if it has to be done, but there are risks involved and it can do more harm than good if not needed! :nope:
After considering the facts a bit longer, he decided to stick with his original plan of checking me again in 2 weeks time to see if there was any change. If it shortens below 3cm then the stitch has to be done followed by bedrest for the rest of the pregnancy! If it's the same then we continue with fortnightly scans. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let it be the same!

So I have got to try not worry myself sick these next 2 weeks. After all, there could be NOTHING wrong with my cervix! 3.2cm might be the most I could ever physically have and could be fine. Just because my mum had problems, doesn't mean I will. My sister had 3 kids carried to full term with no problems.

Meanwhile, I just want to lay in bed and wrap myself in a bubble for the next 17 days until Squiggle is 'viable'. It's not long at all but it feels like forever away right now! :dohh:

On a happy note, Squiggle has resumed his nice kicking position and movement is picking up again - especially after his favourite....BEER! (alcohol free of course).

Here is my gorgeous son:
Ooooohhh Devi! How exciting! Please do keep us posted on the contractions front. It could just be your body practicing in readiness for labour...... Good luck hun whichever way things go. I'm thinking of you....

2016..... Your son is indeed beautiful and I hope your cervix will stay the same. Fingers x it's all just a storm in a tea cup. Take care of yourself though and I'm thinking of you too....

Clairenicole..... Sorry to hear you failed the GD test. What will they do after you see the nutritionalist? You are soooo right about your view on your baby..... Each baby is a gift and soooo precious in their own way. I get on better with my youngest because he is more chilled out but I love them the same...... Sometimes you click better with one than the other because of their personalities but that doesn't mean you love one less than the other.

Gossipgirly...... I thought you had chosen Darcie as a name for your lil princess? There are soooo many lovely names we are spoilt for choice! lol Im sure when she's here, you'll chose the perfect name for her! It's good no to be too set on a name I find, as sometimes a name just doesn't suit when he or she is born. I had that with my second so I am more relaxed this time. However, I do love the name Beau (my husband hates it though!) lol
claire - Oh no abt the GD.. you got to take care now.. no more Pizza hut for you! & good luck with the ultrasound .. hope the fluid level is ok & doesnt become another heachache for you to worry abt...

OMG what a terrible thing for your SIL to say.. tsk tsk tsk.. poor baby, to have such a nasty mummy.. shame.. poor thing..

2016 - lovely pic! & good news abt the scan.. looks like body is behaving at the moment.. FX! it stays behaved.. good news abt the kiddo growing well & kicking you lots too.. hehehe.. fun times..

As for me.. have had 2 quite noticable contractions that I could feel today.. & i dont know how many I have had that I didnt feel.. so i dont know whats going on.. but no pain, no weird feelings.. just a little paranoid .. Oh well atleast my body is gearing up for labor..

remember last monday I had lost part of mucus plug, and all week long I have been having really loose stools (sorry tmi), apparently both are signs of body getting ready for labor.. Oh oh, & FINALLY my boobs starting leaking too (i was starting to think i cant b.feed as they wernt leaking yet) .. & now these contractions.. looking good i think..

10 days to full term!
Claire, you can have diet soda, some of them aren't too terrible. And you can still have carbs, you just have to watch how many and switch to whole grains. It's not really that hard.

The house is coming along slowly since I'm going it alone. DH is being an ass, blah blah blah I'm tired. Well he can cook his own damn home made hamburgers tonight cause I'm on strike.

He's really not all that bad, I'm just having a cranky day, but I wish I did have more help here.

Tinkerbell ......15 Sept 2010 (8 days till 37 weeks)
Devi#1 ......... ...18 Sept 2010 (10 days till 37 weeks)
MommyMichele...C/S 22 Sept 2010 (36 days to go)
tink iv gone off darcie as everybody started calling her by the name and I think iv just got bored of it, she may still look like a darcie tho...

gd luck devi :) looks like aphrodite baby no 2 is en route x
MM...sorry you don't have more help, I feel the same sometimes but I hate asking for help! Loving the updates of how far everyone has to go. Can't believe it's getting so close.

