Thankful (for a baby) in November 2017

Haven't been on here in a while ladies but I just wanted to let you all know that IT'S A GIRL!!
Wow! You found out super early Gemini! Congrats on team pink!
Welcome Lana, congrats on having twins! So exciting!!

Eeeeep yaaaaaay purelygemini, so excited for you!! :pink:
Hi there, scan today was good, baby measuring 9 1/2 weeks, good heart beat. Still not out of the woods but this is looking more positive than the last two tries already. Fingers crossed I can make it to 14 weeks. Will be stopping progesterone and aspirin week 12, looking forward to it as the progesterone in particular is making me moody. :coffee:

So sorry to hear your news Karoolia. I had that happen in December. It's a shock.
great news calcifer!!
congrats on a baby girl purely!!!

tomorrow is my scan and to say im nerves well is an understatement!!!!!

day 2 of trying to potty train our 2 year old!! im hoping she will click on fast!!

hows everyone else feeling?:hugs:
It's fantastic that your scan went well Calcifer :) I am sure everything will be fine and you will make it to 14 weeks! The chance of miscarriage goes down drastically at 10 weeks, not far to go!!

Fingers crossed for you ricschick. Sending lots of positive vibes!

I have still has morning sickness. Hopefully it subsides soon, and doesn't last the entire pregnancy. But even if it does, it is worth it in the end.
Thanks, yes, not long to go I'm 9+5 today.
Have all day sickness these days too but i take it as a good sign...
Saw my regular Ob today and she did a quick ultrasound, it was a super old machine, I mean the plastic was turning very yellow and the screen was buzzing loudly like one of those old box tv's:rofl: anyway baby is doing great measuring around 12+3 And was playing with its toes and waving and kept turning towards us! It was adorable but very grainy quality and no nub shot as the quality was so bad but it's ok because we are team yellow anyway! My nuchal scan is one week from today and will be on an awesome machine, so we can see better detail! Also found out I gave an anterior placenta and that right now it's laying over my c-section scar, which is kind of scary because it increases my risks of placenta accreta! However it can move up as the uterus grows and move off the scar, we just have to wait and see and we will get a better view next week with the better machine!! I really hope it moves off my scar or at the very least doesn't attach to or grow into my scar or I can't attempt my vba2c! That would be incredibly disappointing!! Just thankful baby is ok and bouncing around in there!
No symptoms at all for me except exhaustion but I'm chasing around 2 toddlers all day! The lack of nausea this time around could also be a reason I'm already up 6 lbs :shock: :haha:


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Thanks littlelala :) are you expecting twins too?! I have fraternals and it's still sinking in.

Congrats purely on finding out you're having a girl! How early have you found out? I couldn't wait till the 20 week scan to find out.

Sizzles, I can totally relate with the being an 'un fun' mum. I almost feel some guilt because I can't entertain and play with my boy as much. I'm just so weak and sleepy and breathless all day. Hoping miracles happen 12 weeks for us all!

Good luck for your scan tomorrow ricschick, you must be so excited. I have mine Thursday and just cannot wait.

Hi calcifer, happy you're scan went well and baby's heartbeat was healthy. Hoping for you that your baby stays well and you too. Even after stopping the meds soon.

Hi pinkpassion how lovely to see your baby playing like that on the scan! I have more nausea this time than last, but still managed to gain 7lbs already. Do you think that women get more nausea when they're carrying girls? I've always wondered this.

I'm loving that I have a little bump so early and nervous for my scan Thursday. Feeling exhausted and my chest hurts but managed to sleep more last night as doctor prescribed me an anti sickness pill to take along with a codeine. I don't like adding more to what I'm already putting in my body but if it doesn't affect the babies and means I get to actually sleep then I'm happy.
Congrats purelygemini! I wish we could know already 😂

Glad everything seems good Calcifer, fingers crossed!

Hope your placenta moves pinkpassion 🙂

My morning sickness has been worse the last few days (approaching 12 weeks) which is typical...hope it's peaking. Scan for me on Friday, I'm a bit nervous...
Lana, I'm not sure but I've often wondered that as well, with both my girls I was so sick and I was so emotional and hormonal,everything set me off... this time no sickness at all and very very very little nausea occasionally for like a week and them nothing and I've been so emotionally stable so I'm wondering if it indicates boy or just luck of the draw!!
I've heard that girls make you sick and I certainly wasn't very nauseous at all with my son, and apparently your skin is worse with spots. However, this time I've had much worse nausea, but still craving carbs and salty stuff and off chocolate, and good skin - all of which was like with my son. I'm pretty sure this one's another boy, but the ickiness is the one thing making me question it; I was more certain with my son than I am this time.
My first daughter made me super sick then my son I was only nauseas no actual sickness. Then my third pregnancy was like my sons so thought boy but she was a girl.

I just read s theory online that said people who got early positives have boys and later positives are girls. When I thought back that's actually right for me. would mean this ones a boy

12 week Scan next Friday.(5th) can't wait
No twins for me lana lol! Just one in there.
Oh pink passion it's great baby is doing well. Hopefully your placenta moves.

In regards to sickness and gender, I was very sick the entire pregnancy last time, and he's a boy! So that theory didn't work for me.
Also last time, I didn't get even the slightest of positives on a hpt until 2 days after my missed period (I used to test daily from 8dpo lol).

This time I have sickness but it isn't as severe as last time. I also got a pretty strong positive the day before my period was due, but it was also the first time testing that cycle, so I wonder how early I would have gotten a bfp if I had been testing.

Despite these differences, I just feel like I am having a boy again. Maybe I just can't picture life with having a girl because I don't know any better haha
I was very, very sick with my son. And I've been very sick with this one, too, although it's starting to lessen a bit, which is far earlier than my last pregnancy. With my daughter, I was pretty sick, but not as much as I was with my son. I think there's really no rhyme or reason to this pregnancy stuff. LOL!
Thanks everyone for all your support but it's a missed miscarriage. D&C has been booked for the 5th may. Xx

I wish you all the best of luck with your little beans. Xx
So sorry ricschick xxx

I had my scan today too, 10+1, so been brought forward by 3 days :) x


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