Thankful (for a baby) in November 2017

Oooh purelygemini so exciting that you'll know the gender so soon! Do you have a feeling what baby might be?
Thank you all for the warm welcome!

Calcifer, I love your user name! Glad your scan was good! I know what you mean, I think you're right, it's best to take it one day at a time. :flower:

Sizzles, my daughter will be 3 in July, nice to be "in the same boat" with someone :winkwink: Congrats on the scan, and I know what you mean about the doubts creeping back in until the next appointment, I've been there with my first pregnancy and this is looking no different...

I reached a pregnancy milestone this morning, first time throwing up :sick:
Not my favourite milestone to reach, but I knew it was coming, and I'd been feeling sick for a while now.

Good luck to everyone having scans soon and have a lovely day!
Thank you all for the warm welcome!

Calcifer, I love your user name! Glad your scan was good! I know what you mean, I think you're right, it's best to take it one day at a time. :flower:

Sizzles, my daughter will be 3 in July, nice to be "in the same boat" with someone :winkwink: Congrats on the scan, and I know what you mean about the doubts creeping back in until the next appointment, I've been there with my first pregnancy and this is looking no different...

I reached a pregnancy milestone this morning, first time throwing up :sick:
Not my favourite milestone to reach, but I knew it was coming, and I'd been feeling sick for a while now.

Good luck to everyone having scans soon and have a lovely day!

oh no! I've been feeling much more nauseous since the sickness bug and I really don't want it to turn into actually being sick! I think I need to learn from this; I think psychologically I'm challenging myself to have symptoms, so don't eat anything for a while when I get up, but then I feel sick and have to eat to make it feel better. I need to just eat something as soon as I get up and hope that helps. And I think I just need to eat regularly, so not necessarily when I'm hungry or at mealtimes, just keep 'topped up'. I had snack with my toddler this morning: satsumas and breadsticks (has to be healthy if I'm having it with him!)

Midwife this afternoon! Woo hoo!
Hi ladies. Had my scan this morning and got a few pictures. Baby measured 2 days ahead of my calculations but it's still so early that the slightest measurement could be off. Hb was 165. I am still thinking girl. No pregnancy symptoms, same as with me son, just a gut feeling. Progesterone is dropping even though I am on suppositories. At 4 weeks progesterone was 32, then 26 two days later, 21 at six weeks, now 18 at eight weeks. Anyone else had this? Increasing suppositories.
Hi ladies. Had my scan this morning and got a few pictures. Baby measured 2 days ahead of my calculations but it's still so early that the slightest measurement could be off. Hb was 165. I am still thinking girl. No pregnancy symptoms, same as with me son, just a gut feeling. Progesterone is dropping even though I am on suppositories. At 4 weeks progesterone was 32, then 26 two days later, 21 at six weeks, now 18 at eight weeks. Anyone else had this? Increasing suppositories.

I am interested in this so Googled it and found this:

Between gestational weeks 7 and 10, the placenta starts to produce progesterone, replacing the corpus luteum as the primary source for the remainder of your pregnancy. Progesterone levels often plateau or sometimes even decrease during this transitional period. After week 10, progesterone levels start to increase again to reach a first-trimester peak of 15 to 60 ng/ml, notes an article in the January 2004 issue of "Gynecological Endocrinology." Levels will continue to increase throughout pregnancy.

from here:
Ugh so I had to go to the GP today because my feet and hands are swollen and sore... already :nope: The good news is that it's not showing anything in a urine test. I'm hoping this isn't a 9 month long thing i cannot wear my boots anymore :growl mad:

I also had a violent bout of diarrhoea today with horrific cramps, i think it was linked to having a smoothie with prune juice in it but i can't be sure.... rather freaked out because last time i had this symptom i miscarried that week so i'm having to talk myself off a ledge here... I still have symptoms though so :shrug:
Thanks LittleLaLa! At first I thought boy because I was craving spicy foods but now since I've been so freaking sick I have absolutely no idea!! I should know by next wednesday. I'm surprised more girls in the group aren't finding out this early too, most of the women in my last group did it this way too. It's still exciting to find out, no matter how long you wait!
Sizzles yay we both have appointments today! Will you be getting a scan as well?
Sizzles yay we both have appointments today! Will you be getting a scan as well?

