The 3peats are here!

im going back on BC after this :baby: is born, im 99% sure this one is my last so will just stay on BC maybe get something a bit more long term later on..:shrug:
im not sure how my body is coping with pregnancy this time, i seemed to sail through with chloe, connors had a couple of snags but with this one... im tired all the time:sleep:,still get a bit nauseated:sick:, my legs ache,badly!! some times, my belly hurts if i need to pee, and if ive held it for a while or its FMU it hurts after i pee really bad too...ive had bleeding for a few weeks off and on a few weeks back,emotional wreck!!:wacko: and round ligament pains and cervix pains are worrying,although midwife says its not sure i remember my previous pregnancies being like this:shrug: but im almost halfway through and as im pretty sure its my last,im trying to relish every moment!!...:happydance: here is the bump in question so far, pic taken the other day 12th march...hope your all well:hugs: gender scan 3 weeks today :yipee:


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Your bump is too cute Cab! So jealous of you skinny girls! I can't wait to find out what your having Cab. I think its a boy but don't know if that's cause there are so many boys among us.

I feel just like you ladies!!! I feel like I'm 9 months pregnant as far as my body is concerned. I'm always so sore and feel like I just got beat up, I'm always out of breath, and have all the same symptoms as you Trey and Cab! Guess its just normal as you have more babies. I don't like taking birth control pills. My hubby wants a vasectomy but I really don't want him to have it. I just feel like right now we are done having babies but only because of $$$. If we came into alot of $$ I would def have another. My hubby wants the surgery because he's scared once this baby hits 3yrs old I'm gonna pull the same thing I have with my other 2 kids and beg for another baby.:haha: I think we'll just go back to condoms. That's what we've used thru out our 7 seven yr relationship. Never had a problem with them.

I've got another cold! THis sucks. I'm miserable! Its going around because the whole house has it too! Its so hard taken care of other sick people when your sick!
cab - love the bump pic!!

Im not sure what bc im going to use yet, I want one more baby but hubby wants this to be our last so not sure what will happen yet!

I have sooo many aches and pains this time round, is def harder than last time!
jojo and caz, glad we are all sharing the same problems/symptoms...must be normal, 3rd babies eh!! :haha: hope that cold clears up soon jojo, my DS has got a cold, poor :baby: he all snotty and bunged up...:awww: has everyone decided on names for their :blue: bumps, coral have you stuck with Keira Rose for your princess?? xx
Hi ladies,

Trey sorry you are having a tough pregnancy, your little boy has name ideas :haha: thats cute, do you have a name yet?

MC such a perfect little bump:hugs: I still think girl for you but hope I'm wrong as I know you want another little :blue: only 3 weeks! :yipee:

As far as BC is concerned my DH wants me to get my tubes tied while I have my c-section but I'm not sure if they will do that and although I'm 99% sure this is the last I would feel weird being sterile I think. When I had my son it was a planned c-section and the doc actually asked me if I wanted my tubes tied while he was in there!!:shock: I mean I was only 23 and only my second child!! Thanks god I didn't say yes! I will prob take the pill then maybe get the mirena coil after:shrug:
Jojo you are having a rough pregnancy too :hugs:

Caz, my DH felt the same way after my son but here we are 7 years later and he was the one wanting another :shrug:

I don't have a bad back yet but I have got carpal tunnel especially at night, which wakes me up as well as leg cramps! ouch!

MC yes I still am going with Keira Rose but still look at baby names so might change my mind you never know! Is it still Alexia for you if its a girl? Did your friend find out if its a boy/girl yet?
We have picked the name Jadiel Xavier!

I love the names Coral and Cab!! I know Caz picked her name. Is it still the same?
Cab have you picked a middle name? Have you picked a name for a boy as well?
Coral what is your sons name again?
Trey, maybe Squirley could be a cute little family nick-name! That's too cute! Can't wait to hear the real name though!
:wave: thanx for the bump compliments to all of you, yep we chose our name..:pink:..Alexia.(maybe susan for middle name,mine and OH mums name) and Alexander (cameron?) for :blue:..yes found out my friend is having a boy!!!!!!! :yipee: so if i am team :pink: which i also think coral, then i get my name!!:wohoo: indeed 3 weeks today coral until my scan, getting more nervous than excited now, just hope :baby: is healthy and well....i love everyones name choices so exciting!!!
Oh yes jojo I remember that is a nice name :hugs:

My son's name is Ryan Kyle.

MC :yipee: that your friend is having a boy so you get your girl name if it's :pink: I love Alexander Cameron also!

My choices for boy would have been Caleb, Evan, Aiden or Connor.

