The 3peats are here!

cute bumps!:happydance: had bloods taken today will get results in next few days...FX for a low risk result!! xxx
I'M so jealous of your perfect looking stomach's ladies!!! I'm def not brave enough to show my bare belly!
Cab - glad you got your bloods sorted! FX for your results!

Coral - love your bump - I wish mine was a bit bigger as Sapphira stopped growing when she was in me & Im scared this one will too!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for ya Cab. What are the bloods taken for? I chose not to get any genetic testing or "risk" testing for things as Down Syndrome etc because I wasn't going to terminate the pregnancy. Plus they told me my son was going to be a little person, my aunt was told my cousin had down syndrome and a couple other people I know had false positive results so I just wanted to save my self the worry. I should be getting my glucose test done in the next couple weeks. I HATE that test!!
caz, I'm sure your bubba is growing fine hun :hugs:

look forward to your bump pic jojo!

and I'm sure your bloods will be fine MC :hugs:
it is for the downs testing....something i never wanted done when i was preg with connor or chloe but i feel differently this time...if the results come back as high risk then we will think of our approach to further testing...but all in all i will know what to expect for definate with an amnio test, which can be as soon as thursday if i wish to have that done...i asked about the nuchal fold measurment today coral(i told you before they dont really go into that here on scans) well the MW said the sonogropher would have taken a quick measurement and if it looked enlarged she would have made a note of it, she also took a quick look at my scan and said in her experience it looks normal. so i think all will be ok but i just want to have it checked out...
SSSSSOOOOO Cute Caz!!! I'm going to take another one today! I feel like everyday I get bigger and bigger! And I agree about wanting to have the baby around 38 wks. My Dr told me if you have a premie then the next baby you have, you should expect to have that baby around the same time. My son was born at 36 wks and my daughter 33 wks. SO I want to get to full term this time so bad! I better after getting these damn shots every week! They are pretty painful, very $$$, and now I'm having reactions to them! THe things we do for our babies! Plus, we are planning our holiday for 4th of July. We are going to a beach that is 4 hrs away and we will be there for 4 days and coming back the day before my due date. I'm so scared I'll go into labor at the beach ( which is in a different state) or on the highway!

And what's going on cause I've been a papaya for a couple weeks now!

YEah, me tooo! What's with that.
I had the testing done with my first two and nothing ever showed so I didn't feel the need for the testing this time. We have no history in wither side of the family as far back as anyone knows and it won't change my opinion of going on with the pregnancy so we didn't do it.

I go to the doctor monday. I have my second gd test and the first one was fine, I guess my office jsut checks once early and once later on so I'm due for the second time. I never had it with my other two so I'm praying that its not a problem this time either. I have been eating well for the past year and half so I hope that helps me out some. :)

After this appointment I go every two weeks, not really ready for that but I guess it's time.

I do know i get another ultrasound at 30w to check on the weight of baby, I'm going to try to get a 3d scan jsut so I can see how cute. I hope they let me have one. :)

Hope everyone has a good weekend. We are taking kid to sea world tomorrow, I can't wait.

Talk later!
Well, I had to officially remove my rings yesterday because they were getting to tight from my hands swelling! Isn't it really early for that? I am very sensitive to swelling on a normal basis so guess its just my body. Its suppose to be a BEAUTIFUL day! Sunny and very warm! So excited to be outside again. Went out the last couple days and started to get my garden cleaned up and I started doing some of the hard stuff like Hoeing and Racking. Want to get all the really hard stuff done now while I can still bend over!:haha: Hope everyone has a great day!
Happy V day jojo & Trey :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Hope you are enjoying your nice weather today jojo, its soooo rainy here!!!
Hey you guys! Yay for V-Day! I googled images of 24 week babies...they are so small! I'm sitting here pinching my nose. I have a pretty bad nose bleed. I tried too stop it a couple of times...not working. :nope:

Jojo I would be very nervous about traveling so far away so close to due date. Is your Dr ok with it?

I had the genetic testing done. If anything was wrong I had to be prepared. Luckily all is well which I'm sure it will be the same for you Cab.

Dag! I'm bleeding from both nostrils now...gotta go. :cry:
@trey....:hugs: hope the nose is ok! thats normal for preg though right?..think ill get the results today or monday at the latest, im shitting it!!! if it comes back high risk, do i have the amnio test??:shrug: ive looked it up and it looks ok but its the risk of MC...i know its only 1% know........
coral...congrats on the papaya :happydance:
jojo,caz,butterfly:hugs::kiss: how ya'll doin? xxxxxx
MC I wouldn't worry until you know the results, you are young so chances are it will be low risk :hugs:

Hope your nose bleed stopped quickly Trey!

Yes I'm a papaya now! :yipee: although I will be now until 25 weeks I think :shrug:

Hi girls how are you all doing?
Morning ladies, Im on day 5 of a horrible cold now :( wish it would hurry up and go!

The sun is shining here though so going to go out for a walk later I think and make the most of it!
Hope your nose bleed didn't last to long Trey!

Here's my bump pic!
Photo 151.jpg

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