stretchy - is a sign of fertilie mucus,!!
so fx for you.
well ladies, i rang and got more blood results and my progesterone was >191 and it shouldn't be above 100 with my meds. my official test date is tomorrow, but they have told me i can't test tomorrow, as i might still get a false positive!!!! i can't believe it.
they said cos my estrogen was so high, i might have released 2 eggs or have another cyst. i said i was hoping it might have been cos i was preggo, he said that is also possible but to wait until thurs to test instead of tomorrrow. i reckon AF is coming though cos i have the cramps, and i feel like im going to get the runs (sorry TMI!)
how am i going to wait all day tomorrow, i;m going coco loco!!!! what if AF comes, i think i've convinced myself, my boobs are sore again today. only when i press them in though
I am in day 3 for my 2ww and this is my first time trying to conceive but I have been pregnant 2 times 1st was a miscarriage and 2nd time was my son. I am finding that ttc is way different then finding out your prego on an accident. I am a stay at home mom so I have nothing to do but my school work and since it is right before break I really do not have a lot of things to keep me busy. Is there any ideas of ways to stop thinking about how fast the time needs to go by
stretchy - is a sign of fertilie mucus,!!
so fx for you.
well ladies, i rang and got more blood results and my progesterone was >191 and it shouldn't be above 100 with my meds. my official test date is tomorrow, but they have told me i can't test tomorrow, as i might still get a false positive!!!! i can't believe it.
they said cos my estrogen was so high, i might have released 2 eggs or have another cyst. i said i was hoping it might have been cos i was preggo, he said that is also possible but to wait until thurs to test instead of tomorrrow. i reckon AF is coming though cos i have the cramps, and i feel like im going to get the runs (sorry TMI!)
how am i going to wait all day tomorrow, i;m going coco loco!!!! what if AF comes, i think i've convinced myself, my boobs are sore again today. only when i press them in though
brb08 & shaerichelle hopefully your stay won't be too long in here
well ladies i'm off to bed i'm exhausted, well west made me exhausted all that talk of being tired. xx
so hopefully when i get up tomorrow the ole bag won't have shown.i'm going to test tomorrow even though i've been told it will probablybe a false positive. i bought 2 cb digi's so i'll use one tomorrow and it if says not pregnant then i know for definate that she is on her way. if it's positive then i'll just have to not get excited as i've been told it could be a false positive
i've spent all night googling high progestrone and estrogne and it's not pointing towards a BFP
night all god bless, xx sleep tight xxx
What are you going to school for? DO you go into school or go online? I am getting my Bacholer's degree in Health Administration and I go to the university of phoenix online.
What are you going to school for? DO you go into school or go online? I am getting my Bacholer's degree in Health Administration and I go to the university of phoenix online.
I am going for my bachelors in visual communications (graphic design and marketing) @ westwood college. This is my 4th term after a few months break.
How long have you been going?