That OTHER 2 Week Wait! have the right of it..and porno's do get results..:)..what you all did sounds like my
grey is indeed difficult..usually my dh is on to i have to really spice it up..and get really seductive..and even then it's difficult due to pressure..i have no real advice to offer other then seduce, seduce, seduce..and only you know what your hubbie really gets geared up for..;)..
good luck sweety

Thanks :) Yeah, it is hard. I think the first couple of cycles weren't, but we're both getting a bit frustrated it hasn't happened yet.

hey grey: my cycle just started after bfns on 11 and 14 dpo... :nope: it's already going so slow... sorry you're feeling down about the people telling you they're preggers... I can imagine... :hugs:

I just really can't believe that this month was a bfn. I had all the symptoms :nope:

I know that hubby loves massages ALL over :winkwink: so I start from the top then work my way down **skip the middle part** :winkwink: and save that for last... OR you can have hubby to that to you......

what about exercising together.... that really gets your blood flowing and you have all that energy already... great starter before "ahem" you know :winkwink:


hope that made you smile......


Thanks, it did make me smile :) We do some exercising together. But normally he likes doing the wii jogging (I can't jog cos my boobs hurt too much) and I'll walk the dog...sadly he doesn't like massages and my religion prohibits drink :( I'm left to try and look alluring and hope for the best sometimes!
Sorry you're at the start of your cycle, hope it speeds up for you and goes quickly!

Grey-- We ran the gauntlet to keep our action going when TTC. We did spontaneous sex, planned sex, drunk sex, morning/half-awake sex, and even threw a few pornos in to get either one of us in "the mood" when necessary! I was sooo not shy about it, haha!

My suggestion is that if he doesnt like "planned sex" and that is a bit stressful for him, spring it on him and seduce him, and don't mention anything about ttc! Or do something you know that he really enjoys (backrubs, etc.) that can produce good returns for you! :thumbup:

Sometimes the boys just don't like to hear that this is babymaking, I think it is something psychological with them and that is what turns them off. If they think they are having hot monkey sex--they are all for it!:haha:

Thank you :) Other than porn (which is banned in my religion) the rest of the suggestions sound doable :) I agree that not mentioning TTC will help, I just feel like if I don't, I might get rejected. Probably weird I know.

Well, last night we tried some :sex: but too tired and I think he still felt pressure (from himself, not me) but this morning we had a much better result! :happydance: My temp also took a bit of a nosedive this morning, so I'm hoping I can ovulate today or tomorrow and that after all our ups and downs this month that we still have a chance!!!!

Thanks all for your support and helpful suggestions - I'd go crazy without you guys! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi Morticia! Welcome - we've got the OTWW and TWW and PAL thread for all stages and we've all stuck with each other through different stages.

Grey - Sorry about all that news...hence the reason I boycotted FB for awhile since I couldn't stand announcements...its stings. :hugs: We totally had issues with :sex: nothing seemed spontaneous...tons of pressure before O time. ETC. I did what Lisa did - full body massage and got him worked up - nice music, candles, heat up the oil (don't put oil on the important bits though because oil is not good for swimmers!!!), and he will melt in your hands. Another thing I did was after his work he was in the shower and I jumped in with undies (no bra) and a white tank top...LOL! Worked like a charm. I also got a new lingerie outfit that surprised him with the pantyhose, heels, bustier, and garters - that went over very well and I think that's the night we conceived :blush: I actually looked at cosmopolitan for ideas. Good luck hon!

PS. We never watch porn either hon...not for religious reasons but I don't think I could stand it being jealous and all...that's just what I'm like...not proud of it and I know men are very visual but not when I'm around at least.
Welcome Morticia!
You will be made very welcome by all of the lovely ladies in all 3 of our threads. I hope you only have to visit the OTWW and TWW once each, before quickly moving onto our PAL thread.
And can I just say thankyou for your lovely message about my TTC journey. I am glad that it has given you hope...
Looking forward to sharing our journeys together. Good luck!
Hi Grey.
Sorry you are struggling with the BDing right now.
When me and OH were TTC, I never told him whereabouts in my cycle I was. Or occassionally, I told him I had already Od, and so any sex we had from now on was "just for fun". It completely took the pressure off my OH, as he hated feeling like I was only having sex with him for him sperm. lol. Maybe you could try that little white lie? It meant that I got sex during all the important days, without my OH feeling used, or under any pressure. If you dont want to lie, you could always just not tell him whereabouts in your cycle you are at all....and just seduce him when you know its "time".
Hope that helps, Hun

ps, Grand, loving the idea of jumping into the shower in panties and a white tank top! Will file that idea away in my head for future use! :winkwink:
Shell - What guy doesn't like a "white t-shirt" contest private shower party? - plus it's totally new...OH had no idea and was very pleasantly surprised. :winkwink: That's actually one of the ideas I got from Cosmo LOL!
All hail Cosmo!
Pre-pregnancy, I had very small breasts :blush: and a wet t-shirt competition wouldnt have been very exciting.
But now....wowzer! OH is gonna love it! :winkwink:
Hi Morticia! Welcome - we've got the OTWW and TWW and PAL thread for all stages and we've all stuck with each other through different stages.

