Team Curvy Bumps - 135 members 35 bfps

Some info on me: I've been married to DH for about 3 yrs. We've been TTC for 2 mos including this month. My first cycle off BC was last month and it was about 30 days. I believe I O'd (ovulation test, no temp tracking) on the 17-18th. I plan to do my first hpt on the 28th since it is also DH's bday. If BFP, great gift! If BFN, I will blame it on being too early to know. :winkwink:
I also am pleasantly plump:haha: I have gotten lapband 2help me lose weight:dohh: so far I have lost 123lbs but gained back almost 20lbs:growlmad:.

I'm thinking of having the gastric sleeve done. How much did you weigh before your surgery and why did you chose the band?
Wow this thread really takes off!

BabyHopeful2 & MissAmber - Hi :hi:

MsPortuguese - :hi: Not too bad I suppose, bit of a downer for the last couple of days though, it's all in my journal if anyone's interested

Kcsandoval - Symptoms sound good so far :thumbup:

StefanieC - Good luck with the new diet

As for me, nothing new. I'm CD54 and no signs of AF or a BFP :shrug:

Hope everyone else is good :flow:
Here are my symptoms so far, twinges in my stomach, discharge, bloated. How can I put a picture up so you guys can see my beautiful positive ovulations, hahahaha...I'm such dork!
Hey kcsandoval fingers crossed for you that this month is that bfp :)

So glad I found this forum. Keeps me hopeful. Im 30. TTC #1. Doctors say my baby maker is fine, besides my periods being 60+ day cycles. No answers why I am not getting pregerz. I found a natural supplement call Fertil Aid. Had over 85% positive reviews, most from over weight women with PCOS and long cycles. They became pregers and or started to get regular periods. I wanted to try something natural before taking treatments. Anywho, I am on week 3 of my Fertil Aids.. and I am still hopeful. I have noticed some slight changes... nothing note worthy... but I hope to be able to post a positive result soon. :blush:

Hi MissAmber long cycles are the worst, they get me down so bad as i work hard with doing all sorts of charts ready to keep track of my normal cycles then my body throws me a curve ball that really winds me up.... hope everything that you've been doing gets you that bfp soon hun lots of baby :dust: for you :)

Hi ladies, i hope everyone is well. I've just finished making my new diet plan as I am restarting my diet on Monday. I have previously lost up to a stone on diets but due to the illness i have, i have always put the weight back on. My weight has crept up by 3 stone over the last 2-3 years and it just makes me feel worse. Now that i have ttc to motivate me i'm really hoping i will be able to stick to it. I'm aiming to lose 1-2lbs a week as i know thats the healthy rate to do it (although if it wants to be faster i'm definitely not going to argue!). So basically i just wanted to warn you all in advance as i am probably going to be a right moany cow from now on because i'm hungry lol.

Hey StefanieC TTC is great motivation to get things moving, our bodies need to be ready for creating that perfect baby and keeping them safe for 9 months so we have to train our minds to remember that from time to time, motivation is something i lack most of the time but i really want to get my body ready as im 29 in june and ive always wanted my baby before im 30 so i need to get my act together and make sure that if i at least dont get a bfp before im 30 that at least my body will have over a year to get ready and prepare itself... good job on the weight loss, dont beat yourself up for those 20lbs you still got rid of loads of weight so be proud of yourself, it will come off and you will get that bfp soon :) :dust: to you hun :)

Hi every1, I must say I woke up 2day and felt like I have hope. Gonna mke this 2post. :happydance: ok a long time friend of mine and I had a huge fall out today. She told me that she was pg but, had decided not to have it as she didn't want to raise it alone like she is her other child. Ok ladys this is wrphere it got ugly, I'm not sure if I'm just crazy or just fed up. I told her she was crazy that this is not a form of bc. That there is a lot of women that would love to b n your shoes :) and u just throwing it away like trash. I'm feeling angry I mean really ppl. On top of that this is not the 1st terminatin either. :growlmad:
Hey china :wave: welcome :)
Ok so i might upset some people or maybe not im hoping not :flower:

