Thankful (for a baby) in November 2017

Calcifer I'm so sorry for your losses. ❤ I had 3 within a 6 month period last year and I've really struggled with this one. Everything seems to be fine.
Something that helps me stay positive is all of the research that shows even recurrent miscarriers will most likely go on to have a healthy baby. Chances are even better after one or two losses. Not that it makes it emotionally easier ❤
Calcifer I'm so sorry for your losses. ❤ I had 3 within a 6 month period last year and I've really struggled with this one. Everything seems to be fine.
Something that helps me stay positive is all of the research that shows even recurrent miscarriers will most likely go on to have a healthy baby. Chances are even better after one or two losses. Not that it makes it emotionally easier ❤

It's just super hard to stay rational isn't it? Like, the chances are strong that this is a good pregnancy for me, i have symptoms, no bleeding.... but of course my mind is filling me with crap about blighted ovums and missed miscarriages. It's rubbish isn't it. I hope this is it for you, I really do. I have no idea why it's so hard for some and so easy for others... bizarre.
So sorry for your losses Calcifer. I can imagine what is going through your mind right now. I am having all the same thoughts and this is my first so I'm sure it is even tougher after a loss.

I am the type to want to research everything from every angle, but I think that is what is making me paranoid. We should probably just step away from google. At least your scan is this week. Once you find out what is going on you can breathe.
Thanks karoolia my fellow Canuck! :) I could be president of the paranoid club...I'm paranoid by nature but the fact that I had a second trimester loss before DS and a chemical last month doesn't help. Here's hoping we all see lovely heartbeats at our scans soon! Mine is on April 13th.
How is everyone! I am excited because I haven't had any spotting for about the last three days!! Can't wait til my scan on Friday. I get butterflies, every time I think about it :D
I'm doing okay, Mom15. I've been a combination of really sick, and really hungry at the same time. You'll have to let us know how your scan goes! I'm contemplating ordering another doppler, as I actually sent my old Sonoline B to another BnB user a couple of years ago, thinking my son was my last baby. It was always such a comfort for me to find baby's heartbeat whenever I needed to, particularly during that time when you're still unable to feel any real movements from baby. My next ultrasound is on May 3rd, so quite a ways out, and I'll also be doing the MaterniT21 screening at that appointment as well. A week after that, the blood test results could reveal the gender to me (as it's based on DNA), but I think we're going to hold strong, and remain on team green.
Fx so far I don't feel so bad. Just the constant air building in my stomach and trying to come back up is a bit uncomfortable. I never had a Doppler and don't think I'll be getting one, but I can see how reassuring it would be to have one.
Today I've been getting some pinching pain on the right sight. I'm sure all is fine, but I will still worry until my scan where this baby is implanted. I hope you find a remedy against feeling so sick!
I could be out won't no for definite until another 2 weeks, I had brown spotting from Saturday which turned to blood on Monday with a few clots. I went to the epu on Monday to be told there is a healthy sac measuring 5 weeks which would be about right based on ovulation date ( not sure if I can work it out like that) so have to go back in 2 weeks. I took a clearblue digital this morning with said 2-3 so puts me at about 4-5 weeks pregnant so il retest again on Monday to see if it increases or not. It's such a worrying time. X
Thinking of you ricschick!! Hoping you have a tough little cookie growing in there. Looks like we are about the same gestational age!
Ricschick- I had similar issues while pregnant with my son...but I bled clots and large amounts of blood until 14 weeks, and NO ONE ever figured out why that happened. I was convinced several times that the pregnancy was over, when it actually wasn't, and he's now a rambunctious 2 1/2 year-old. Praying for you.
Mom15- Thank you for the welcome. The bloat is definitely real the second time around for me. Since my ds is only 16 months almost I never really lost the weight from him. I was just starting to look at exercise routines I could start soon, but then hello BFP. Since with my ds they told me no exercising or strenuous activities I figured ehhh... might as well wait until #2 is here and I am chasing my tail trying to keep up with them. It's not like I am that much over my suggested weight anyway. Do you have any feeling either way if you are having a boy or girl?

purelygemini- thank you for the welcome. Happy and healthy 9 months to you.

karoolia- thank you for the welcome. I am so happy to find a nice group of ladies to go through this journey. Healthy and happy 9 months to you too.