No, I had a scan yesterday; today's was all chat and paperwork.

I don't think it's as easy in the UK to attempt to discover the gender early on. Routinely, people either find out or not at their 20 week scan, though you can pay for a private scan a couple of weeks earlier and find out. However, in some areas it's hospital policy NOT to disclose the sex. It's to do with cultures in which a particular sex is favoured and sometimes this leads couples to abort if they don't get the news they hope for. We will be finding out at our 20 week scan.
Thanks LittleLaLa! At first I thought boy because I was craving spicy foods but now since I've been so freaking sick I have absolutely no idea!! I should know by next wednesday. I'm surprised more girls in the group aren't finding out this early too, most of the women in my last group did it this way too. It's still exciting to find out, no matter how long you wait!

I'm getting genetic testing done but not to find out gender early. I'm getting it because I've had so many miscarriages and I want reassurance that things are looking chromosomally ok this time. Insurance would NOT cover it at all if it were just to find out gender or if I were not high risk. I'm amazed at how it's free for people on Medicaid here in the US even if you're not high risk and just want to find out gender but it's barely covered (and I'll still be paying quite a bit) by insurance when I am high risk for multiple reasons. Kind of a pet peeve that I've had a ton of friends who got it fully covered when they only did it to find out gender.
Ugh so I had to go to the GP today because my feet and hands are swollen and sore... already :nope: The good news is that it's not showing anything in a urine test. I'm hoping this isn't a 9 month long thing i cannot wear my boots anymore :growl mad:

I also had a violent bout of diarrhoea today with horrific cramps, i think it was linked to having a smoothie with prune juice in it but i can't be sure.... rather freaked out because last time i had this symptom i miscarried that week so i'm having to talk myself off a ledge here... I still have symptoms though so :shrug:

I'm so sorry about the swelling!!!! I hope you feel better soon ❤
I hope I can put you at ease over the diarrhea. So I had that happen with every miscarriage. It started happening to me this time at 8+4. It's been happening every few days. Terrible cramps and diarrhea. And baby's still ok. I just hope that puts you at ease. I think it's just a pregnancy thing and it doesn't seem to be a "miscarriage symptom" ❤
Ugh so I had to go to the GP today because my feet and hands are swollen and sore... already :nope: The good news is that it's not showing anything in a urine test. I'm hoping this isn't a 9 month long thing i cannot wear my boots anymore :growl mad:

I also had a violent bout of diarrhoea today with horrific cramps, i think it was linked to having a smoothie with prune juice in it but i can't be sure.... rather freaked out because last time i had this symptom i miscarried that week so i'm having to talk myself off a ledge here... I still have symptoms though so :shrug:

I'm so sorry about the swelling!!!! I hope you feel better soon ❤
I hope I can put you at ease over the diarrhea. So I had that happen with every miscarriage. It started happening to me this time at 8+4. It's been happening every few days. Terrible cramps and diarrhea. And baby's still ok. I just hope that puts you at ease. I think it's just a pregnancy thing and it doesn't seem to be a "miscarriage symptom" ❤

Thank you that's so sweet of you. My GP said the same thing. The fact that i feel so nauseous tonight is helping too, I still have symptoms, yay :happy dance: it's the little things lol I hope it goes away soon, the cramps are horrifically painful oh my god it was like labour at one point today :blush:
I will also be getting the Panorama done, but not for 3 weeks, so I’ll know pretty early too. :)

Wow ttc, that’s annoying that it’s covered for some people who don’t even need it and then not for those who actually do . Where I live the Panorama isn’t covered for anyone (though it is in some provinces). I’m getting it done because I turn 37 next month, and it doesn’t seem fair that I have to pay out of pocket when they tell me I’m high risk because of “advanced maternal age”.

Hope you feel better soon Calcifer, that doesn’t sound pleasant at all.

I don’t feel too hot either. I’m not as tired as I was with DS (though I’m still plenty tired), but I’m pretty much constantly nauseous which is new for me.
If @ OP is around, I'd love to be added to the front page as due on November 4.