In my teenage years i was all for freedom of choice and if you "accidentally" got pregnant but did everything to protect yourself from pregnancy but it happened anyway that if you couldnt look after the baby it was your decision to do what was best for you... no means was i For abortions or really Against them, i was on the fence so to speak.... Now that im older and trying to conceive with no joy my views have changed a lot since then.... My view now is that if you are pregnant but dont want to be then firstly you weren't doing a very good job protecting yourself from pregnancy and because of your mistake an innocent life has to now suffer for it... i know everyone is different and everyone has their own reasons, but if you dont want that baby and have no intentions of wanting to bring that baby up where is the harm in adoption, giving that baby a chance to live and be raised by fabulous parents to have ttc for years but no joy... that baby will want for nothing and will be loved but more than anything will have a chance to complete a family.... I can feel your anger as ive been in this situation and ive had the same conversation too and its our right to be anger and upset so sending you big :hugs: hun as thats a shit way to start the day... :hugs:

(Need to run to the shop so i will start back the rest of the post with your second post as soon as i get in )
BRB :)
I'm too scared to get any type of surgery done! I almost faint with needles :/ I know I can lose the weight and fast when I actually stick to it. I am just lazy..and now I'm pregnant so we will see how that goes. I have actually lost 7lbs since finding out..this little one doesn't like food or vitamins apparently lol :)
Ok you already know I'm china :flower:. So my db and I have been 2gether for 13yrs.:t humbup: he has 2 ds whom we raise 16/13.5. I am the proud mom of 3 angels. 1 still born, 1 placenta abruption and my last son in 04 born way to early lived for 3days. However have not gotten pg siince. However I haven't given up hope. I also am pleasantly plump:haha: I have gotten lapband 2help me lose weight:dohh: so far I have lost 123lbs but gained back almost 20lbs:growlmad:. But, getting back on track, also joined ww so we'll c. Now I just went and bought the boook taken charge of your fertility. I got a clearblue monitor as I do o just not sure when always. Also started drinkin this tea that's suppose to help u out think its called ferti tea. Just started useing it almost 2wks now. Damn af does come visit every month:wacko:. However its not every 28days maybe every 31days its under that. Well sorry so long and thanks for letting me join. I love this group

13 years is a long time and its so nice to see theres still a lot of love still left to give after that long :) sorry to hear about your 3 lost angels :( its never easy losing someone you want so badly so big :hugs: hun and im so glad you have not given up hope because it will happen :) well done on the weight loss girl dont beat yourself up because of the 20lbs because you have lost so much already and it will come off you its just a little slip up that we all experience sooner or later, i hope everything youve been doing and taking is helping and i really hope you get your bfp soon hun :)

Some info on me: I've been married to DH for about 3 yrs. We've been TTC for 2 mos including this month. My first cycle off BC was last month and it was about 30 days. I believe I O'd (ovulation test, no temp tracking) on the 17-18th. I plan to do my first hpt on the 28th since it is also DH's bday. If BFP, great gift! If BFN, I will blame it on being too early to know. :winkwink:

Hey BabyHopeful welcome :wave: fingers are crossed for you, hope you get that bfp this cycle :)

I'm too scared to get any type of surgery done! I almost faint with needles :/ I know I can lose the weight and fast when I actually stick to it. I am just lazy..and now I'm pregnant so we will see how that goes. I have actually lost 7lbs since finding out..this little one doesn't like food or vitamins apparently lol :)

Hi amber im the same with needles, i have a huge phobia of them, cant even be in the same room as one without being sick and fainting :( its strange because i know they dont hurt that much its just the fear of the needle itself :/
eat what baby wants hun and aslong as you get food that is sorta good for your body every now and then you should be fine :) your body will change as the pregnancy grows so you should start to feel "normal" with food soon :)
I also am pleasantly plump:haha: I have gotten lapband 2help me lose weight:dohh: so far I have lost 123lbs but gained back almost 20lbs:growlmad:.

I'm thinking of having the gastric sleeve done. How much did you weigh before your surgery and why did you chose the band?

I have heard nothing but bad things about the lap band. I was looking into Gastric sleeve, or Gastric Plication, but I cannot afford it.

I weigh 300lbs, and they said I had to get down to 290 so I could have the surgery.
I was a lot, I was touching 456 yes that's what I said. I still have alot moreto go. And I choice the band as it was safer for me. A lot of my friends got gastric and lost it fast and gained it back. A few. Ppl. I know got thee sleeve so I don't know much about it yet. I would say read as much as u can about it and attend a meeting and speak to the ppl. That have already got it.

