ALimesh - fx this is it for you. they say many women, just know they are pregnant by a feeling that they get
Kelly- hope you get on ok with your exam tomorrow and hope the ms buggers off
your scan date is the same as my official test date. can't wait to see your little sticky bean on a scan pic. will you please put one up, i was a bit presumption assuming we would get to see your baby then, sorry xx
well i caved and i tested and of course it was a BFP. BUT!! don't be getting excited, it's a false positive, my official test date is wednesday, same date as Kelly's scan.
I have got false positive all the way up to the day before my official test date. so even if i test tomorrow and it's positive i can't assume it's real. only if i get my BFP on wed is it real, but i reckon AF is coming. i've bad cramps on my right hand side and low down like a pulling sensation. i keep running to the loo but no sign just yet.
i reckon she will come on wednesday, the last 4 months i have gotten to my test date, i can't sleep the night before, then i test and then 2 mins after i see my BFN, the ole witch shows up. aHHHHHHHHHHHSKJDFLKAJSd pasj; f sorry just had to have a rant.