Well, ladies, the hubby and I are announcing to the world tonight because everything feels okay. It's a little scary for me not to wait till 12 weeks, but we're not getting a 12 week scan and our next appointment is not till 14 weeks...
I'll post the announcement later today so you all can see. :)
Yay can't wait to see your announcement EBAUERHAUS :)

Oh calcifer I hope the swelling goes away!!!! Also, I have had lots of cramping and diarrhea this time, which I didn't have much of last pregnancy. I think it is just a form of morning sickness, so try and take it as a good symptom :) I'm actually happy that I'm doing that more than vomiting, because it's way better for my teeth haha.

Purelygemini that's so exciting. My dr offered me the test, but because we don't have any genetic worries within the family and we p are staying team yellow, I decided against it. It's $300 here, which is a bit expensive, but if I was concerned about genetic problems within the family I think it would be so worth it.
I don't find out the gender of my pregnancies but I LOVE finding out everyone else's haha :haha:
I just got back from my dr appt who confirmed that my scan looks really good, that my bloods were good (apart from low iron) and my glucose test results came back and he said that couldn't be better! Yay!
ebauerhaus can't wait to see the announcement!! Do you have something special in mind?

Great news littlelala

Calcifer hope your feeling better!!

Afm spotting is very light now and pregnancy tests are as dark as they can get! So fx everything will be ok I was looking online and came across cervix erosion which sounds like what it could be which is basically a graze on the cervix which could be from coloscopy I had about 8 years ago which has never affected me before but may have this time.
Scans on Tuesday so fx all will be ok.
Great that your tests are dark ricschick!

I think I will announce on social media on Easter Sunday :) I'm feeling great after that really positive dr appointment today.

I took a couple of cute pics, I will post them later :)
Calcifer- That stinks that you're swelling like that already! Do you think it's just water retention? And that crampiness and bouts of diarrhea doesn't sound too lovely either. :( The cramps were most likely the onset of the diarrhea, don't you think? I've had some violent diarrhea cramps before (not while pregnant, however), and they can hurt like HELL!!! Anyway, I hope you feel better soon, and your doc gets that swelling figured out.

Ricschick- It really does sound like all is well with baby. Your tests darkening like that is a very good sign. That really is exactly what happened to me with my baby boy. I bled and bled, but my hcg rose, my tests were darker, and my ultrasounds always showed him hanging in there, with a healthy heartbeat, proper growth, etc. I have every hope that everything is just fine for your baby. :) Good luck!

LittleLala- Yay for a great appointment! I'm glad all is well!

I'm getting the MaterniT21 screening (which is similar to the Panorama and Harmony tests) done at my 12 week appointment on May 3rd. I am also of "advanced materal age", as I turn 39 in July. I believe I have to pay $200 to have it done, which is astronomically cheaper than the last time I had it done in 2014 for my son (I was 35 at the time of testing then)...I think I paid almost $2,000 for it at the time. It has since come down in price a ton - my insurance would cover it if my deductible had been met, but since my deductible won't be met until I have this baby, I have to pay the $200, which is really fine by me. I'm a lot more worried this time around about chromosomal abnormalities and genetic defects, etc., due to my age. I have two very healthy "normal" children, and I do pray everything is fine with this baby too...I can't help but worry about it. My doppler arrived in the mail yesterday, and like a dumbass, I busted it out right away, and of course, could not find the heartbeat. I'm pretty sure I did hear the placenta whooshing...but I was told at my 7 week appointment that I had a retroverted uterus, which I'm sure makes it harder to find baby with a doppler. Baby is also probably just too small at this point...I never found either of my other kids' heartbeats prior to 11 weeks, I believe. So, I'm trying not to let that freak me out.
Sizzles I've heard of how there's some cultures that do that with their babies, so sad. So I can definitely understand that.

ttc that's absolutely crazy that your insurance won't cover it for you. Our healthcare system is so screwed up here. You deserve to know those things without having to pay a penny. Last time, we got the progenity test to do the genetic testing and it was a bonus that it came with gender determination as well. It was only supposed to be $99 which was beyond worth it to us, but then we never even got billed so I guess my crappy insurance covered it. That's not fair to you and I'm sorry about that, I can understand your pet peeve completely. So I assumed this time I wouldn't be able to get the test since I already had the genetic testing done last time but I guess they still do some other testing along with the gender. I guess I should realize that I'm pretty lucky for that. In my last group so many women did it that I thought that was just the usual thing now.

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