I'm thinking of having the gastric sleeve done. How much did you weigh before your surgery and why did you chose the band?[/QUOTE]
Magic ah thanks hun for the kind words , and sending u a hug rite back.:happydance:

@ honestl don't get me wrong it has its ups and downs but, by far the safest method. Let's just say no 1 has died from it. But, w any wl surgery it starts w u. A lot of ppl think its a quick fix and don't put the work in to keep it off. I'm ok w losen slow.
Magic ah thanks hun for the kind words , and sending u a hug rite back.:happydance:

@ honestl don't get me wrong it has its ups and downs but, by far the safest method. Let's just say no 1 has died from it. But, w any wl surgery it starts w u. A lot of ppl think its a quick fix and don't put the work in to keep it off. I'm ok w losen slow.

Hi china, I really don't want to scare you but you MUST be aware of whats inside of you, this may be a little long but its a lot of info...Back in 2007 my mom had a lapband put around her stomach, she slowly took of 163 lbs in the course of 4 years, shes diabetic so she had to do it slowly. She started getting off her diabetes meds and her diabetes meds was under control. Then on July of 2011 my mom had to get a hysterectomy (however you spell it lol) due to her fribroid tumors, they were causing her to have severe bleeding during her periods, I mean she would bleed out for 2 months straight at a time so she HAD to have the surgery...after surgery, about 3 weeks later she still hadnt been recovering the way she should and she was back and forth in the ER, and the after one of those trips to the ER, they decided to admit her for observation since she wasnt getting any better, and they ran every test in the book!!!! Well, unfortunately, they found 3 absesces in her liver, and if you dont know the liver is DIRECTLY CONNECTED with your digestive system. My mom had 3 surgeries within a week, LITERALLY. One to see if they could remove the absesces, one to insert grenade ports into her liver to drian the infection out of her absceses (which by the way she was NOT sedaded for, she said that they literally took needles and shoved them through her side with her awake, no pain killers, no anestetics), she had another to remove her lapband, her lapband over the course of 4 years had slowly cut into her stomach and that cut formed a pocket of puss and caused the cut in her stomach to become infected, that infection spread to her liver and to her blood (she almost went into sepsis, which is FATAL,) she also has an obstructed instestine that they refuse to touch until it gets worse (what sense does that make? When it hurts more we'll fix it is what they are pretty much saying), and she had to be put on intense IV anti-boitics for 6 weeks, they also told us that when she was first admitted to the hospital, she was malnurished and that her diabetes had nothing to do with her illness, and that it has happened before and that it could appen to anyone with a lapband, they said in fact her being so malnurished caused her diabetes to become controlable. My mom was in the hospital from July to September, and from there was placed in a long term care facility from Septmber to October, and even after that she lived with me for 2 months until she could recover enough to live back at home on her own, and still the absesces in her liver are NOT completely GONE. On top of that, during her hosptial stay, after the lapband was removed, she gained 50 lbs back anyway. My mom and I talked to a nurse that was caring for my mom at the hospital and she told us she had a lapband also, she said that after seeing my mom's chart and hear my moms story, she was DEFINATELY getting hers removed, because a week prior to caring for my mom her doctor told her that her port was leaking...The doctors told my mom that she is lucky she went in for the INTIAL hysterectomy, because had she gone another 2 to 3 months with that 'lapband' in her, she would have died. I urge anyone I know to please get it removed, or simply don't do it, its not worth your overall health. Chances are when you get pg, the baby will move it around, and the same thing might happen to your stomach with the cut you know??? The funny thing is, when my mom went to have her lapband put in, she offered to pay for me to get one too...thank god I refused...honey please don't live with that evil thing in your tummy, I obviously have to respect whatever you decide to do but, you can see why I am so against it...No, thankfully no one has died YET, but had my mom not been treated when she was, I could have lost her to that lapband...Whoever created it obviously didnt think about other systems in your body that could be effected...I wish you the best...
Magic ah thanks hun for the kind words , and sending u a hug rite back.:happydance:

@ honestl don't get me wrong it has its ups and downs but, by far the safest method. Let's just say no 1 has died from it. But, w any wl surgery it starts w u. A lot of ppl think its a quick fix and don't put the work in to keep it off. I'm ok w losen slow.