CN...darn for only just failing your test. Hopefully the diet will just make you feel really good and not be too restrictive. Sounds like MM has loads of tips. :thumbup:

Tink...you're so sweet, how you holding up? I applaud you heavily preggo woman when I feel so slow and fed up at just over halfway.

Devi...any updates? I am so excited to find out if Pandu is a he or she - my guess is.........hmmm......:boy:!

GG...did you read the name list? I thought after it's very different to a lovely modern name like Darcie. Know what you mean about people using the name too soon which is why Squiggle will remain Squiggle until he's born. In fact Squiggle could well be his nickname for life! :haha:
yes thanks i just read bk sorry must have missed it, lovely names thanks :) I also like Tabitha but everyone screws up their face, I think i need to just stop telling people and not care what they think! x
Claire - sorry the GD test didn't come out so great - I guess the change in diet will be good for baby, though I have such a sweet tooth, so I totally sympathise with you!!

2016 - thanks for sharing such a great update! I think it's a good idea to take the cautious approach and wait before seeing whether a stitch is 100% necessary. I don't think I was ever checked for how thick my cervix was... is this standard? I'm loving the baby pic! :)

GG - I think Darcie is an awesome name. DH and I haven't been telling or discussing names with people here that we know, as everyone seems to know someone they don't like with the names we like, or criticize the name in some way, so we have been keeping our top names a secret. Try not to let anyone else's opinions get in the way, what's most important is what you and your DH think will suit your sweet little girl :flower:

MM - sorry you're feeling so exhausted...but not much longer now - hang in there!

Devi - I just started reading today about labour and birth...and it sounds like your baby really is ready to come at any time!! Awesome about the leaking boobs! I started to worry a bit about that - since being in hospital, I've now lost 8 pounds and whilst baby is ok, I'm worried that by BBs have shrunk tons, like a whole cup size! I don't know how this impacts the breast feeding later, but I guess I should still have another 8-11 weeks to pack on the pounds again!

Tink - I think Beau is an awesome name (I have a very good friend named Beau, who happens to be a good looking, successful lawyer, so lots of positive associations!).

I totally forgot to post my 28 week pics! We had a 4D scan, and baby's face is looking nice and plump now! pics attached :) The pain on my bloodclot had been improving loads on the weekend, but since yesterday, the burning pain has been coming back (which happens to coincide with my finishing of antibiotics), so I have to go back to doc tomorrow to have a check-up... I'm soooo tired of seeing doctors! My insurance company must think I'm a total basket case! :rofl:


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Joli...no it's not a standard check - although I wonder why not as it takes 2 minutes to measure while doing an external scan!?! For 99% of women there would be no problem but at least then they would be able to help the other 1% that might go on to have a late-term loss due to cervical insufficiency!!! Anyway they checked mine because of having SPD, a previous surgery on my cervix, and my mum lost 3 babies around 22-26 weeks for this reason :hugs:
Your little boy is looking so adorable...little cherub! Awww :flower:
Thanks for the info 2016 - you're such a fountain of knowledge!! :flower: I really hope everything turns out well with your cervix, just take it easy at least until that 24 week mark!
Well hello ladies, I'm off for my anti d jab tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it one little bit, I know it's not a big deal but I just hate needles. Great to see all the pics, 2016 and joli your scan pics are gorgeous. I'm debating whether to have a 4d just to see how much bubs has changed since 18 weeks.
Devi - can wait to hear if things are progressing or whether baby stays cooking for a bit longer.
Clairenicole- sorry to hear bout your gtt results Hun, hope the diet etc isn't too restrictive.
I've got mine next week and am praying that I'm gonna pass it.
Mm - hope things are going well.
Joli - fingers crossed you are recovering ok and the clot disappears by itself Hun.
2016 - hope squiggle can stay cooking for a lot longer without you having to need a stitch. X
Hey girls!

