Thankful (for a baby) in November 2017

Justmeinlove, that's really a sweet deal you're boss/friend is expecting too! May be there will be a little extra sympathy on really rough days!
Good afternoon ladies, i am *tenatively* and cautiously back.
I still have heavy bleeding. I even wore a super plus tampon w a pad and the pad still has blood on it. On sunday i used a CB Digi. It said "not pregnant". I also did an FRER to compare to the others. The line was extremly faint and lighter than the previous tests. I bled heavily yesterday and today.
I got in w the OB. They did a urine. Much to my surprise, the hpt was positive. The line was the most obvious line i had seen this pregnancy (not as dark as control but def not just a faint line like previously). I went home and took another CB Digi and another FRER. The digi said "pregnant" and the FRER was darker than all the other lines so far.

My MW ordered hCG numbers. I got the labs done today. I got back in 48 hours to see if that has increased or not. I continue to bleed, just like AF. But my tests are getting better. Idk what to think :shrug:

MW wants me to meet the OB there. She said w this [possibly] being my 3rd MC, she wants to evaluate things. It could be that i have a progesterone deficiency or it could be that i have some blood clotting disorder. I think MW is leaning towards the blood clot issue. That would also be consistent w my cycles from hell. But at this point it is hard to say.

Can i get any thoughts? I am confused bc when i had my chemical last time, the test never really went past a faint positive and as soon as i started bleeding the tests turned negative. This time howver, i am bleeding but tests are getting darker? I dont know what to make of it.

Pic1 is sundays bfp (which is so light my camera had trouble picking it up) l. The bottom FRER is todays positive.
Pic2 is the digi from today (was negative yesterday)
Pic3 is the trst from the MW. She offered me to keep it ��


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Oh wow guppy!! I hope it's just bleeding and nothing else. Fingers crossed that your bloods have gone up with your next test!!!
Guppy! I've got everything crossed...that is strange! I hope everything is moving in the right direction for you!
oh fx guppy!!! its a good sign if tests are darker!!
Guppy I don't want to scare you but I know that sort of thing can happen with ectopic. Hopefully your bhcg results can give you an answer, and maybe a scan too?
Fingers crossed for you guppy! That must be so confusing. I'm glad your MW is on top of things. Keep us posted.
Ahhhh yes when i had my ectopic i originally had my period and then a week later i felt like my tummy had a bug but nothing ever came out so to speak - and then I started bleeding again so i tested and it was positive. 24 hours later and one emergency surgery... I'd definitely say ask for a scan!
That is def something i am concerned about.(EP)
I got my first set of hCG back. this morning it was 39.7 they said it is low but given how early it is, it isnt abnormal. They want to see it double. I go back tomorrow afternoon for a second hcg check.

If it increases they will do a scan but w my only being 4 weeks today, id guess they would wait until 5 or 6 weeks since scan may not be able to see anything, pregnant or not :shrug:

Bleeding has tappered off. It is now a light (bright red and brown) flow. Not bleeding nearly as bad now...just wish i knew either way. Hard to get excited seeing what i saw every time i went to the loo.its envouraging that tests are getting better but also kind of scary. Like what if it is EP or what if i lost a twin or have an issue w the placenta? Just kinda scary.
Agreed guppy, it is scary and I'm so sorry you are in this limbo!! I hope you get results And answers quickly!!
I have a question: is this the main november group thread?? Last time we only had one group, we all got pretty close, and still talk on our secret fb group. I really would love to have that connection with you ladies but its been kinda hard since there's a bunch of different groups. I have so much to talk about and it sucks when your posts get bypassed.

I just had my first dr appt yesterday, and after one hospital scare already this pregnancy, it was very comforting to see that little heart beating away. I was 7 weeks yesterday so only 3 more weeks til the gender test! Eek!!
Guppy~Just caught up on your post, my heart is with you and I have everything crossed for a sticky bean for you!
I have been considering this the main group since it has the most posts, but I suppose that is an arbitrary way to decide.

I'm glad your first appointment went well purelygemini! I have to wait until 10 weeks for mine and it is the hardest wait of my life.
Purely that's lovely you got to see the heart beating!!
I consider this the main group as I joined this one first!!

My boobs have been so sore lately and I'm very tired but touch wood. O ms as of yet!!! Fx it stays away!!!!
I too consider this the main go to thread.. I'd say one will stay active while others kind of die out.. That's what tends to happen anyway!!

PurelyGemini, so glad to hear your update that all is well!! Post a scan pic if you've got one!
Guppy, i have all my fingers crossed for you. If you start to have pain in your tummy or shoulders or feel generally poorly just go to a&e though so they can check. I hope it is all good though.

Purely, i think this is the main group ;) I also love doing the chatting so chat away :)

I am off to get my bloods privately tested tomorrow for thyroid levels. The support group on pregnancy in thyroid that I found is So paranoia inducing so I'd like to know where things are and hopefully maybe feel a bit better about things...Scan next Tuesday! :0
My other extra question was just:

- is anyone else feeling bloated? I wore my normal trousers to work and my tummy felt crushed! Which feels ridiculous at 5 weeks and I am hoping for reassurance I am not being silly!
I'm 7+2 and my stomach is so bloated I'm having a hard time keeping things a secret.. I already look 20 weeks, the bloat should disappear (if I remember correctly) around 9-11 weeks and then a proper bump starts appearing!!
Justme, i do! Well i guess it would be considered bloat, but it feels like baby belly when ur more like 20 weeks. So idk if thats considered blaot or not (not gassy). I swear if i didnt have a period last month and hcg were higher, id think im way further along than i

Also i have Hashimotos and have thyroid disease since childhood. If you have any questions, please ask!

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