i no, im kinda keeping my hopes up because there are people who got bfn at 25dpo and positive at 27dpo or 30dpo!! costing me a bloody fortune in hpt's!!!! i dont wan t to buy a bulk load on ebay coz i think it will jinx me lol!
woke up this morning...or maybe afternoon (just woke up) lol, felt really crap, head ache, stomach ache etc... really tired even though id just slept over 9 hrs!! i dont no what to feel. im going to docs tomorro for swine flu injection, might ask if i can havea blood test there.
oh ive been gettng mild cramps again past 24 hrs ish, alot of times when im lying down. keeps making me think AF is on her way!!
my CM has totally dried up now, even though there was quite alot from 13dpo-20dpo ish...dunno what that means.