Team Jelly Belly!!!

Fx for you Mel u will be in my prayers!!

Sara - hope this will all work out for u!! how come u cant order preseed off the internet??

Lea - good idea about the band, i wanna get one so i can wear more than just a handful of the same old stuff!!

FYI - I have dectivated my facebook account so dont panic if i go awol and then cant find that, its cos its got i am preg all over it, and the girl i work closely with knows all my friends and DF so I need to keep my preggo as quiet as poss for the interim!!

Rhonda/Gabs - I will discuss our communication issues 1-1 bt perhaps private chat on the chat room!!

:hugs: to all u loverrrrly ladies!!

Oh darling - I'm truly sorry. And I'm sorry we got your hopes up so much. If you need to rant/cry with us, we're here for you.

I think you and me are going to end up with Christmas babies...

awwwwwwwwww Mel I am sooo sorry and sorry for getting yor hopes up too :blush:

but wow an Xmas baby!! what a wonerful pressie :yipee:

here for u I know how heartbreaking it is when she lands, i remember it well :hugs:
Oh no! I don't want a Christmas baby!!! Birthdays at Christmas suck...but hell, I'm not fussy! If that's when she wants to arrive in the world so be it!

You and me Mel are going to be breast feeding on Christmas day - promise!
Hi Girls,

Internet connection has been rushish all week, seems to have improved a little bit this afternoon.

:yipee: :dance: Sara, your clomid arrived :hugs: I am so happy for you. If you started taking it yesterday was that CD5 or CD6? I am sure it won't matter that much since your cycles are longer rather than shorter.

Rhonda, I love this choice of bedding and light yellow walls will look so sunny and fresh. Sounds like you have a very busy weekend ahead of you.

Gabby I copied Rhonda's picture of her little girl and put it side by side next to my little boy so you can see the difference.
Also Lea and Liyana, you might want to take a look at the position the baby is lying in, a perfect 180% angle (looking at the baby exactly side on whilst it is on it's back)
I hope you get a girl but I know if you get another little boy you will love and spoilt it all the same.

MT, I am so sorry she got you. Wow, we were all so convienced this was your month but it would seem your body is figuring out how the whole thing works and hopefully this next month will bring you your sticky bean.

Sarah, where are you? I hope school is going well.

Jenna, so glad you are enjoying your new job and car, if you have a little boy, just know he will always love his mummy.

Liyana I just loved your belly shot and can't wait to guess your scan on the 7th March.

Lea, you are just after Liyana with your scan picture, 17th March. Excellent. When you are ready I look forward to giving your tummy a virtual rub :rofl:

As for me, another BFN today :cry:, I am 11DPO so perhaps it is too soon but I don't really have any symptoms but I suppose I didn't have any last time around, not until about 6/7 weeks so I still have my fingers crossed but if this isn't my month, then I think I will take next month off, it is just getting far too much to contend with.

Hope you are all having an awesome weekend, I am off to go and see one of my friends who's baby was born on Christmas eve. If I don't get to have my own at least I get to spend time with someone elses :)


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This is how I understand Clomid:

Clomid is used to stimulate your follicles which it is most commonly prescribed from CD5-CD9, since typically CD1-CD5 is when the witch is there and your body is shedding the old lining
(not all of it, just the top layer, a D&C clears it almost completely and this takes a while to build back up again that is why my IUI in November didn't stick because the lining was too thin).

Then your body starts shifting to the next phase where the follicles start to grow.
Clomid stimultes more than one follicle to grow which is why there is an increased chance of multiple pregnancies.
Women then typically ovulate any where between CD12-CD15 but it is not a garuantee in the case of PCOS but in Sara's case it will be :)

Then the tww where you just sit back and hope that everything else that matters is right, like having EWCM.
Clomid can be none to dry you out a bit so taking extra vitamin C, especially in the form of a fresh grape fruit a day is good to help combat this.
good morning girls!! :hugs:

