tell me something weird about you? I put half the sofa in our bed when we go to sleep

Ok heres mine

the tv always has to be turned up to an even number

I won't look out the window after dark incase theres someone looking at me

I fill the bath with the shower, I don't use the taps

I have to sleep with one leg bent up and cuddling a pillow

I won't have any part of my body out of the covers even in summer, incase something gets me lol

I hate the feel of wet wood, it makes me feel sick and send shivers down my spine

If I'm not driving I count the lines on the road

I have a habit of counting everything and following the shape of tings over and over in my head

Me too, I go bonkers if somebody forgets to lay a towel or mat on the bathroom floor and it gets wet!
ok here are mine: :coffee:

Im double jointed on my hands and feet!

I can twist my tongue around so its upside down :rofl:

i wash my body a certain way : shampoox2,conditioner,left arm and pit, right arm and pit, neck,belly,lady bits,bum,left leg and foot, right leg and foot, rinse conditioner :)

i Have to sleep on my tummy, both hands under pillow resting my head on my left hand

i always put my left sock and shoe on before the right

I do my shopping in a certain order all the time

i cant have any food touching anything else on the plate

i think thats all for now :blush: xxx
He always has to put his socks on after his boxers on before his trousers
He HAS to poo while im in the shower every timeee

Id kill OH if he did that! :gun:
How do you cope with the smell :sick:

I HAVE to cover my feet in bed (frightened of the foot monster)
I HAVE to wear socks all the time, I hate having bear feet.
I HAVE to put my left sock on first.

omg I'm absolutely laughing so hard I'm in tears! The foot monster! I thought I was the only one! I have to be covered. If my feet are uncovered, I feel vulnerable, unsafe, like something's going to get me! The foot monster!!
I think everyone has a little OCD in them. We all definitely do!
Ok here we go...
I pick my nose. Always have. It feels so satisfying to dig around and pull a giant boogie out!
I love to pop pimples. I'm obsessed with it. My own and my OH.
When I wipe after peeing, the toilet paper has to be "flat" on the part that's wiping me. It can't be all balled up or anything
I also have to have the volume on the TV on an even number
I count my steps
I count the syllables in my words. It's actually a good party trick. Someone could say to me "how many syllables are in this sentence?" and instantly I would say 11 :)
I can't sleep naked. I at least have to wear underwear.
I don't like walking on "open" stairs. I feel like someone is going to reach through and grab my ankles.
I cross my fingers for good luck like it's really going to work lol
I also can't look out the window when it's dark
Water that's murky freaks me out. Like in a pond or lake. I feel like a dead body is going to float up. I don't like water I can't see through at all. I won't go in the ocean farther than where I can touch the bottom and see my feet
I shoot billiards left handed even though I'm right handed. But that's because my dad taught me and he's left handed
In the winter, I seldom shave my legs. I'm in jeans, no one will see them!
I talk to myself. A lot of people do but this is different. I kind of "act out" scenarios. Like what would happen if I said this to this person. Then I'll say it out loud and what they would say back. Like I'm acting out scenes on a soap lol
The windshield wipers on my car cannot be up when I turn my car off. I have to turn them off and wait until they fall.
I say the same thing to Rocco every night at bedtime, in the same order.
Ok I'm completely nuts. I think I'm done lol
uhum, when i go for a poopie i have to count how long it takes.. if it is shorter than normal i have the pushandpush until the times up.. and if i think its to long i hold it in and get off the toilet flush it ect. then go backk.. :blush:

If i eat coloured sweets like m&ms or smarties etc i have to tip them all out on a plate, then line them up in colours then if there are more reds then i eat the extra ones until there is the same amount of each colour then i can eat the rest in any order!!!!

Cant sleep without being covered up.

Love the cotton bud feeling in my ears.

If i drop a chip or crisp i am eating in street i have to drop another one so its not lonely (!!!! section me now!!!!)

I write lists for everything, and even have lists of lists

there are more but cannot think now!

