Team Curvy Bumps - 135 members 35 bfps

Panda - I know what you mean about that girl. There are so many things about that story that make me want to scream and shake my head. The poor kids :(

Sorry to hear you are back to cd1 :( That's good news that your cycle seemed a bit more normal though. Let's hope you get everything ready for this cycle and it's the one!!!!

Hope the cramps go away soon xxx
Jo_Bean - Only heard "May the 4th be with you" a few times, strangely since I came on here :haha: Fingers crossed for you, I don't think anything amazing happened this cycle :nope: tested this morning after having 2 nights of the same dream - me getting a BFP - and nothing :shrug: x

Josephine - Good luck for testing :thumbup: x

Magan - Well done on talking to the doctor, I did it in February and was so nervous it's unreal! Glad you got a nice doctor like me :) I hear of a lot of people getting very unhelpful doctors x

AmberDW - Congratulations! x

Cravemyheart - Good luck! x

Petesgirl - Good to know about the EPO, my cycles are ridiculous since coming off BCP (68,47 and 59 so far). Can you get them from most shops? x

Panda - Sorry about the girl you 'know' :hugs: if one more of my OH's friends gets pregnant before me I swear I'll scream! Most of them didn't plan on getting pregnant and even better 'don't really want kids' :saywhat: how does it always happen to these people first?? Good luck at the doctors :thumbup: I tend to get bad AF cramps and I take Feminax (sp?) not sure if it's just a UK thing but I think it's generally for AF pains x
Hehe sounds good, you ladies are such a great support :)

Ive been trying to come up with things to keep me busy.. aside from packing because thats really no fun at all.. lol So Ive started reading catching fire last night.. I was so caught up in ttc that I didnt think I had time to read! Lol ... oh my I cant belive how far gone I was lol... Ive also started trying to knit... Im working on my first scarf that I was hoping to sell for donations for a fundrasier that Im doing but Its turning out so aweful lol I have a friend thats making some for me so they will be sellable haha!
What do you ladies to keep your mind off things?

Hey magan you ok? I find talking to these ladies is a great way to take my mind off things, also knitting, painting, drawing, sorting my diary out with all that charts for the next cycle helps too just have to wait for af to show her face, reading is a good way too but ive not read any of my books for ages as ive not had the patience to just sit still and be quiet so ive left them on the shelf :)
Im glad you spoke to your doctor and your getting somewhere, i too love my doctor shes so nice and supportive not judgemental :) im waiting for a ultrasound because they want to test me for PCOS and im bricking it..... they said the appointment could take up to 6 weeks to be sent out to me so im sitting waiting nervously :/ hope everythings ok for you hun :)

Hi ladies! I'd love to join the team :) Currently waiting on hormone blood tests due to late AF and BFNs.

I also get caught up in ttc, doing an OU chemistry course and going to work seem to be my only distractions! That and fussing my cats, can't forget my furr babies!

Hey jellybean have you had results back or when are they due? im currently waiting on blood results as i too have no af and bfn so they tested for thyroid problems and fasting glucose which im still unsure what thats for :shrug:
My furr baby is in the form of a cocky 2 year old labrador and shes being a little naughty over the past few days so shes grounded :haha: hope you get everything sorted soon, how many days past af are you?

Has anyone received their BFP after bd'ing 2 days before ovulation
Hi bbwttc they say 2 days before is still good enough to get that bfp as the spermies can still live up there so you should be fine hun :)

Hi, can I join? I'm 26, TTC#1 after 5 years on bcp. Stopped it in september, AF arrived in november but since then no AF and BFN's. Waiting for an appointment with doctor on tuesday about blood tests that showed slightly high testosterone, CD153 today.

Hi nexis i feel for you hun, im on cd 83 or something, ive lost count but its on my ticker, and its driving me CRAZY as ive never had one this long before :( before my periods regulated they were between 45-65 days then when they regulated i had 8 months of 30 day cycles and now this one :( waiting on all my results to come back so see whats up, hope everythings ok for you and let us know what the tests say hun :hugs:

Wowww ladies our team is so big and growing day by day, welcome to all our new ladies :flower:

I've been so busy lately and still haven't managed to catch up with everything.

