Testing july 5th who wants to wait with me!!

They said we are only allowed 6 months worth and then if it doesn't work our next step is IVF but we can't afford that at the moment :(
Are you under an NHS fertility clinic or a private one? We use a private one and ivf is just a ridiculous price unless your willing to egg share and then you get free or reduced treatment. We looked into it but it was beyond our price range and the NHS wouldn't help us. I really hope the next month of clomid will do the trick for you.
We are under a nhs fertility clinic and round here IVF is £7,000 a round :( the clinic haven't gone in to much detail about it so far but they said I won't be allowed any more Clomid once I've finished these off. I hate knowing there is a time on ttc. I just feel that if it doesn't happen in these next 3 months then it may never happen. I'm lucky I have ds1 so if I can't have any more children it isn't the end of the world but I really don't want him to be an only child :(
That's just awful. It must be so stressful for you and that can't be helping with ttc. Really am praying it's your turn next month.
Thank you :) I've just been thinking about it and I might take a break from the Clomid next cycle. I feel really anxious about taking it again and have read stories online about ladies who have taken a break and got their BFP'S so I'm going to speak to DH tonight and see what he says. If I fell pregnant next cycle I'd be due in April and DS's birthday is in April so I don't mind too much if we miss out on a month.

I wish I just knew either way. Like if someone told me the chances of me getting pregnant are really slim then I'd accept it and move on. It's the not knowing if it's going to happen or not that's a killer:(
I totally understand. Have they given you a reason why you are having trouble ttc?
I have PCOS but only found out last summer. Apparently I must of always had it and that's why I struggled to get pregnant the first time round. The consultant said when I had DS it made the PCOS worse. I'm not sure how it all works :shrug:
A good friend of mine I met on here years ago recently had her first baby with pcos. Took her 5 years but shows it possible. I'm clueless about that it is to be honest as my issues are to do with a blood clotting disorder and fibriods. I know my friend took metformin though which is what she says helped get her a bfp .
They started me off on metformin first for 3 months and it helped me to lose some weight. They said I didn't need to continue with it because it was causing me to have migraines daily. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to PCOS too. I only really know what I've researched myself online :shrug:

Did you have to take aspirin because of your blood clotting disorder?
I take aspirin and have to have blood thinning injections everyday and wear compression socks at night. Then it's two injections a day when I'm pregnant. Have my first appointment with the consultantbat 6 weeks. They didn't find out about it till a few years ago. At least it gave us a reason why the losses kept happening though so was a relief to understand after all those years of not knowing.
It's ok actually. The injections were tough at first but I'm so used to it now that it doesn't bother me. When is AF due for you now? Still hoping she stays away.
I'm terrified of injections so I'd definitely struggle.

Af should be due today. It usually arrives in the morning but she is keeping me waiting
I had a huge needle phobia but this cured it for me. I don't care anymore. I even inject myself now. Before DH used to have to do it for me.

I really hope she doesn't arrive at all for you.
Ahh you are so brave!

Thank you.. me too. Had some cramps last night and now nothing:shrug: going to test again tomorrow morning if she still hasn't arrived
Before the metformin and Clomid my cycles were all over the place but these past few months they have averaged at 30 days. Last cycle was 31 days, the 2 before that were 29 days and the one previous to that was 37 days but that was before I started Clomid
I've got an app on my phone that tracks my cycles


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Well ladies af is here. On to next month! Still gonna creep so I can watch for bfp's or maybe have someone to wait with next month. Good luck to all of you! Really hoping me being out means a few more bfp's on this thread. Looking forward to hearing from you guys 😊

Wait with me next month. I'd love to keep a group to wait with each month. :thumbup:

Ill be here 😊 until o I'll probably just check in now and again but I'll definitely be here for the wait.

So sorry dream I know it sucks. Aj hope those turn bfp for you! If not, we're here!

Oh no Bella I had to catch up and was so excited for your bfp but aaaaahhh what that what with the bfn!? Maybe just because you still have a low amount of hcg and you didn't have a long hold or fmu? I'm really hoping this is still your month! Save you from the rest of the clomid or figuring if you should break or not. Fingers crossed love!

Maryanne words can't explain how happy I still am for you. You definitely deserved this! It sounds like you've had a rough journey but the injections should be a great way to feel comfortable in the early weeks if they related It to passed losses. Stick around so I can hear your cute bump moments! 😊
Oops past not passed.
Also hopefully I didn't miss anyone but if I did I'm sorry and I'm still rooting for you!! 😂

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