MT sweetie I'm so sorry hun, I still can not believe she showed up after all those signs, and such a long cycle, maybe you had another chemical?? I know your body can be mean sometimes and play nasty tricks on you...we've all been there hun. Just know I am here if you need to vent at all. Lots of :hugs: for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Debs thanks for posting our pics side by side and pointing to the nubs!! Hope that will help the girls some. I can't help but laugh at you Gabby, your turning into quite the nub obsessor :rofl: all over bnb and now on ingender. Love it!! I was this way for weeks too trying to figure mine out...its fun isn't it :D My step mom is an u/s tech and she had never heard of this theory either, it just blows my mind that so many u/s tech don't even know about this!!

Jenna I miss you!! Should we got back to old school e-mail then? Hope you'll be back on facebook soon sweetie. :hugs:

Girls I did it! I broke down and bought that bedding set online last night, I can't wait for it to arrive so I can buy things for her room to match. There's no changing my mind now! I'm so excited, and the sun is out today and i see blue sky, going to be a lovely day, calm before the storm they say, 2 snow storms back to back, one small one tomorrow and a big one all day Monday into Tuesday, not looking forward to that one!! But for now I'll enjoy today :D
Oh no! I don't want a Christmas baby!!! Birthdays at Christmas suck...but hell, I'm not fussy! If that's when she wants to arrive in the world so be it!

You and me Mel are going to be breast feeding on Christmas day - promise!

Me either.. Dec is a bad month for me i lost our baby in dec so ill be freakin that month if i were preggers.. But i am sorry Mel that we got ur hopes up :( We shouldnt have done that just in case AF did arrive :hug: we love u sweetie
Oh no! I don't want a Christmas baby!!! Birthdays at Christmas suck...but hell, I'm not fussy! If that's when she wants to arrive in the world so be it!

You and me Mel are going to be breast feeding on Christmas day - promise!

Me too!! What a good xmas present! But idk i dont even know if/whem im gonna O ugh
mel might not wanna breatfeed!? :blush:

Oh, I'd love to.

Thanks girls. I think it was a chemical. :sad2:

You know the icing on the cake? I have to go to a baby shower this evening. :sad2:

Caroline-You're so sweet hun. We'll get our babies soon!
Deb-I'm holding out hope for you! It's YOUR month!

I am going to hibernate for a bit........
mel might not wanna breatfeed!? :blush:

Oh, I'd love to.

Thanks girls. I think it was a chemical. :sad2:

You know the icing on the cake? I have to go to a baby shower this evening. :sad2:

Caroline-You're so sweet hun. We'll get our babies soon!
Deb-I'm holding out hope for you! It's YOUR month!

I am going to hibernate for a bit........
Baby showers suck when ur ttc.. I dont think i would go to one anytime soon id give a gift but wouldnt wanna go does that sound mean? lol Here to hopin we all get our BFP's and have dec babies!
Michelle, I hope TTC is short for you. I can't imagine what you've been through :hugs:
Mel- I am so sorry that I to got your hopes up. I swear it was not to hurt you. If you think this was a chemical too, write down the dates of the last one and this one. (P.S. V had two chemicals before she got a sticky) just so that you have them for when you see the drs next. :hug: so sorry you have a baby shower, good luck.

Debs- thanks so much for the grapefruit info (do you think grapefruit juice would work too?) I really hope you get a BFP tomorrow or the next day depending on when you are going to test.

Jai-Jai- Thanks for letting us know about the facebook so I did not freak out :rofl: I am not ordering anything off the internet for awhile because of the whole clomid fiasco so I will look for a sperm friendly lubricant and see if it looks ok.

R- glad you bought the bedding now don't change your mind. I went to help my friend pick up her daughters bed last night and I picked out the bedding I want if I have a girl and then just so I do not jinx myself and not get a girl, I picked out the cutes bedding for a little boy too so I know what I want either way. :rofl: I can not find a picture of the girls bedding but here is the boys.