So I'm cycle day 24 of a 28 day cycle and I don't know what's happening crosshairs on FF say I OV on day 17 but I believe it was quite early this time and was actually day 13 - I had pos Opk's, high temp and OV pain likenive never had before, but this time there has been no spotting since !! Usually I have brown/pink smudges for the whole TWW or until AF shows but not a thing this time, I have caved and tested twice ... Both BFN but I still have no AF symptoms, which I always get, fingers crossed its because there's a BFP waiting, but I'm gunna wait now till Tuesday and see what happens I don't want to get my hopes up :thumbup:

How's everyone else doing, JoB how are you I've missed you xxxx


Hye josephine ive missed you :) Really hope its a BFP for you hun will keep my fingers crossed for you and sending lots of sticky glue and baby :dust: xxx

Would love to join...i stalked ur guys other thread but only posted maybe once..i just found out im pregnant a week ago and a bit worried about my weight. I had a miscarriage in december and just hope weight didnt have anything to do with it. Im not sure how far along i am now but going off my last period im almost 6 weeks

Congrats Amber sorry your post got side tracked amongst all the new comers etc we are trying to be on the ball lol
Please dont stress too much darlin as we dont want it stressing your body out, you need to just make it UBER comfy in there now so that the sticky bean can burrow away for a happy 9months :) keep us posted hun :hugs:

No shot for dear fiancé this month. The money is needed elsewhere. But I'm pretty sure I Od today. My cp was high soft and open and I have ewcm. So we dtd. This is really early in my cycle though. But maybe that's why I haven't had any luck yet. Wish me luck.

LOTS OF LUCK LOTS OF LUCK :) fingers crossed to the point where they are cramping hun :) good luck

Hi Ladies,

Just wanted to let everyone know that I successfully ovulated EARLY with my first time taking Evening Primrose Oil. From cd 1 to ovulation, I took 2,000 mg (2 soft gells) a day, one first thing in the morning and one before bed. I have 35 day cycles, in which I usually O on cd 22c and this month with the EPO I O'd on CD 17 or 18 (not temping because it stresses me out). So for any ladies who have long and/or irregular periods this might be something for you too look into, it also increased my CM, I usually never have CM but with EPO i did notice some CM, it wasnt alot but definately there, and I BD with Preseed to suffice for anything more I would need in terms of CM. The funny thing is when I researched EPO alot of women said that it took 2 or 3 months before they noticed any difference, and surprisingly, I O'd early during my first cycle of intake!!!

Hope this helped someone!!!! Good luck!!! Im officailly 1 dpo so fx'd for a :bfp: this month!!!

Hey petesgirl congrats on the ov'ing glad it worked for you first time, as im on cd80+ and no sign of af i need help in asking the doc for things that will regulate my cycle as im just going out of my mind here waiting for her to show her pigging face, i was told prevera will make me come on so ill be asking about that but i need something to regulate them so i never have to go through this stress again so ill deffo be asking about that :) how long were your cycles before you took it?
Fingers crossed for you hun really hope you get that bfp soon :)

Can i join :) .. Im a newbie to the forum, so Hi everyone :)

Been ttc for a year now with no luck, went to the docters on friday and have been sent to have blood tests.. Which need to be done a week before af is due. Hoping she aint 18 days late again.. Unless its for a good reason lol

:dust: and lots of luck to everyone xx
Welcome Kezza, thats what my dad calls me :) good luck with the blood tests it looks like a few of us are having them done at the moment so keep us posted of what they say hun, hope you dont have to wait for af and shes on time for you :)

Team Curvy Bumps! Yeah!

I am new to the threads and in my 2ww .....patiently of course..I have only been ttc for about a month now with my s/o of 5 yrs....soo hoping I will have good news soon!