Hi china, I really don't want to scare you but you MUST be aware of whats inside of you, this may be a little long but its a lot of info...Back in 2007 my mom had a lapband put around her stomach, she slowly took of 163 lbs in the course of 4 years, shes diabetic so she had to do it slowly. She started getting off her diabetes meds and her diabetes meds was under control. Then on July of 2011 my mom had to get a hysterectomy (however you spell it lol) due to her fribroid tumors, they were cause her to have severe bleeding during her periods, I mean she would bleed out for 2 months straight at a time so she HAD to have the surgery...after surgery, about 3 weeks later she still hadnt been recovering the way she should and she was back and forth in the ER, and the after one of those trips to the ER, they decided to admit her for observation since she wasnt getting any better, and they ran every test in the book!!!! Well, unfortunately, the found 3 absesces in her liver, and if you dont know the liver is DIRECTLY CONNECTED with your digestive system. My mom had 3 surgeries within a week, LITERALLY. One to see if they could remove the absesces, one to insert grenade ports into her liver (which by the way she was NOT sedaded for, she said that they literally took needles and shoved them through her side with her awake, no pain killers, no anestetics, she had another to remove her lapband, her lapband over the course of 4 years her lapband had slowly cut into her stomach and caused the cut in her stomach to become infected, that infection spread to her liver and to her blood (she almost went into sepsis, which is FATAL,)

I had a surgery called Nissen Fundoplication five years ago. It is done to prevent heartburn and acid from eroding the esophagus. The premise behind it is that they wrap your stomach around the esophagus to make a sphincter. When pressure increases in the stomach (you ate food, acid is produced), this causes the stomach wrap to constrict the esophagus and prevent acid from rising. I got it done b/c I had heartburn since a child and they found polyps in my stomach from my prescription medications (Nexium, etc.). Polyps can turn to cancer, so I decided to nip that in the bud. Anywho, in the beginning this surgery is successful for weight loss. I felt full much earlier. The down side for me is that I struggle with emotional eating. If you don't listen to when your body says you are full, then even surgery won't be a cure all. Just my opinion though. It can be a powerful option if you combine it with a healthy diet that you are committed to. Good luck to all considering a surgery. :)
Magic ah thanks hun for the kind words , and sending u a hug rite back.:happydance:

@ honestl don't get me wrong it has its ups and downs but, by far the safest method. Let's just say no 1 has died from it. But, w any wl surgery it starts w u. A lot of ppl think its a quick fix and don't put the work in to keep it off. I'm ok w losen slow.

Hi china, I really don't want to scare you but you MUST be aware of whats inside of you, this may be a little long but its a lot of info...Back in 2007 my mom had a lapband put around her stomach, she slowly took of 163 lbs in the course of 4 years, shes diabetic so she had to do it slowly. She started getting off her diabetes meds and her diabetes meds was under control. Then on July of 2011 my mom had to get a hysterectomy (however you spell it lol) due to her fribroid tumors, they were cause her to have severe bleeding during her periods, I mean she would bleed out for 2 months straight at a time so she HAD to have the surgery...after surgery, about 3 weeks later she still hadnt been recovering the way she should and she was back and forth in the ER, and the after one of those trips to the ER, they decided to admit her for observation since she wasnt getting any better, and they ran every test in the book!!!! Well, unfortunately, the found 3 absesces in her liver, and if you dont know the liver is DIRECTLY CONNECTED with your digestive system. My mom had 3 surgeries within a week, LITERALLY. One to see if they could remove the absesces, one to insert grenade ports into her liver (which by the way she was NOT sedaded for, she said that they literally took needles and shoved them through her side with her awake, no pain killers, no anestetics, she had another to remove her lapband, her lapband over the course of 4 years her lapband had slowly cut into her stomach and caused the cut in her stomach to become infected, that infection spread to her liver and to her blood (she almost went into sepsis, which is FATAL,)

I had a surgery called Nissen Fundoplication five years ago. It is done to prevent heartburn and acid from eroding the esophagus. The premise behind it is that they wrap your stomach around the esophagus to make a sphincter. When pressure increases in the stomach (you ate food, acid is produced), this causes the stomach wrap to constrict the esophagus and prevent acid from rising. I got it done b/c I had heartburn since a child and they found polyps in my stomach from my prescription medications (Nexium, etc.). Polyps can turn to cancer, so I decided to nip that in the bud. Anywho, in the beginning this surgery is successful for weight loss. I felt full much earlier. The down side for me is that I struggle with emotional eating. If you don't listen to when your body says you are full, then even surgery won't be a cure all. Just my opinion though. It can be a powerful option if you combine it with a healthy diet that you are committed to. Good luck to all considering a surgery. :)

That so true about listening to your body...unfortunately when my mom had the lapband, she threw up almost 50% of what she ate anyway, so she couldnt really tell when she was full, and thats why she was malnurished...I am going to the aspen clinic they prescibe you Adipex, and give you a limited calorie intake, depending on your intial weight, its been less than a month and I've already lost 18 lbs!!!!
Magic ah thanks hun for the kind words , and sending u a hug rite back.:happydance:

@ honestl don't get me wrong it has its ups and downs but, by far the safest method. Let's just say no 1 has died from it. But, w any wl surgery it starts w u. A lot of ppl think its a quick fix and don't put the work in to keep it off. I'm ok w losen slow.

