Team Rainbow Mummies - Gay Surrogates, Lesbian, Transgender and BiSexual TTC Group

Hi ladies,
Hope you all are having a good weekend. I'm in so much pain just got back from walmrt and I feel like I got hit by a truck lol my lower back is killing my bbs are on fire and I been cramping on and off since wed now I'm having a funny like twinge in my lower ab close to my pubic bone and I've been so sleeping but cant fall asleep right away. I slept in to about noon today and I still feel as if I haven't slept in days my energy level is low and I have adhd so I'm always bouncing off the walls but I haven't been since thanks giving ok rant over need to go cook lol
Just wondering if anybody is co-parenting...or has seriously considered it? Would love to discuss some of the ins and outs of how it might work...
Happy Late Thanksgiving, I hope everyone had a great day :flower:

Thanks Ready, I have been a wedding planning fool these past couple of days. We are trying to keep wedding cost low so I’ve been working on creating an invite to send via email to our closest friends and family. Mostly I just can’t wait to marry my partner, and Vegas just seems like such a fun way to do it :wedding: Thanks for the support, I have received a lot of great tips here that I think will really help our attempt this next go round! Good luck on your donations :dust:

Heidi, I’m with you on the going nuts bit :dance: I hope you are feeling a little better sorry you are in pain :hugs: After I inseminated I had the craziest dreams probably because I could not stop obsessing over whether or not I was preggers. Good luck to you lots of :dust: and fxd that it took!

Daydreamer, my partner and I are just beginning in the process of ttc; however, I can say we have talked about being open to all possibilities they will help us become a bigger family. I’m curious about any who have chosen this route and how it has worked for them too. Good luck to you!

Thing have been well for me just working on getting healthy and trying to get set up for our next round of donations :wacko: We are trying to set up more donations than just one during our fertile week :spermy::spermy::spermy: We may have to start searching out other donors. We had an eventful Black Friday. Instead of shopping we spent the morning at the court house and baby got his name change, finally :happydance: I was so happy and emotional for him, he’s been waiting so long. I did get a little chuckle when the elderly woman had to have her foster son explain what my fiancé meant by having his name match his gender presentation :blush: I’m hopeful this time will go more smoothly now that we know a few more things not to do! For instance I will be in the position I plan to stay in for half an hour following donation instead of trying to have my fiancé help me try to move without “losing” any of the goods :dohh:
heidi i hope you are feeling better soon:hugs: and hope you can get some sleep soon as well as they say rest and sleep is good :sleep:

We have been speaking to the clinic today and we are ok to keep the last embro we have left in the frezzer until next year and we are also able to do the egg donation programme again, but have also been told that we are not able to save any of the donnor sperm we used last time, we wanted to use the same so if we feel preggies then Lacey and the new baby would be genetically the same but i supose as long as we have an outcome it wont matter just want a big family really.
Hey ladies
Thanks for the support. I've been sleeping on and off all day and still feel so tired. Update for today bbs are on fire right on had some discharge, light cramps, back hurts really bad having hot flashes and head ache and a stuffy nose its driving me up the wall lol
Hey ladies
Thanks for the support. I've been sleeping on and off all day and still feel so tired. Update for today bbs are on fire right on had some discharge, light cramps, back hurts really bad having hot flashes and head ache and a stuffy nose its driving me up the wall lol

could you try a warm bath with some bubbles and a bowl of hot water with some vicks in to clear the air and your mose bless ya
Heidi~ Get as much rest as you can, hun. :hugs: I second the warm bath, it could really help. Do you have a heating pad? When my back was killing me, that did wonders for me. I hope you feel better. :flower:

Carrie~ Sounds like good news, that's too bad about the donor sperm though. Did they say why you couldn't save it? Good luck to both of you when you start next year. :hugs:

Nerdy~ Lots of :dust: that this cycle will be the one! Congrats to your partner for the name change! :)
PinkorBlue; from what u can gather a donnor in the UK that has gone through a clinic can only have 10 positive prgnancies and they can guarentee that the donnor has reached this level by the time we may need it if the last embryo we have got left does not work becuase it would be in 2014 (seems ages away) and he might of donated to others and they may not know if it has resulted in a positive outcome.

i think they were preparing us really for the possibilities that it may not and may be available.... i hope so but at least we are prepared. i wish it was like in other places were you can just go buy it.