Hey ttc_num1 welcome to team curvies :) Fingers crossed for you and i hope you wont be waiting long for that :bfp: :)

Hey ladies :flower:

Whew what a weekend!! Ovulation calcualtors had me as ovulating Saturday. Was focused on it all week then when Saturday rolled around we were really busy doing heavy garden work all day and I was so tired I cheated on my healthy eating plan :dohh: and ordered pizza so I didn't have to cook. After we stuffed our faces we settled down really tired and bloated when suddenly I remembered it was O day!! Because I was just so exhauseted I made the mistake of suggesting to hubby that we just do a quick one because neither of us were in the mood :blush: I think he thought that I just wanted to get it over and done with so of course we argued and ended up not DTD at all :dohh:
Made up for it today but I am worried we missed that O. I don't hold too much weight with what these calculators say but we shall see.

I other news garden is starting to look so much better I can actually picture us out there in the summer having a BBQ or something :thumbup:

Hope everyone is doing great :flower:

Hey bunny how you doing chick? hope everythings ok, glad to hear the garden is coming along, jo is right we do need to see pictures of this magical place :) hope you caught that little eggy in time hun fingers crossed for you :)

Erg! I had a nice long response typed up for all the stuff I had missed and my computer crashed and ate it :( I guess I'll just give an update and go from there. Oh technology, why do we have to have such a love and hate relationship?
i too wrote out everything and then my lovely dog came over and put her MAHOOOOOOSIVE head on the laptop and its all gone so ive missed loads of people out but im trying to catch up :) this thread just shoots through the roof if you dont check in everyday.... :)

Sorry to hear your upset about that young girl, its hard when i see people walking about with big baby bumps and kids in tow and they dont actually like their kids half the time, i just want one (well 2 but ill be happy with 1) and they have 5 or 6 kids it angers me but i cant let it get my down anymore, if i want a baby im just going to have to work my ass off for one, failing that ill kidnap my baby cousin as shes 5 months old and bloody adorable :) massive big blue eyes and blonde hair :)
Anyway i hope your relaxing and taking it easy, your time will come darlin, just give yourself a break :hugs:

And last but not least, my lovely Jo-bean, hope are you babe, ive missed you, ive not had af yet and i know i said i wont be coming on until she arrives but i was missing my curvy girls too much so had to drop in and say hello :) hope your doing good :) :hugs: xx

AFM well Ive called my doctor to see if the results are in and they are so shes made an appointment for friday and 3.30pm to talk about them, im a little worried as usually if i ask the woman behind the front desk if she can tell me them over the phone and i wont grass her up she usually tells me the results if they are all ok but this time she just said ill let the doctor discuss them with you so i think they may have found something :/
On a plus note my smear test results came through my door on friday and everything is ok there, just waiting on the appointment to come through about the ultrasound which is the one im nervous about so its a waiting game yet again for me :/ my body likes punishing me for some reason, to punish it in return i might just eat food that my body doesnt like just to show it who's boss!!! :haha:

Anyways im really sorry if ive missed anyone out, ill try and go through the posts to see who ive missed, welcome to all new comers, hope everyones ok and sending lots and lots of :dust: and sticky glue to you all :)
Jo_Bean - Only heard "May the 4th be with you" a few times, strangely since I came on here :haha: Fingers crossed for you, I don't think anything amazing happened this cycle :nope: tested this morning after having 2 nights of the same dream - me getting a BFP - and nothing :shrug: x

Josephine - Good luck for testing :thumbup: x

Magan - Well done on talking to the doctor, I did it in February and was so nervous it's unreal! Glad you got a nice doctor like me :) I hear of a lot of people getting very unhelpful doctors x

AmberDW - Congratulations! x

Cravemyheart - Good luck! x

Petesgirl - Good to know about the EPO, my cycles are ridiculous since coming off BCP (68,47 and 59 so far). Can you get them from most shops? x

Panda - Sorry about the girl you 'know' :hugs: if one more of my OH's friends gets pregnant before me I swear I'll scream! Most of them didn't plan on getting pregnant and even better 'don't really want kids' :saywhat: how does it always happen to these people first?? Good luck at the doctors :thumbup: I tend to get bad AF cramps and I take Feminax (sp?) not sure if it's just a UK thing but I think it's generally for AF pains x

Hi laura sorry i missed you out hun you snuck past me there :) hope everythings ok :) i too agree with the Feminax for painful af as ive suffered from the age of 13 with really bad af pains to the point where im curled up on the floor in a corner and cant move for 3 days with them, lots of :dust: for you :)
Hi Magic - welcome back hun! All of you ladies disappeared for a while then, I thought you'd all abandoned me! LOL!

