Thankful (for a baby) in November 2017

Welcome heychrissie!!

Thanks everyone I'm hoping there's a hb on Wednesday!!! Fx!!!

How's everyone else doing? Xx
I'm out. Finally got in for a scan and found out that baby stopped growing 2 weeks ago. There was no heartbeat. I was expecting it, but we are still sad obviously. Good luck to everyone else! I have my fingers crossed for all of you.
I am so sorry karoolia. :hugs: I know how you feel as I also got bad news. My lo measured 6 days behind at my first scan and then 5 days later there was no more heartbeat. Hope we both get our rainbows soon.
:sad2: so sorry for both of your news!! I've had 2 mmc, I'm here if you ladies need anything!!
Oh I'm so so sorry karoolia and fit_mama2b, take care both of you. Xxx
I'm so so sorry karoolia and fit mama. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers.
I'm so sorry karoolia and fit mama, how devastating for you both. Sending love <3
I'm sooo sorry karoolia and fit mama! It sucks and it's sad :( hope you find peace and your rainbows are on the horizon.

Rickschick - everything crossed for you! The wait must be excruciating. Hope you can find something to do to take your mind off of it for a bit.
Thanks mom15!
Just found out my grandad has terminal lung cancer so that's been on my mind and he was taken to hospital yesterday so went to see him and he was quite positive about things, he's 85 so has had a good life!! I would of liked to have told him about the baby but I can't yet til I no there is a baby.
So sorry Fit-Mama and Karoolia. MMC is one of my great fears and is terribly sad.

Ricschick - sorry to hear about your Granddad. Hopefully you will be able to share your news soon.
Sorry to hear your news fit mama and karoolia xx
Thanks mom15!
Just found out my grandad has terminal lung cancer so that's been on my mind and he was taken to hospital yesterday so went to see him and he was quite positive about things, he's 85 so has had a good life!! I would of liked to have told him about the baby but I can't yet til I no there is a baby.
Sorry fitmama and karoolia. Not the news I wanted to see after working the last two days. *hugs*

My dh and I have tried to find bbaby with the doppler but we don't see each other until I get home from work so we don't use the doppler until 10 pm. Which means my bladder is empty and my belly is full, just the opposite of what I read I should be doing. We might try tomorrow morning if we have time. I am super nervous that something has happened to baby. I don't know why I feel this way. I haven't had any bleeding and my stomach has felt cramps but nothing too bad.

How is every one else doing? Does anyone else have the no rush feeling to get the house or baby stuff together? Or figure out a name? I feel like I should be thinking about names because our child will have this name for the rest of their life, but ehh. Is feel so unattached from this pregnancy. I am not hard core strict about taking my vitamins, which make me feel bad and I am doing things I never would have with me ds pregnancy.
So sorry to hear fit-mama.

Thanks for the support everyone. I had the D&C done today and chatted with some friends and family, including one friend who went through pretty much the same thing a little over a year ago. The procedure went well and now I'm on to resting and waiting to try again I suppose.
So sorry karoolia!! I know I've said it once already but I've been through it twice and I'm available for support any time you need!! Feel all the emotions you need and when you and your body are ready try again!!
Bigggg hugs karoolia. I'm so sorry you've had to go through that. I'm glad you have someone to talk to about it.

Ricschick, sorry about your grandad.

Does anyone have names in mind yet?
I have a billion choices for girls, but I really think I'm having another boy lol. I like uncommon, cute, different names. My husband named our son Albie and I love it. Any idea for me??
Does anyone have names in mind yet?
I have a billion choices for girls, but I really think I'm having another boy lol. I like uncommon, cute, different names. My husband named our son Albie and I love it. Any idea for me??

My girls are called Zoey - Hubby picked it the evening we found out she was a girl, she was nearly Errinaya but we couldn't decide on the pronounciation! and Phoebe - I kept coming back to it, and hubby liked it too, so it was decided the day after we found out she was a girl :)

I have a feeling this little one is a boy, but not sure whether that is just hope lol.
We were out the other day an secretly (as my sisters, 10 and 9, do not know yet) looking at the souvenier bits with names on and pointing out names, he likes Alice for a girl, which I don't love but don't mind, it would fit nice with Zoey and Phoebe being well known but not overused where we are. But I think we could find better. Plus on Phoebe, he liked the name Lucy, he worked with a girl called Lucy! and now, he works with a girl called Alice!! my initial reaction was that is a bit weird! BUT, he explained it, because he says the name often, he thinks of it as a prominent name, and he just likes the name anyway.
He hasn't mentioned any for boy yet, but I like Elliott and Isaac - hubby said NO! I love names like Noah, Ruben, Max etc but he has veto'ed them all :( So I think we will suffer picking a boys name, unless like with Zoey, one day it just comes to us! fingers crossed.
and we will stick to the same pattern with middle names I think - Zoey is Patricia (my mum) Elizabeth (his mum and nan), Phoebe is Jane (my nan who passed just after my 12 week scan) Shirley (his gran).
So it will be a name from each family. The only problem I have if baby is a boy is I have my stepdad, who is fantastic, he is always there for us, and has been with my mum since I was 10ish so he has been in my life for a long time! I also have my dad, not biologically, but he was with my mum whilst she was pregnant and has brought me up with her. Then recently I have got in touch with my biological father, meeting him next month :/ I wouldn't want to offend anyone but, it won't be a name from biological side. but between the other two :/ My stepdads name would sound silly with our surname, and I wouldn't want to upset him by using the other dad's first name, so I am thinking Harold, which is stepdad's middle name, and his dad, my grandad's name (the husband of Jane, he always calls Phoebe, Phoebe Jane, as he loves the fact she has Nan's name). Plus I actually like the name :) Not sure about Eric's choice, he would want Mark after his uncle, who is very close to, but wouldn't want to offend his dad, John, so I reckon he will just pick Eric lol. Girls, my choice of middle name would probably be Teresa after my maternal nan :) but again not sure on Eric's choice, he has a very small family and one his mums side, they're all called Elizabeth, but known as their middle names. I am only decided this much as I was talking to my other sister about it the other day lol.

I have my next scan on Weds, I cannot wait!!! I wanna see how much 'he' has grown :) they have me down as 12 weeks on Weds, but private scan has said I will be 9+5, but I reckon I will be brought forward by 2 days to 10 weeks exactly, only because I had early scans with both girls at the same 7+1/2, and at the 12 week scan, I was brought forward by 2 days
Wishing you a speedy recovery karoolia! Hope your feeling ok.

We find it so hard to name our babies we often can't name them til their at least 2 weeks old lol! We no 'if' all is ok and this is a boy he will be called billy after my husbands grandad (more like his dad) but I have no clue on girls names!
I've woken the last 2 mornings feeling sick! I'm getting bigger by the day but I don't want to get my hopes up, if there is no baby on Wednesday then my body is playing a very cruel trick on me!

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