I think it's time the government came up with a GPS tracking device that's implanted into a child from birth that way if a child is taken or goes missing then the police will be able to track the child via satellite this would make peodaphiles think twice about taking a child or if a child goes missing they could be tracked and found with in minutes this would prevent the heart ache of the parents such as april jones Madeleine mc cann and all the other children that have gone missing over the years I really think this should be done we chip our pets we can track our mobile phones if there stolen why not our children ?? After all there the most precious things in the world we should Beable to protect them aswell :,(
But that goes on to the whole human rights thing, CCTV cameras, ID cards, micro chipping ect. I rember a thread a while back, can't think what section it was in on how people were infringing on privacy and human rights if you started micro chipping .. Big brother; 1984 blah blah but 100% if I could micro chips children I would. This sort of thing terrifies me as I would any parent but the fear of never getting them back... I'm not sure i could live with it. I can't see any negative point or valid one if this girl had one. ... Now come on peeps, I'm sure there's someone who'd like to disagree!!