Wookie you can always call. If they don't think you need another scan they'll let you know.[/QUOTE]

Calcifer- Yes! Bump buddies... and toddler buddies??? I have you in my prayers for a wonderful scan friday. I hope you even get to see a little flicker of the heart beating however i know it is too early for some babies to be seen, but i just remember it being a little extra security and peace seeing it.

wookie- I feel like I know you. 1 because I remember your name from when i was trying to conceive our first child, but then 2 because I was in the TWW thread trying to read one that you were in (yes i am crazy). I read the whole "commentary on the pull-out method" thread. I thought it was going to take us longer to conceive since we tried for 2 years basically with no results and then had to have medicated IUI, so I thought what better to do then catch up with a humorous thread. Wellll by the time i got to page 2000 i got my BFP and felt at that time i couldn't comment and introduce my self in that thread to a bunch of women that were trying month after month without success, but yes I did finish the thread on Sunday. I really hope those ladies get their BFP soon. Anyway now that I feel like a creeper. Hello. Happy and healthy 9 months to your little peanut and you.
Future - I have no clue what I'm having...would love a girl, but I will be over the moon either way. So far the pregnancy feels the same. Spotted much longer with DS. But food wise I feel the same meaning, really thirsty, wanting fruit and raw veggies, don't care for warm meals or meat as much. Funny thing is DS mostly eats fruit, some raw veggies and no meat. Wonder how that happened...haha. And he does best at this Indian restaurant where I went all the time when I was pregnant with him.
Your name sounds familiar from maybe one of the testing treads? And I might as well out myself too as a silent stalker of the "pull out method thread"...haha. I kept wanting to join, but didn't think I could keep up with the pace. If I didn't check multiple times a day I would be 10 pages behind. I have been silently rooting for the ltttcer on the thread. I haven't stalked in a few weeks though.

Any one have any experience with scans at 6 weeks? I have been reading a lot to know what to expect, so that I won't be disappointed if I don't see a fetal pole, let alone a heartbeat! I want to see it sooo badly, but I know it's early. I did have more nagging pain on the right which might be a corpus luteum cyst. When I had my scan to check on my fibroid, I asked if he saw a dominant follicle and she said it looks like there was one on the right. That was 8 days before O, so kind of neat that I know what side I O'ed from. So far no pinching pains today!
Argh, I have been reading a book I bought on dealing with a second child and it's made me feel terrible! I don't have siblings but I assumed it would be nice - according to the book I have basically Ruined my lovely daughter's life and prospects o_0
..... justme, that's the craziest thing I've ever heard!! What's this book called ?? I swear people will write anything for money these days. I read an article the other day that some lady was saying her twins ruined her marriage... give me a break. If your marriage goes to shit it's because you or hubby didn't put enough effort in and God forbid those kids EVER read that article!! How terrible for the kids!!

Kids are resilient, they adapt and adjust and seeing my two girls together melts my heart 1000 times .... people who blame their failings on other things (especially their kids) are irresponsible and need some help!!
Sorry major issue area for me!! How selfish of someone to say that!! Seriously!! :trouble:
I am grateful for the reassurance! I'm quite worried about it all just because I have no experience and my husband hates his sister ;)
Mom 15. I had my second ultrasound last week at 5 weeks 6 days. I could see the gestational sac. It basically looks like and a black and white drawing of a sunny side up egg. One white dot on the yolk of the drawing is the actual fetus developing. The doctor pointed to this little flickering on the fetus and said there is the heart, but we can't hear anything or measure the beats. Which I thought was weird because I thought the heart beat started at 8 weeks. You can definitely see the sac tho. Best of luck with your ultrasound.
Mom15, I also had a 5 week 6 day ultrasound. We saw the sac, yolk sac, fetal pole and heartbeat. Heartbeat was 105...because it just started (heart starts at week 5!). Went back at 6+2, saw bigger embryo and heartbeat was 136. I think you should be able to see something! Of course I was at a fertility specialist so my dates were exact. If you're even slightly off you may not see as much.
Justme - I agree 100% with pink!! The long term benefits of having a sibling(s) I believe outweigh what might appear as cons when they are little and jealous of each other.

Future & ttc - thank you ladies for giving me some feedback. Sounds like you had very similar experiences, just maybe the equipment used was a bit different in detail.
I will be sure to report back, probably somewhere around 1pm central time or whenever I get DS to nap. It's hard to be on my phone when he is awake. Super clingy right now, not even a potty break by myself usually happens. And then he just wants my phone if he sees me on it.

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