My husband won't even humour me with a name he likes, when we were ttc he told me when I was pregnant he would now he says I am not pregnant enough! The nerve of that man.
Got my doppler in today, to early to use so can't really test it out for a few more weeks. But excited non the less. Also got me some diclectin!!!!!!
ladies,any idea what estrogen levels are in early pregnancy.
i'm running away with myself i know. i cant' test until wed as before that i;ll get a false positive
i got my bloods done like i do every month and my estrogen is very high. got it done 8dpo it was 1796 . i'm on medicatin but it's never gone above 800 and with the meds it shouldn't go about 900 or they lower your dose
wht you think, a reaction to the meds, i've beenon the same dose for the last four months and no problems. or do you think i could be pregnant or not!!!
i've cramps in my right hand side,i usually get them. maybe it's OHSS!!!!!!
i rang the hospital and they said to ring when my progesterone levels are back xx
any info i'd greatly appreciate it
I've started spotting today, I feel like af is on the way! Do you think there's any chance I ov'd on cd 6 or 7??? I know it's really early but I did double up on the soy this month!
thank you mrs N it is possible for ov early hope it is a good sign for you
gumb i dont know much about estrogen levels but i thought anything over 700 signified that there is a possibility more than 1 egg was released so it is a good sign so fingers crossed for you
Mrs N could defo be IB but you know your body best.
I get to pick out the names and I have had the same ones picked out since last year this time.
DMN so glad to hear your having a girl!
I spoke to the nurse today and I told her I started the progesterone suppositories and that I'm still taking the baby aspirin. I have my early scan booked for Jan 5th at 3:15pm CST.
Mine is 5 days away! OMG! Still in the excited phase although I am sure it will turn to worry soon enough. I really want to see my little one! with flickering heart and all.
aw Kelly, how exciting!
and csunshine too yay! Jan sounds so long away because it's next year, but I'm sure it'll come round really quick
hmm, will keep an eye on the spotting - think it's af though became there was a lot of old blood around my cervix this morning and again this afternoon. maybe I overdid it on the soy!
That will be busy DMN I got a friend coming till monday then and exam tuesday then the scan wednesday! No real nausea today either, a few quick bouts but I think the diclectin is still in my system it took away the ms last night so I am relieved! We'll see how taking the prenatal vits goes.
So had a bit of a scare today on the way to meet my delivery doc! Was on the big highway when my car lost control and went sliding, I couldn't get it to stop and before I knew it I was planted firmly in the meridian surrounded by snow. No one was in the lanes next to me so no one was hurt car wasn't damaged. The snow was so deep it stopped me from crossing the meridian into oncoming traffic but it sure made me want to shit myself! Called hubby crying asking for a tow truck number. I settled down pretty quick it was more a fright then anything. 145 bucks later to! Just to be pulled from the ditch! I'll get 100 back from my auto coverage but still so expensive! I guess I was just happy to be out of the meridian and back on the road. I was 20 mins late for apt but doc still saw me.
that must of been really scary is expensive but i guess that is there standard rate glad you were not hurt tho
next week is hectic for me as well tuesday got midwife and DS birthday wednesday i have my youngests nursery production to go to and just general housework and ironing to do before my friend arrives on the 19th lol
Kelly - Please be careful on the roads. It got kinda nasty here after school on Wed. and yesterday it was -10. It was colder than a witch's tit lmao. Just found out my college is offering a Bachelors in Nursing program now. I'm kinda excited!!
Gumb - Sorry can't help ya with the estrogen questions.
Dmn - Yes he's being better, or should I say "we" are being better. It's still kinda different tho. I guess we'll work it out eventually. Be on standby in case you gotta hand out an ass kickin.
Csunshine - How are you?
Mrs N - Hope AF doesn't show up.
AFM - Work was busier than hell this morning, but then I got to leave about 4 hours early . Feeling fine, no ms, boobies aren't too sore, just some round ligament pain ugh! Can't wait for our appt next week. Time is moving sooooo slowly....
I am doing great! Nurse was totally amazed when I told her today. LOL I asked her if she had any patients that might want to touch me for fertility, I can't gaurantee sticking though LOL she laughed.
Had some minor cramps on and off the last couple of days just par for the course and @@'s very tender. This will pick up once the progesterone kicks in full force.
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