The 3peats are here!

Hi caz, yes lovely day today isn't it hope you feel better soon!

Jojo great pic your bump is def getting bigger :happydance:

Only 2 and half weeks til I leave for my trip to New Jersey!
Wow that's so exciting Coral! What part of NJ again? Your going to see your In laws right? I bet they are going to be so excited to see the kids and your bump!
Caz, hope you feel better soon! I just got over my cold and its so much worse when your pregnant!
Cab, when do find out the results of your test again?
I go on April 13th for another scan. To check the babies growth. I'm so nervous because they said the baby is normal size but my uterus is measuring big. At first I got scheduled the scan because both my other babies were so little even for premies. They stopped growing towards the end of the pregnancy so they wanted to keep an eye on him. But now he said he wants to also check one more time that there isn't another baby playing hide and seek! He said I've had so many signs of a twin pregnancy : bleeding in the 1st tri, measuring big even though the baby is normal size, my HCG levels were high, feeling kicks on both sides of my stomach at the same time, way more movement than I ever felt with my other 2 kids, etc! I highly doubt that they would have missed 2 babies at the 20 wk scan. But the Dr said that there has been times when it was identical twins and they didn't find the 2nd baby till later in the pregnancy. So, I guess we'll see. I feel huge for only 24 wks and now seeing all of your bumps I feel even bigger even though its hard to tell just by pics. Wouldn't that be crazy!!
@coral have fun in NJ...:happydance:
@jojo...should be start of next week i get results...bump looking good!! wonder if you are carrying twins:shrug: exciting!!..:yipee:
asfm...blahhhhhhhhhhhh :cry:
Hi Everyone!
Sounds like everyone is doing okay except for the nose bleed and cold that is. :) I hope you get over those soon.

Jojo, I love the bump...I hope you let us know asap if it's twins or your just carrying all out front. I know it's a couple more weeks away but it's so fun wondering if it might be twins. :)

I'm feeling good. I did an incredible amount of walking at Sea World with the kids, so I'm sore and tired today but it was alot of fun.
Jojo its Edison in central Jersey. Wow still might be twins that would be so weird to find out this late! It would scare me :argh: but would be lovely also. Let us know what happens.

I know what you mean cabs I'm feeling pretty blahhhh also :( :hugs: still only 14 mor sleeps til your scan right :yipee:
Hi you guys!

I'm enjoying some peace while my kids are napping and DH is golfing. I've been on my feet all morning and most of the afternoon so now I am sore. I miss being able to get it all done without the restrictions.

My nose bleed stopped not long after I got off the computer. I read that it is a common thing during pregnancy. So, I went to a birthday party yesterday and met a lady who is due July 8th. I'm huge next to her!! I'm going to ask my midwife next appt to see how I am measuring compared to the "norm".

My DH and I haven't talked about names yet. I might go ahead and make my list for when he comes around and sees it my way. I love Phoenix, btw.

Jojo, lord girl if you are carrying twins....:wacko:

Why is it that the baby size is the same for 3 weeks?
I heard a lot about the nose bleeds too. What names are in the running for you? I think the baby stays the same length while they are putting on some weight. Are your feet swelling really bad?
Yay its my viability day today!!!!!!
:happydance::happydance::yipee::yipee::headspin::headspin: Congrats on your V-day!!

Cab, scan is getting closer!! I bet your so excited!
hi everyone!

I had an appointment today. It went kind of good and kind of bad. I have only gained 1 lb this month. :) Yeah for me, I have to keep my weight in check. I did a high blood pressure reading though. It was 140/80...So he wants me to check it twice a day at home for the next two weeks and see if its jsut the stress of coming into the doctor. I think the girl doing the reading was not right. I came home and did it and it was 106/66.

I had issues with high bp and toxemia with my last pregnancy and I hope i'm not going to repeat that all over again. My last was born at 37 weeks and I'm only 25 now so I have a long way to go to be showing these signs allready. :(

I will just hope that the nurse did a bad reading and it's not really that high. :)

How is everyone else?
Hi girls,

butterfly hope your blood pressure stays under control for you, maybe it was an off reading, I hope so.

Cab less than 2 weeks til scan :yipee:

not much new for me, apart from my Dad is buying my pram for me!!Which is great as I couldn't afford the one I wanted, I'm excited now! here it is :yipee:
Butterfly, I'm sorry you had to go thru that. The same thing happened to me w/ my 1st pregnancy! I'm know how you feel about being so nervous about going thru the whole B/P thing again! I've been taking my B/P at home everyday from the start of the pregnancy:wacko:!

Got my 6 month OBGYN check today! Can't wait to hear Jadiel's little HB. I think I'm gonna get my glucose test papers today too. NOt looking forward to that test. I don't know why I always schedule these appts so darn early in the morning!
Well, Dr appt went good. Jadiel's heart beat was 138. They said I was measuring big again but he he took a couple extra mins to listen to the heart beat and I guess to make sure he didn't hear 2 heartbeats. Had some contractions after the Dr. appt. Waiting to see if its just because of the shot today. There not steady and kinda erratic. Pretty sure there just Braxton Hicks. Guess well see if they get worse!
Hi everyone!
So I wondering....what complications did each of you have with your past pregnancies?
I really haven't had any. I had my first 3 weeks early and he came fast and furious. And with my second she had her first bowel movement before being delivered.

I have another question (this one is a little TMIish)... What is your discharge like? I was a little concerned because mine seems a little too thin, almost watery, no color to it. The first thing that came to my mind was leaking amniotic fluid.

Names...I have no idea what to name the baby so I am going letter by letter. I got up to C so here are the favs so far...Aaron, Collin, Brycen, Christian... This is going to be hard. :dohh:
For complications, I had pre term labor w/ both kids,(son) Toxemia ,mucus plug feel out @ 18 wks, Baby wasn't growing correctly. (DD) Had CMV,started dilating at 18 wks, started leaking amniotic fluid @ 32 weeks. As for my discharge it varies. I have had a lot of the discharge that your describing and I actually found a thread started on here about that. Last night I got freaked out because I had (SORRY TMI) had a glob of very gross stuff come out after my shower. It scared me right away because It reminded me of when my mucus plug fell out. But It wasn't as big as a mucus plug so I think I'm good.

I like the name Brycen & Christian!
I have to say ladies I feel so anxious to see my little man! I feel like I've been preggo for ever and 15 more weeks sounds like FOREVER!!! I feel like I'm never gonna get to see him!!
I have to say ladies I feel so anxious to see my little man! I feel like I've been preggo for ever and 15 more weeks sounds like FOREVER!!! I feel like I'm never gonna get to see him!!


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