Joli.... Your little boy looks soooo adorable! ;)

Gossipgirly..... Don't listen to what others say about name choices..... It's such an individual choice and you'll never please everyone! My parents don't like the name Beau (they haven't said so but I can tell) but I don't care because ultimately, it's OUR choice! You will find a name for your little one that you both love and that suits her perfectly..... Don't worry!

As for me..... I'm knackered, seriously so! I am so heavy with baby and am finding it so hard running round after my other 3 that I am exhausted in the evenings! I am soooooo ready for this baby now! lol

Wishing you all health and happiness xx
I'll give you an update on the anti d after I get back GG. By the way gotta say, did think the name darcie was lovely but totally agree with tink. You go with the name you like, never mind what other folk say. Me and OH like the name Lewis but people keep saying "oh you can't have that he'll be called loo!!" I just think that if he looks like a lewis when he comes out then that's what he'll be.
I've every sympathy with you tink, you are so near you must be shattered. It's so difficult when you've other kids to look after isn't it. I'm finding it so hard this time. I'm only at 28 weeks and I'm feeling so tired and heavy it's unreal.x
Hello ladies! I've been SO BUSY! Which I'm sure isn't good but I've been resting when I felt I needed to!although today I can't because I have to clean the house and I'm not feeling up for much of naything at all :( BUT My grandparents are coming tomorrow... and they can't come here to this mess! (thankfully its just my livingroom!) I've been feeling so stinkin FAT. I don't even know if I could get off the floor if something happened and I sat down on it lol! I told my doctor that I was just ready to induce now and be done with it :D to which she laughed and told me no way lol.

Tink- I love Beau! But my OH doesn't... he likes it if its spelled BO.. which to me isn't as nice :dohh: these are the things we argue about lol!

2016- I really hope you don't need a stitch! But I'm sure bubs is going to be fine! You'll be looking back at all the worry and know it was worth it!

MM- Your going to make him cook his OWN food?!? (that was a joke :D) My OH cooks for me all the time.... or we go out to eat. I don't cook very often at all! I do however have this lemon dessert that I made him go to the store to buy ingredients for.... so I have to make it.. because I'm craving! I'm sorry your feeling cranky and like your not getting any help! Make the kids help!!! Isn't that why we have them? little indentured servants?

Joli- Lovely pictures hun!!! I know what you mean about the insurance company thinking you hvae issues lol. I feel like I'm at the drs once a week! And to think... over here most women only get 1 ultrasound... I've had 5! Let us know about hte blood clot!!

Devi- WHERES THAT BABY?!?!? lol I'm ready! go push!!! :haha: (isn't that how this works??) I can't believe you only have 10 days till your full term!! I wish they could science it better because you could go anytime between now and like 50 weeks... thats a heck of a gap! But it seems like your getting ready to pop soon!!! and I'm EXCITED!:happydance:

We have 100% decided on Payson Jean Kundinger!!! For our bubs name! which a lot of people have crinkled their nose at! Including my grandmother... and we don't care! We LOVE IT!
Love the names everyone has picked..

Baby is still cooking (good) - - hope he/she stays cooking for 8 more days.. nothing much happening my side.. DH is going for a small back surgery tomorrow he has a rather large lipoma which had to be removed.. he will be fit & fine in a week, so baby cannot come out for another week..
I'm back from my hospital appt and I've gotta say, it really bloody hurt!! I had it in my arm and then had to wait for 10 mins after to check I was ok. Nearly jumped off the bed when she did it. Mind you, they also took 2 vials of blood before the anti d, which I wasn't expecting, and the nurse who did it has made a mess of my arm. Last few blood tests I've had midwife did it and it was relatively painless with no after effects. With this one I had awful pins n needles while she was doing it and afterwards its been sooo sore and my arm is bruised. Not looking forward to nxt weeks gtt!
My new scan pics!!!


Isn't SHE adorable!! And yay for her still being a she! 100% they are saying now!
ooo claire i know i commented in your journal but i see the face now!!! haha x

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