I think everyone has a little OCD in them. We all definitely do!
Ok here we go...
I pick my nose. Always have. It feels so satisfying to dig around and pull a giant boogie out!
I love to pop pimples. I'm obsessed with it. My own and my OH.
When I wipe after peeing, the toilet paper has to be "flat" on the part that's wiping me. It can't be all balled up or anything
I also have to have the volume on the TV on an even number
I count my steps
I count the syllables in my words. It's actually a good party trick. Someone could say to me "how many syllables are in this sentence?" and instantly I would say 11 :)
I can't sleep naked. I at least have to wear underwear.
I don't like walking on "open" stairs. I feel like someone is going to reach through and grab my ankles.
I cross my fingers for good luck like it's really going to work lol
I also can't look out the window when it's dark
Water that's murky freaks me out. Like in a pond or lake. I feel like a dead body is going to float up. I don't like water I can't see through at all. I won't go in the ocean farther than where I can touch the bottom and see my feet
I shoot billiards left handed even though I'm right handed. But that's because my dad taught me and he's left handed
In the winter, I seldom shave my legs. I'm in jeans, no one will see them!
I talk to myself. A lot of people do but this is different. I kind of "act out" scenarios. Like what would happen if I said this to this person. Then I'll say it out loud and what they would say back. Like I'm acting out scenes on a soap lol
The windshield wipers on my car cannot be up when I turn my car off. I have to turn them off and wait until they fall.
I say the same thing to Rocco every night at bedtime, in the same order.
Ok I'm completely nuts. I think I'm done lol

OMG apart from 2 or 3 I could have written that. I don't feel so weird now :lol:
I wash in the shower in order too, body, hair, lady bits
Can't sleep without at least a light blanket on.
Hate feet, hate having people look at my feet. Ironically I worked in a show store for 2 years....:sick:
I'm so glad I found this thread - I thought I was a weirdo! It's nice to know other people are quirky too. :)

I can't stand someone's foot to touch me. Especially my DH's feet in the bed AACK! I don't even like looking at other people's feet. Oddly, though, I quite like my own feet. :smug: :haha:

I eat my food in order from least favorite to favorite, each food at a time. No food touching on my plate, of course.

I think in 4/4 time (a very strange holdover from playing musical instruments).

I count my steps. I also count stairs.

I can't step on the cracks in the sidewalk.

I can't have my feet sticking out of the covers. Something might get me.

Once I turn out the light, I have to get in bed QUICK before something under the bed grabs at me.:shock:

I shower in a certain order, always.

I don't want anyone to hear me using the bathroom, so I run the water in the sink.

I dream that I have to use the bathroom really bad, then I wake up and realize that I have to use the bathroom really bad. :haha:

I sleep with earplugs, a sleep mask over my eyes, and a pillow over my head. Oh, and a teddy bear. :blush:

When I eat colored candy like Skittles or M&Ms, I separate the colors and eat them least fave to most fave. The blue M&Ms are the best. :winkwink:

I love the way it feels to cut my toenails. And the way they feel after. Bliss.

I know there are lots more but this is all I can think of right now.
I wont drink the water from our taps, but will anywhere else. It's something I've seen to have done since I move out of my parents.

I wont drink Tea at my house, mainly because of the reason above. But I will drink it anywhere else.

I re-arrange the trolley several times whilst shopping. It all needs to line up and be neat.

I like chicken, but would never eat it with a roast.

I can put myself off of food very easily. if it's meat I started to think about the animal alive, and it puts me off. Or with fish i think about Nemo (Not that I eat fish)

I sleep with my glasses on. I hate waking up and basically being blind.

I LOVE to make lists.

I sleep with about 6 pillows, but when I actually settle down about to sleep, I am on a tiny part of one pillow.

I LOVE being barefoot, cant stand socks.

I have to put tissue down the toilet if im going for a number 2.

Cant think of any more atm.

Okay heres mine:

I HAVE to sleep with my legs tangled around OHs. (Hes always hot and im always freezing!)

I feel sick when i touch cotton wool ... hate the feel of it.

If there is more than 1 tv show i want to watch i have to keep flicking every 5 minutes so never actually watch a whole programme.

I HAVE to have a drink of coke with my dinner. My mum and OH eat a whole meal and dont have a drink.. this makes me feel like im going to die!.