Me and charlotte have had quite a chat today though and if we are unable to bake our own lets say we are going to look at uk adoption or overseas adoption, i just dont want Lacey growing up on her own.
Thanks ladies,
Took a warm bath still feel like poo. I'm so sleepy and tired and hungry its scary lol I'm probably packing on pounds from thinking of food lol right now I want salmon and ice cream for desert lol
Thanks ladies,
Took a warm bath still feel like poo. I'm so sleepy and tired and hungry its scary lol I'm probably packing on pounds from thinking of food lol right now I want salmon and ice cream for desert lol

ahh bless i hope you feel better soon and have salmon and ice-cream later lol
Awww did get my salmon and ice cream lol still feel yucky .having some pressure down below feels weird lol
Just a rant really, my OH has just rang me a bit upset, this women who she works with has been slagging her of behind her back saying that we should not have our LO cause we are GAY.

I dont think it matters what type of family you are from as long as you love your children, protect them and support them as baest as you can, single mums, single dad, same sex, hetrosex parents all love their children the same and no-one should comment as to weather they shoudl have their children or not.

Quite upsetting really that this person has been saying these things as to our face she is genrally a friendly person!!! not a friend but someone we know, i know that people are entilited to their own comments but not about children who can not defend themselves and a coupdle who have worked so hard and taken a journey to get where we are and have sufferes a losses.

rant over
Just a rant really, my OH has just rang me a bit upset, this women who she works with has been slagging her of behind her back saying that we should not have our LO cause we are GAY.

I dont think it matters what type of family you are from as long as you love your children, protect them and support them as baest as you can, single mums, single dad, same sex, hetrosex parents all love their children the same and no-one should comment as to weather they shoudl have their children or not.

Quite upsetting really that this person has been saying these things as to our face she is genrally a friendly person!!! not a friend but someone we know, i know that people are entilited to their own comments but not about children who can not defend themselves and a coupdle who have worked so hard and taken a journey to get where we are and have sufferes a losses.

rant over

Sorry hun some people are just ignorant fools!
Just a rant really, my OH has just rang me a bit upset, this women who she works with has been slagging her of behind her back saying that we should not have our LO cause we are GAY.
I dont think it matters what type of family you are from as long as you love your children, protect them and support them as baest as you can, single mums, single dad, same sex, hetrosex parents all love their children the same and no-one should comment as to weather they shoudl have their children or not.
Quite upsetting really that this person has been saying these things as to our face she is genrally a friendly person!!! not a friend but someone we know, i know that people are entilited to their own comments but not about children who can not defend themselves and a coupdle who have worked so hard and taken a journey to get where we are and have sufferes a losses.

rant over

Sorry hun some people are just ignorant fools!

Agreed. :nope: So sorry Char had to deal with that at work. :hugs: You both sound like wonderful parents and I know your little girl cherishes the two of you very much. :flower: Thanks for the info about the donor situation, I wish you and Char the very best.

Heidi~ Sorry the tww is being hard on you, I hope this is a good sign though. :dust:
Agreed. :nope: So sorry Char had to deal with that at work. :hugs: You both sound like wonderful parents and I know your little girl cherishes the two of you very much. :flower: Thanks for the info about the donor situation, I wish you and Char the very best.

Heidi~ Sorry the tww is being hard on you, I hope this is a good sign though. :dust:
I hope so too I've never felt this way in between periods so im keeping my fxd Ate lunch and then a bit later went to clean up the kitchen and felt like lunch was going to come up ewwww lol
I hope everyone that celebrated Thanksgiving had a wonderful one!

READY, FXD that we get to be Bump Buddies and Soon!!! :dust:

GL MRS.ROD! :dust:

NERDY, sorry AF flew in on you Hun, but yay for pinpointing times during your cycle and planning! :dust:

HEIDI, those are some amazing symptoms!! GL FXD! :dust:

DAY_DREAMER, sorry, I wish I could help, we are not interested in co-parenting, as DW and I have specific roles in our daughter's life and wouldn't want it to be different for the next. GL!