Hi china, I really don't want to scare you but you MUST be aware of whats inside of you, this may be a little long but its a lot of info...Back in 2007 my mom had a lapband put around her stomach, she slowly took of 163 lbs in the course of 4 years, shes diabetic so she had to do it slowly. She started getting off her diabetes meds and her diabetes meds was under control. Then on July of 2011 my mom had to get a hysterectomy (however you spell it lol) due to her fribroid tumors, they were cause her to have severe bleeding during her periods, I mean she would bleed out for 2 months straight at a time so she HAD to have the surgery...after surgery, about 3 weeks later she still hadnt been recovering the way she should and she was back and forth in the ER, and the after one of those trips to the ER, they decided to admit her for observation since she wasnt getting any better, and they ran every test in the book!!!! Well, unfortunately, the found 3 absesces in her liver, and if you dont know the liver is DIRECTLY CONNECTED with your digestive system. My mom had 3 surgeries within a week, LITERALLY. One to see if they could remove the absesces, one to insert grenade ports into her liver (which by the way she was NOT sedaded for, she said that they literally took needles and shoved them through her side with her awake, no pain killers, no anestetics, she had another to remove her lapband, her lapband over the course of 4 years her lapband had slowly cut into her stomach and caused the cut in her stomach to become infected, that infection spread to her liver and to her blood (she almost went into sepsis, which is FATAL,)

I had a surgery called Nissen Fundoplication five years ago. It is done to prevent heartburn and acid from eroding the esophagus. The premise behind it is that they wrap your stomach around the esophagus to make a sphincter. When pressure increases in the stomach (you ate food, acid is produced), this causes the stomach wrap to constrict the esophagus and prevent acid from rising. I got it done b/c I had heartburn since a child and they found polyps in my stomach from my prescription medications (Nexium, etc.). Polyps can turn to cancer, so I decided to nip that in the bud. Anywho, in the beginning this surgery is successful for weight loss. I felt full much earlier. The down side for me is that I struggle with emotional eating. If you don't listen to when your body says you are full, then even surgery won't be a cure all. Just my opinion though. It can be a powerful option if you combine it with a healthy diet that you are committed to. Good luck to all considering a surgery. :)

That so true about listening to your body...unfortunately when my mom had the lapband, she threw up almost 50% of what she ate anyway, so she couldnt really tell when she was full, and thats why she was malnurished...I am going to the aspen clinic they prescibe you Adipex, and give you a limited calorie intake, depending on your intial weight, its been less than a month and I've already lost 18 lbs!!!!

Great job!
Hi curvy ladies! I finally got over my fear of going to the doctors. I got regular check up and we talked about fertlity. She didn't even give me a hassle about my weight! I was so worried about it I really thought she would. She had me do a blood test to check my thyroid and said I would need to see an OBGYN to talk about if PCOS is a possibilty. I have to make an appointment with one anyway for a normal checkup. I've never been to one before though so nervous about that. It's a step in the right direction though so I can handle it. How is everyone else doing today?
I'm ok today, but have had terrible acid since starting the norethisterone tablets. My parents came back off their holiday today, so I went out for lunch with them earlier :)
Hey girls. I just need to vent (and be added to the group!). I'm ~295lbs and very short. Since January 2011 I was on the path to get bariatric surgery - which I still want. Of course then, I thought it would take 6 to 8 months at most! Now it's 16 months later, and they're still saying I have to wait another 6 months (long story). I wanted to lose all the wait before having a baby, but now I just don't want to wait that long.

I'm 22. I've been married to DH since August 2010, and we've been together since 2005. I've always felt like I was born to be a stay at home mom. At a point in my life where everyone is joining the workforce, I feel like I want to start the job I was made for too! That title just happens to be Mom.

If I were to get bariatric surgery, I would have to wait 18-24 months to START TTC. Ugh. I feel a little off balance changing my plans so dynamically, but I just don't feel like I can wait that long. DH is ready to start a family as well (of course). So, here we are trying to get pregnant.