I'm sure there are other reasons why she won't discuss the results with you.. maybe they've had some rule changes, or maybe a doctor was stood behind her when she was on the phone to you? I would try not to worry about it and although that's hard, it's better for you to try not being stressed.
My sister's friend was told she couldn't have kids and then found out she was 8 months pregnant - she'd had AF all the way through and the kid was fine, so weird things happen. Maybe you already have a bean growing in there? Or maybe stressing about stuff isn't helping the witch get through for her visit.
So I thought I'd write an update on my cycle, I realised I've not really said much about myself lately as I've been so busy keeping up with all you lovely new bumpies!!

So I think I'm due ov tomorrow or weds. I've had a high reading on the CBFM this morning and I'm hoping it will go to peak tomorrow morning. My temperature is confirming this as it's been at the lowest point for the last 2 days. So I'm hoping for a peak reading tomorrow then a temp rise for 3 days in a row after that, then I will have gotten my lovely crosshairs on FF and confirmed ov.

We've been :sex: like rabbits too, so everything seems to be falling into place.

I am feeling mega positive this cycle, I know I'm likely to set myself up for a fall but at least we can say we've done everything!!!
Jo_bean I hope this is your month. You sound so positive and I think that can make a difference.

Why is it every month something happens that makes me feel like such a newbie when it comes to TTC. Late this morning I started with a stomach ache that has now turned into full on AF cramps. A lot of the time when I O I get one sided cramping but this is nothing like that it is exactly like AF and I keep thinking she is here. I think I should have O'd sometime over the last couple of days so it is wayyyyy to early for AF so I have no idea what is going on. I keep worrying that my cycle has messed up and she is on her way. It's been hurting me so much I have had to come and lie down as even my back hurts like when AF is here. It also feels a little damp so I have to keep checking to make sure she hasn't come. Every time I think I have this whole thing figured out it throws me a curve ball and I am left feeling like I don't know my body at all.

Damn this healthy eating kick I neeeeeed chocolate but I will resist!!!
Just after posting the above I went to the bathroom and AF is here :shrug:

I have no idea why she is early I didn't even get a 2 week wait.

My last few cycles have been like this

January 15th
February 17th
March 30th
April 23rd

So thats 33 days, 41 days and 24 days :shrug:
Well after the AF from hell yesterday, cramps and headache beyond pain relief control, slept for 3 hours yesterday afternoon and hibernated away... today i feel so much better!

Just rang the doctors for my CD3 blood results and here they are:

FSH - 5.8
LH - 5.8
TSH - 1.73 (was 1.9 6 months ago)

Kidney and liver function - normal
Full blood count - satisfactory

found a link in LTTC forum someone had posted out CLICK HERE and it seems they are pretty much spot on which is good news! Just need to wait for the days to arrive and go through and see what happens with those!

oh bbbunny :( sorry :witch: came early :( :hugs:

that sounds like you must have ov'd earlier than you thought, unless it's IB, is it proper full on AF or just a bit?
I've just been stalking through both of our threads and started noticing some of members seem to have gotten their bfp!!

So a belated

to the following ladies!


If you are out there lurking, we're all really proud of you!
oh bbbunny :( sorry :witch: came early :( :hugs:

that sounds like you must have ov'd earlier than you thought, unless it's IB, is it proper full on AF or just a bit?

Full on AF and quite painful too just to put the boot in a little more lol

Cannot believe there are so many BFPs rolling in its so great :thumbup:

Great job on tracking them down too :flower:
Hi, can I join? I'm 26, TTC#1 after 5 years on bcp. Stopped it in september, AF arrived in november but since then no AF and BFN's. Waiting for an appointment with doctor on tuesday about blood tests that showed slightly high testosterone, CD153 today.