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Ladies, you all aren't to blame for getting my hopes up. They were up, because of everything that was happening. I know it was a chemical, and I will keep both dates. I didn't test with the first one until AF was late and by then I feel the HCG was gone and with this one, I had 'evap' lines that showed up after the timeframe allowed for clear results. I had a strong evap on 12 dpo, and a very faint evap on 13 dpo. I'll post a pic to show you. They both had color and were absolutely not gray. I just didn't get excited one way or the other because it took 30 minutes for them to show up. But I couldn't even get an evap on 14 dpo. So, it is what it is. But please, none of you are responsible for getting my hopes up, you have all been uber supportive and I love you!


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MT - aww... sorry the :witch: got you hun. it's ok, we're your cheerleaders for the next cycle as well!! :hugs: oh speaking of V, last time she got a chemical, she ate tonnes of pineapple. So i'll share with you and Michelle what I previously shared with the other Jelly Bellies before you two joined. Caroline, I'm not sure if you were already on board, but if you weren't, then this tip is for you as well.

When TTC, here are a list of foods that you MUST avoid :
1. Pineapple - big NO NO, locals here eat pineapple to induce AF, hence why we should avoid it
2. Pennywort - it helps people with arthiritis and used to help cleanse and purify the blood, but we really don't want any clearing out when we're hoping to keep things in!
3. Anything fermented or pickled

OK, can't remember anymore, but those up there are the important ones. I should look back for my previous post.

Owh, and for pregnant ladies, avoid Jackfruit at all costs because it makes you gaaasssyyyyy...
Aw Mel :hug: - you're a honey and born to be a Mum. It'll happen for us soon.
Although I'm thinking March is going to be Sara and Michelle's month. It'll be nice to be cheerleaders for them. I'm going to keep it low key/fairly low tech I think - partly because if I get PG in March or April there's a chance of a Christmas baby - I'm on the 21st of Dec and I hate it! But hey if beanies surprise us - then that's fine.

Debs honey - how you doing today?

Sara has AF cleared off? LOVE the bedding - it's amazing! Hoping for a boy for you! :p

wooo - glad you bought your bedding Rhonda it's so cute! I'm surprised there isnt a version of that website in the US - it's french so I thought it'd be international!

Liyanna - thanks for sharing that info again, I think it was one of my first conversations on here! There's not much jackfruit around in the UK so not a problem for Jenna I don't think!

Had a great night out down town last night. Had a few drinkies! met some friends who are adopting after failed IVF (lost both at 6 weeks). Puts lots of things in perspective.
Had a great night out dancing. My sis came too, but was worrying about her little girl who was a bit poorly, and moaning she doesn't get to to do it much. I'm going to make the most of being childless for now I think! Plus we're a long way off adopting. I hate to use other people's lives to make me feel better - but when the bitch is still with you you have to do what you can don't you!!!

:hug: xxx
Good Morning!!

Sara that bedding is so cute, I love brown and blue together, but I am still praying you get your little girl!!!! Has af left you yet? Almost time to start :sex: like mad, fx that this is your month sweetie you so deserve it!!!

Debs have you tested yet today? I can't wait for your bfp!!!

For all you girls worried about a December baby, I first got pregnant back in 2005, my due date was my birthday, I was so excited, but then I lost the baby at 7 weeks. It killed me inside, one of my good friends also got pregnant the same time and was due only 2 days before me, well she had her baby and I didn't to this day whenever I see her little boy I am reminded I would have had one that same age...I know its tough. DH and I had a rought time for a few months after that, by the time we wanted to start trying again, as it wasn't right away I was a mess!! It took us a few months to get preg and we knew we might have a Dec baby but when you want one so bad you don't want to wait just because it might have a birthday near Christmas. So we ended up getting pregnant and my due date....Christmas day!! Or course he was late and didn't get here till Jan. 2nd but he's still only a week from Christmas. I think yeah his birthday may be close to Christmas but I am soooo thankful that I have my little boy and to think if I had waited a month or so to avoid that holiday he wouldn't be in my life and I just can't imagine my life without him, he's so special.

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