Grey - Sorry about all that news...hence the reason I boycotted FB for awhile since I couldn't stand announcements...its stings. :hugs: We totally had issues with :sex: nothing seemed spontaneous...tons of pressure before O time. ETC. I did what Lisa did - full body massage and got him worked up - nice music, candles, heat up the oil (don't put oil on the important bits though because oil is not good for swimmers!!!), and he will melt in your hands. Another thing I did was after his work he was in the shower and I jumped in with undies (no bra) and a white tank top...LOL! Worked like a charm. I also got a new lingerie outfit that surprised him with the pantyhose, heels, bustier, and garters - that went over very well and I think that's the night we conceived :blush: I actually looked at cosmopolitan for ideas. Good luck hon!

PS. We never watch porn either hon...not for religious reasons but I don't think I could stand it being jealous and all...that's just what I'm like...not proud of it and I know men are very visual but not when I'm around at least.

Thanks :) Good ideas!!! I might try the tank top idea! :) I'm glad (iykwim) I'm not the only one struggling to keep things fresh. I know others have been TTC a lot longer than 3 cycles, but it's still hard :(

Hi Grey.
Sorry you are struggling with the BDing right now.
When me and OH were TTC, I never told him whereabouts in my cycle I was. Or occassionally, I told him I had already Od, and so any sex we had from now on was "just for fun". It completely took the pressure off my OH, as he hated feeling like I was only having sex with him for him sperm. lol. Maybe you could try that little white lie? It meant that I got sex during all the important days, without my OH feeling used, or under any pressure. If you dont want to lie, you could always just not tell him whereabouts in your cycle you are at all....and just seduce him when you know its "time".
Hope that helps, Hun

ps, Grand, loving the idea of jumping into the shower in panties and a white tank top! Will file that idea away in my head for future use! :winkwink:

That's a good idea to wait until after O to tell him I have already...I'll try that :) I hope I'm O'ing today or tomorrow, and hopefully I'll not need it next month as I'll be pregnant - but if I'm not, I'll certainly try that, thanks :)
Grey - understand your frustrations, my DH has been suffering with performance issues for a while now, we have been TTC for 20 months so I'm sure you can imagine how he feels.
He doesn't have a huge sex drive so we struggle at the best of times, therefore I have to tell him when I'm due to O as he has to make an extra effort, and bless him, he does try but its so hard to keep it fresh.
I don't have the best figure and am quite self conscious so parading round the bedroom in undies is out of the question too. :blush:

Grand - I completely agree with you on the porn front, I would not be comfortable with it as I know its 'them' he's getting in the mood for and not me.
But the white t-shirt thing might work, hmmmm - may give that a try - my DH is definitely a boob man and that's one thing I have in spade-fulls!

Shell - nice to see you on here, how are you getting on? When have you got a scan hun - can't believe you're 8 weeks already

Welcome Morticia, you'll find a lot of support in here - I would go completely stark raving bonkers if it wasn't for all these lovely girls rooting for me every month.

Love - totally jealous that you are in Florida, you mention the weather and sitting by the pool and I just think back to my holidays in Florida, love it.. love it.. love it.. Whereabouts are you?

Hi to everyone else - I've missed you all, been busy this week and also trying not to obsess over the whole TTC thing. :kiss:
Hi New.
Good to hear from you. Glad you are keeping relatively sane whilst TTC :haha:
Also, am jealous of your "spade-fulls" of boobs. Wish I did, also pregnancy is boosting things abit :winkwink:
I had an early scan last week, to ensure it wasnt ectopic this time. And im pleased to say, this pregnancy is in utero! Got my first midwife apt on Thursday, and my 12 week scan next month.
Hope you will be joining us in the PAL thread very soon, Hun.
Take care of yourself
Hi New.
Good to hear from you. Glad you are keeping relatively sane whilst TTC :haha:
Also, am jealous of your "spade-fulls" of boobs. Wish I did, also pregnancy is boosting things abit :winkwink:
I had an early scan last week, to ensure it wasnt ectopic this time. And im pleased to say, this pregnancy is in utero! Got my first midwife apt on Thursday, and my 12 week scan next month.
Hope you will be joining us in the PAL thread very soon, Hun.
Take care of yourself

Fab news hun, made up for you. That must be such a relief x

Don't think I'll be in the PAL thread for a while - just not feeling it. Maybe I'm not meant to be a mum. :shrug:

Sorry to be negative but after 20 months, its getting me down :nope:
Dont say that, Hun.
You're already a your angel baby.
But Im sure you will be a mum to an earth baby very soon.
Take care of yourself. Im sending lots of positive thoughts and baby dust your way
Dont say that, Hun.
You're already a your angel baby.
But Im sure you will be a mum to an earth baby very soon.
Take care of yourself. Im sending lots of positive thoughts and baby dust your way

Thanks hun, sorry to moan - I'll stop it now - I promise :flower:
Dont be sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for.
We all feel like that sometimes (i still do).
Thinking of you :hugs:
well ladies ..i am here again..believe af started :nope: ..woke up to old brown blood..sorry (tmi)..
believe she'll hit full red probably tomorrow..
beginning to think....two is all i'm meant to have..:cry:
spent the day at the beach.....kept me sane..:)...have a happy saturday everyone
It's late and I am up :cry: and can't seem to stop. The last hope I had for a :bfp: is gone for this month. I still had a shred of hope earlier today as I was only spotting old brown blood..and I have had that happen before and it ended up being ib, but this is not the case. Big red has shown her face and gave me a bf :nope:
I can't stop crying. I think I need to stay away from bnb but I am weak, and need company especially while I'm out of work. There is only so much working out and school work to keep my mind busy. Everyone on here is wonderful, so I keep coming back. I can't seem to let this obsession for a :baby: go.
My heart aches and I feel ashamed for feeling bitter and jealous whenever I am faced with pregnant friends and family. I hate even more that I have to hide how I feel around the people closest to me.
I don't like hearing, "you have two beautiful daughters, be thankful", or "if God wants you to have more children he will bless you", or "quit trying and it'll happen,". I know these things already. I don't want to hear a damn thing like that right now.
Well if i was a drinking woman, I would have a glass of wine, but I am not. Instead, I relented and took my xanax to help me relax. I hope it works.
I have been walking 3 miles a day, almost an hour everyday. The diet i am hitting hard tomorrow. I guess I should just focus my energies on that.
Thanks ladies for listening to me have a :hissy: :cry:ing moment.
I may or maynot be back for a while.. I may check in but I don't know if I can continue like this, then again, I love seeing how you all are doing and can't seem to stay away.
Fab news hun, made up for you. That must be such a relief x

Don't think I'll be in the PAL thread for a while - just not feeling it. Maybe I'm not meant to be a mum. :shrug:

Sorry to be negative but after 20 months, its getting me down :nope:

I have the same feeling sometimes. I feel like I'll only ever have my one time of being pregnant for 4 weeks last year. Like I'll never be a 'real' Mummy. I hope knowing others feel the same helps, and if you can't talk about it here...where can you? :hugs: We're all in this together :)

It's late and I am up :cry: and can't seem to stop. The last hope I had for a :bfp: is gone for this month. I still had a shred of hope earlier today as I was only spotting old brown blood..and I have had that happen before and it ended up being ib, but this is not the case. Big red has shown her face and gave me a bf :nope:
I can't stop crying. I think I need to stay away from bnb but I am weak, and need company especially while I'm out of work. There is only so much working out and school work to keep my mind busy. Everyone on here is wonderful, so I keep coming back. I can't seem to let this obsession for a :baby: go.
My heart aches and I feel ashamed for feeling bitter and jealous whenever I am faced with pregnant friends and family. I hate even more that I have to hide how I feel around the people closest to me.
I don't like hearing, "you have two beautiful daughters, be thankful", or "if God wants you to have more children he will bless you", or "quit trying and it'll happen,". I know these things already. I don't want to hear a damn thing like that right now.
Well if i was a drinking woman, I would have a glass of wine, but I am not. Instead, I relented and took my xanax to help me relax. I hope it works.
I have been walking 3 miles a day, almost an hour everyday. The diet i am hitting hard tomorrow. I guess I should just focus my energies on that.
Thanks ladies for listening to me have a :hissy: :cry:ing moment.
I may or maynot be back for a while.. I may check in but I don't know if I can continue like this, then again, I love seeing how you all are doing and can't seem to stay away.

If you need to stay away a while, we'll understand, but if you want to carry on coming, we'll be happy to keep you company :) Every time the wicked witch gets me, I stay away for a few days as I get really down too, but I always get pulled back because I need the support. I'm sorry it's got you down so much, I hope you feel better in yourself soon :hugs: I hate those 'helpful' phrases too, they just make you feel worse. You have 2 daughters, there's nothing wrong with feeling like you want to add to your family, no one should tell you otherwise. :hugs:
Feeling a smidge better, Grey..thanks for asking..the first several days are so darn hard. I want to give up sometimes but something in me keeps dragging me back to the drawing board. I do agree that everyone here is great for support. I am very weepy still.
Went walking already this morning, put in my 3miles..maybe I should go again later this afternoon??? Idk:shrug:
I feel lonely, weepy, irrational..the usual feelings I get when the stupid :witch: arrives.
I hope everyone else is fairing better.
Happy Sunday everyone:flower:..Thank you all for your kind words
New, I hope you are feeling better.

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