Hi nexis i feel for you hun, im on cd 83 or something, ive lost count but its on my ticker, and its driving me CRAZY as ive never had one this long before :( before my periods regulated they were between 45-65 days then when they regulated i had 8 months of 30 day cycles and now this one :( waiting on all my results to come back so see whats up, hope everythings ok for you and let us know what the tests say hun :hugs:

Thanks :) I'll definitely let you all know how it goes tomorrow. Just glad that it's quite an early appointment as I won't have to wait too long in the morning before it's time to go. The time between appointments has really dragged because I just want to get it done so I know what's going on.
Had my first positive this weekend...I'm SO HAPPY!!! Now I'm in the TWW and this I'm going to test 5/11; next month is my one year anniversary and it will be so nice to give this present to my DH.
oh bbbunny :( sorry :witch: came early :( :hugs:

that sounds like you must have ov'd earlier than you thought, unless it's IB, is it proper full on AF or just a bit?

Full on AF and quite painful too just to put the boot in a little more lol

Cannot believe there are so many BFPs rolling in its so great :thumbup:

Great job on tracking them down too :flower:

Oh Bbunny looks like me and you are in the same boat :(
AF has reared her ugly head here too, so back to the drawing board for us, I'm so F!@*ing angry I could scream, I stupidly let myself believe this was our month ... how silly am I, why would anything good like that happen to me, why would this month be any different, I am sooo close to giving up, I don't know if I can keep on like this !!!!

Sorry for hijacking your post hun, I just needed to let go :cry:

Hope your ok and all you other lovely ladies :nope:
oh bbbunny :( sorry :witch: came early :( :hugs:

that sounds like you must have ov'd earlier than you thought, unless it's IB, is it proper full on AF or just a bit?

Full on AF and quite painful too just to put the boot in a little more lol

Cannot believe there are so many BFPs rolling in its so great :thumbup:

Great job on tracking them down too :flower:

Oh Bbunny looks like me and you are in the same boat :(
AF has reared her ugly head here too, so back to the drawing board for us, I'm so F!@*ing angry I could scream, I stupidly let myself believe this was our month ... how silly am I, why would anything good like that happen to me, why would this month be any different, I am sooo close to giving up, I don't know if I can keep on like this !!!!

Sorry for hijacking your post hun, I just needed to let go :cry:

Hope your ok and all you other lovely ladies :nope:

I know exactly how you feel. I was okay until this bloke on the TV said he had four kids and then I just started crying like a fool. That was all it took to set me off. I was angry and upset and scared. This man and his wife had 4 children and I am struggling to get one. I mean even if we do manage to have a baby we have little if any chance of a big family. I am 31 and if it is this hard now what is it going to be like in a few years when my fertility will start dropping off any way.

I am so mad at myself for not trying earlier. I am mad at people who have lots of kids and I am mad at people who fall pregnant really quickly like my SIL who got pregnant after 3 days trying THREE FREAKING DAYS!!!!!!!!!!! how fair is that?? I am tired of the disappointment and feeling like I am failing. I hate going to the docs and I am worried that is what it will come to. It will be just typical for me to have something wrong. It is not fair it really isn't. We deserve our babies we have tried and waited long enough. IT IS OUR TURN!!!

This whole thing sucks balls :growlmad:
[/QUOTE] Hey magan you ok? I find talking to these ladies is a great way to take my mind off things, also knitting, painting, drawing, sorting my diary out with all that charts for the next cycle helps too just have to wait for af to show her face, reading is a good way too but ive not read any of my books for ages as ive not had the patience to just sit still and be quiet so ive left them on the shelf :)
Im glad you spoke to your doctor and your getting somewhere, i too love my doctor shes so nice and supportive not judgemental :) im waiting for a ultrasound because they want to test me for PCOS and im bricking it..... they said the appointment could take up to 6 weeks to be sent out to me so im sitting waiting nervously :/ hope everythings ok for you hun :) [/QUOTE]

Hey Magic, I am ok. In some pain, and think ive managed to catch the flu as well. I havnt heard anything back from the drs office from my blood work but then again I had no hydro all day so im not sure if they tried to call :( She told me if I was still in pain in a week to see her again so I think I will call and make another appointment. At least I am sick the month that I decided to give myself a break. But I sure feel bad because I cant help OH very much with the process of packing :(
I posted in the other plus size thread, but I belong in this one I guess!

I am new, so be gentle ;)

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