I'm anxious (and my anxiety disorder doesn't help lol). I've seen the statistics and heard the sad stories. I'm worried that my weight will get in the way of my plans. I've lost 30 pounds so far, and I'm going to continue to try and lose, but I can only lose so much at a time! I figure that after I have my first child, I can re-start the bariatric process if doc and I still think I need it.

I figured if anyone would get it it would be you ladies. I just needed to spill my guts, and thank you for tolerating my doing so. /rant
Nexis- Sorry about the acid. Hopefully it's just a temporary side effect. It's funny how sometimes the side effects are worse than the original problem.

Ariaforte- Hi there! Welcome to the group. I have considered bariatric surgery in the past,, but never considered it seriously enough to get a consultation or anything. The weight can come off pretty fast, but there can be some big consequences. I saw a special on tv one time where one lady had lost a ton of weight, but she coudn't eat more than a few bites at a time as she would get really nauseous and was malnurished as well. It might not be a bad thing if you forgo it and just try to conceive instead! Good for you for losing 30lbs already. It's not easy to do, but if you have come this far on your own you can keep going. Being overweight can get in the way of getting pregnant, but there are lots of plus size ladies that get pregnant all the time. You never know, it may happen quickly. Sending lots of baby dust your way.
Hi curvy ladies! I finally got over my fear of going to the doctors. I got regular check up and we talked about fertlity. She didn't even give me a hassle about my weight! I was so worried about it I really thought she would. She had me do a blood test to check my thyroid and said I would need to see an OBGYN to talk about if PCOS is a possibilty. I have to make an appointment with one anyway for a normal checkup. I've never been to one before though so nervous about that. It's a step in the right direction though so I can handle it. How is everyone else doing today?

Hey PandaMao hope your ok :)

Nice one going to the doctors, i too am in the exact same boat as you at the moment :( had my bloods done and i get my results tomorrow :wacko: they wanted to check my Thyroid and Fasting Glucose levels and did a Smear test, waiting on hospital sending me a hospital appointment to check for PCOS via ultra sound first so very very nervous about that :( then they will be checking for endometreosis so we are both pin cushions right now but its good we are finally getting them done as we both want that baby at the end of it all so its worth a check :) let me know how you get on hun :)

Nexis- Sorry about the acid. Hopefully it's just a temporary side effect. It's funny how sometimes the side effects are worse than the original problem.

I too suffer from excess acid build up and the docs have me on Omaprazole 1 Tablet a day and it works for me, i cant eat or drink anything without getting heart burn and servere acid build up :( had it for 11 years (EVERY SINGLE DAY) and ive given up ever really getting rid of it lol hope you feel better soon nexis :)

Ariaforte- Hi there! Welcome to the group. I have considered bariatric surgery in the past,, but never considered it seriously enough to get a consultation or anything. The weight can come off pretty fast, but there can be some big consequences. I saw a special on tv one time where one lady had lost a ton of weight, but she coudn't eat more than a few bites at a time as she would get really nauseous and was malnurished as well. It might not be a bad thing if you forgo it and just try to conceive instead! Good for you for losing 30lbs already. It's not easy to do, but if you have come this far on your own you can keep going. Being overweight can get in the way of getting pregnant, but there are lots of plus size ladies that get pregnant all the time. You never know, it may happen quickly. Sending lots of baby dust your way.

Panda is right hun, youve done so bloody well losing that weight so you can do it on your own, i dont know enough about the surgery to comment about that but the posts ive seen about it stongly suggest you really really really think and research them 1000% before you do them.... please.... will power, determination to have a baby, supportive bunch of curvies and possitive motivation and thinking will get you the weight loss and baby on your own, i would hate to think of something bad happening and you never get your chance to have a baby because of a botched job sweety, Panda is again right with lots of curvies getting pregnant naturally and ive heard it all the time, if you are trying to lose weight to have a baby, they say sometimes for some women losing as little as 10/20lbs is enought to help your chances for conceiving hun so dont give up hope, just work towards getting that bundle of joy :hugs:
Hey panda - glad you got past your fear and had a good experience xxxx it will all be worth it!

Ariaforte8 :hi: welcome. Of course this is the right place, rant away :) :hugs: -added you ;)
Magic is right, losing 10% of your body weight increases your chances and overall health massively! Anything is a bonus when ttc xxxx

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