HI PINKOR, when are you going to test? :dust:

CARRIE, so sorry that CHAR had to go through that nonsense, some people are ignorant.... :hugs:

AFM...Stalk my chart.... 6DPO (FF changed 1 day today), I had a doc appt today. Not much info, no bloodwork because I am TTC and only 6DPO and I could possibly be implanting, but made an appt for 3 weeks from now as my cycles have been crazy since July MC. So we shall see. I am not going to temp past 8DPO so 2 days is it (temp declining now) and I don't know if I am going to SS unless it is something like nausea and super sore bbs (none as of now.) Last night I had to sleep with the fan as I was sooo hot! And on Friday, I slept for like 17 hours, Saturday I slept for about 12hours. I am having some weird cramping today so my nerves are bad. As well, last night, by brother, announced that they are pregnant, again, my nephew turns 1 tomorrow. I of course was and am happy but was soooo like man, when am I going to be blessed again.... However LIKEAUSTRALIA got her BFP so I am so very happy and concetrating on that. Well:shrug:...watching my chart closely.... :paper: WAITING.... GL FXD!:dust:
Hello ladies! hope everyone enjoyed their holiday!

Oh man its been an interesting past few days....well for one thing clomid made my af very short and light so light i didnt need any protection...weird...also made me feel like crying about everything! God bless DW for putting up with me! :hugs:
so because i read so much about thinning of the lining while on clomid i started drinking raspberry leaf tea...anyone ever try it anyone have good results/bad?

so remeber the post i made about the frantic sperm buying purchase...well it worked out everything is shipped so it will be waiting for me wednesday at my DR office. BUT because i had to re fax a few things i had to do it at work...on a public fax...well the receipt must have came back super late(as i checked before i left for eveidence) and thhere it is on top of the fax today "consent to purchase frozen semen" and my registration form.....i hope no one saw i come in after everyone so there is a huge chance someone did mortified :dohh:

with that said i have my u/s and trigger shot wednesday and the IUI thursday!!!

heidi-i hope these are signs of a :bfp:

Mrs.MM- same for you i hope this is your :bfp: keep us posted!

carrie and char- ignore negitivity...and the sad fact is lgbt parents will face this more than just a few times stay strong for you LO!!!
heidi ~ i hope you strat feeling better.

nerdy ~ thats awesome news. my bbf is a female to male and he has said that the name change was such a big part of the transition. it helped cement a lot of things for him.

carrie ~ people can be so ignorant. you just have to learn to let it roll off your back. especially when people speak on things they have no business opening their mouth about.

mrs rod ~ GL & FXD this cycle

AFM...i had a good weekend. we had a big thanksgiving dinner party on saturday. so we had donations from cd12 - cd16. i definitely ov on cd14 & cd15..if that is even possible, both test were super dark?! ive been cramping nonstop since cd 14. im super gassy (tmi sorry) and to top it off i had horrible nightmares all night. so i havent slept much. i feel a bit crappy:nope: what do you ladies recommend i can take for a headache if anything. one of my friends and one of DW friends both think im already preggo. they both at different times said i look different in the face:haha: did you all know that dreaming about wine glasses means pregnancy..well i didnt and DW had a dream about it and looked up what it meant:dohh:

:dust: to you all!!
Thanks guys for all the support just really upsetting as we go through so much to get our families and people just spit children out and dont care thats all.

Have been doing some extras shifts so looking at summer to go back hopefully whohooo
:hugs: to CARRIE&CHAR!

MRS. ROD, sounds like things are moving along perfectly, no worries about the receipt being seen, it likely did not. GL! :dust:

READY, awesome, I would not have been any good for a dinner party, since I slept through the holiday and the weekend.... You are in the TWW now Hun! :dust:

AFM...PLEASE stalk my chart.... 7DPO , the worst night of sleep. I was so hot, DW woke me because I was sweating and said I could turn fan on me. Twinges galore as well... I soooo hope this is some sign of a BFP. Tomorrow is last day of temping, I am not going to temp past 8DPO. Going to do all I can NOT to SS unless it is something like nausea and super sore bbs (none as of now.) I hope I am blessed to join my brother this month with a BFP. Well:shrug:...watching my chart closely.... :paper: WAITING.... GL FXD!:dust:

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