I have lots of girl names but Dh likes Keira, none of the others!!
told you before coral, connor is a good choice!! :haha:
the reason we going for alexia or alexander is my OH middle name is alexander and its also his dads first name...cameron is OH's little brothers name, so we going with a family orientated name...i love keira, id have shortlisted that but OH said we have enough C names claire(me) chloe(dd) connor(ds) so Keira has a c are funny beggars! :rofl:
Hi everyone, alot of chatter since I was on last. its been busy now that it's spring break and the kids are out of school all week.

I have a name I like, my hubby likes it okay but have no Idea if we will really go with it. It's Phoenix. and we don't know what middle name to put with it. This has been the hardest baby to name! I actually dread thinking about it. :) Not really!

Everyone's bumps are so cute. I am glad I actually am starting to look pregnant and not just fat anymore. I hate thinking people don't even know I'm not just fat.

The baby has a schedule now i think. He's awake right after I eat my meals and really awake about 10:00 at night. I really don't want a night owl. My other two slept so good at night but I'm kind of worried this little one won't.:)

I think I will have my tubes tied with the one beucase I am having a csection(#3) and I really don't think I want to have a fourth csection. I really just want to know what my doctor thinks when he's in there and can see all the scar tissue and tell me what he thinks. I also think now that i'm in my 30's that 3 is enough and I want ot be young to enjoy all the grand kids when they come along. My moms not in the best of health to play with her grandkids and I don't want that to be my case. Plus my husband will never do the vesectomy unless I drug him and drag him in their, he's the biggest baby ever and he's not really into it if he doesn't have to do it.

wow, that was long. sorry:)

I hope everyone has a great week. Oh, and I had my V day last friday! YEAH!!! :):):)
I LOVE the name Phoenix! ANd Congrats on your V day!!! ITs so hard because so many different websites say different things about the V day! Some say 23 wks and I've seen up to 26 wks. I'll feel better when I get to 30 wks!
hey girls,

Phoenix is a nice name choice Butterfly, and congrats on v-day! ;yipee:

My baby is also very active late at night from about 9pm til 11 or so lots of strong kicks!!
its VIABILITY DAY...i had to ask too....:haha: its the date from babies can survive outside of the womb,obviously with extra care...hope i pass mine and get to 40 weeks!!
hope everyone doing good, im up early,the neighbours son screamed the street down, the only one not waking up was his mother!:growlmad: there is a social services case going on there at the moment, hope it gets sorted for the sake of them kids!
im ok today,feeling BIG....belly looks and feels massive and its only gonna get forgot to take bloods for the triple test at my 16 week appointment so im waiting for her to call with an apology and another app today!! silly woman! its clearly written on my notes and its her job!!! i just happened to see someone mention that it should be done at 16 weeks on here and had to check,i was fuming took ages to reach the surgery reception yesterday:growlmad:as both mw phones were switched off and gp surgery wasnt answering either!! when i eventually got through all i got offered was a MW appointment in 3 weeks!!! i want one this week or early next week for these bloods i said to the receptionist "you best get the MW to call me asap tomorrow"
anyway :hugs: my last day as an onion, what will i be next week??....xx
hi girls,

MC yes she should have you in for bloods right away you are 18 weeks tomorrow! You will be a sweet potato :awww:
Morning ladies! Love all your name choices. We are still going for Amariah for our son, luckily we are having a boy really as we couldnt agree on any girl names at all :haha:

Not long till my v-day now!!! I really want to go into labour at 38 weeks :) I dont want to go beyond 40 weeks as I will have to have a c-section then and really dont want one, as Im having a VBAC they wont induce me if I go overdue just book the section :(

So, here is my new bump pic: 23 +3


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Cab, that is crazy! I thought Midwives were suppose to be more personal and on top of things?
I'm really happy with my Dr. He is great and very honest which I like and sooooo funny!

What have you ladies heard about the true V-Day date? Is it 24 or 25 wks?
SSSSSOOOOO Cute Caz!!! I'm going to take another one today! I feel like everyday I get bigger and bigger! And I agree about wanting to have the baby around 38 wks. My Dr told me if you have a premie then the next baby you have, you should expect to have that baby around the same time. My son was born at 36 wks and my daughter 33 wks. SO I want to get to full term this time so bad! I better after getting these damn shots every week! They are pretty painful, very $$$, and now I'm having reactions to them! THe things we do for our babies! Plus, we are planning our holiday for 4th of July. We are going to a beach that is 4 hrs away and we will be there for 4 days and coming back the day before my due date. I'm so scared I'll go into labor at the beach ( which is in a different state) or on the highway!

And what's going on cause I've been a papaya for a couple weeks now!
hey girls, Caz you are so tiny, very cute! I am in the same boat but want a c-section this time. My doc says if i ewant a VBAC they wont induce me but will not let me go past 41 weeks. I plan on having a repeat c-section though.

Jojo hopefully you make it past July 4th and get home before baby is on his way!

Here is my bump pics from today 21wk +5 days


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