My eyes are different colours to each other. My left is blue and green my right is brown and blue. :/

I also love to get spots haha.

I have a routine for the shower too ... i sit on the side of the bath and shave my legs first. I always wait until im out of the shower and dressed to wash my hair over the bath. - I still use baby powder too haha!.
I thought of something odd relating to my eyes, they are both greeny blue but if my eyes are watering one turns bright blue :shrug:

When I eat a sandwich it has to be cut into 4 little squares and after each square i have to take a sip of juice. Same goes for between each crisp I eat out a packet. I also have a strange ritual of the way I open the crisp packet.
I pester my loved ones to draw on me with a biro, I don't care what or where they draw it just feels soooo good

When OH gets spots on his back, I love squeezing them

I cover my mouth a lot when I eat in public, always end up missing my mouth at some point, its like a reaction now

I hate wearing socks in summer or in bed

just the thought of chocolate covered pretzels (flipz?) makes me gag

If OH wasn't with me I'd probably still be living on toast
I just remember more:
When i cant remember how to spell a word i have to pretend my finger is the pen and im writing in the air, the air being the paper
I cant be alone during a thunderstorm if OH is at work then i carry Jovanni or jr from their bed and i bring them to my bed and cuddle them :blush:
I can not stand to trim my toe nails OH has to do them for me :haha:
I do not like to take a shower when im alone OH has to be in the house im scared that some type of monster will come out and get me
If im reading a book i can not stop my reading on an odd number
I have to say do you know what i mean after every sentence when im explaining something :dohh:
My chicken soup has to have rice or i can not eat it
I dont like the feel of grass or being outside

Well i think thats it (i hope) lol
I thought of a few more. When I eat, I take a bite, then separate it in two in my mouth so that I chew equal amounts on each side. :wacko:
When I eat skittles or M&M's I have to eat an even amount, and it has to be even colors, like all 4 red, or 2 red, 2 blue, etc.
Love this thread :D

I have to have my feet totally bare in bed (no socks on & ontop of the covers) regardless of how cold it is.
Ketchup has to be on the side of the plate, not all over the chips etc,.
When eating my knife and fork has to be matching.
I too run the taps when going to the toilet, as hate the thought of anyone hearing me even if it is just a wee.
People who wear socks that don't match I just can't stop staring at them, it kinda freaks me out!
Here goes...

I have an order of washing up, cutlery, Ollie's plates then dry those up while the next lot is soaking which is glasses or mugs, then dry that lot up while the next lot soaks which is plates/bowls then dry those up while the pans soak and then do those

I have to lock the bathroom door when I shower or the monster will get me

When I flush the loo at night I get scared so leg it to the bedroom (nekkid)

I have to cut my big toenails really low, DH tells me off, but I hate them being long

I can't put trousers on before socks, even if I am going barefoot, I have to put socks on and then take them back off again!

If I go out, I have to check my bag at least 4 times!

If there's anyone in my house I get paranoid that it's not clean enough and am constantly worrying

I hate wearing knickers, I'd much prefer to be nekkid down below!
I have loads too!

I have to sleep in just my knickers.
I have to make sure there are no soapy suds on any dishes before I put them on the draining board.
I have to do a pee before going to sleep - even if I have been lying in bed reading or just talking, and even if it's only been 10 minutes since I last went - I still make sure I pee.
When I turn my engine off in the car, the windscreen wipers must be lying flat and, when it was a 3 door, the front seats had to be in the upright position, not pushed forward to allow access to the back.
I sleep in the recovery position - one leg straight, the other bent at the knee.
I sleep almost halfway down the bed - often I wake up and my feet are dangling out, and I'm a short-arse!!
I sleep 'cuddling' my pillow, on my left side, with my left arm straight and my head resting on it over the pillow.
If I kick the kerb or a step with one foot, I have to do the same with the other foot so that they are equal. Same with chewing food - both sides have to be even.
If I make a cup of tea, it has to be JUST boiled water. No more than 10 seconds off the boil.
I HAVE to pick all the fluff out from in between my toes before I go to sleep at night, its actually one of my favourite things to do.

I know there are more, but thats my lot for now. x

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