The 3peats are here!

hi xuxa!

Coral is my middle name! cool name!

not sure about the baking soda test but try it now!
ok time to come clean.:blush:..i obviously dont use baking soda that much, best before date may you think that matters...i tried it again, its flat, no fizzing...:shrug:
Cab, did you try it again with fresh baking soda or more of the old stuff?

Just got back from an Outgrown sale at my sons school and got 2 outfits for the baby, 2 dresses for my DD, a mini travel swing and a small exersaucer all for $30!!! So happy!
was the old stuff, thats when i noticed the date, will pick up more later and try again lol
and well done!!i love a bargain!!:yipee:
I doubt it would matter but worth a try with new stuff.
Great deal jojo :yipee:
Well ladies had a big scare yesterday. on Fri night I was having some cramping really didn't think anything of it. All Fri night it was still there and went I got up to go to the bathroom, I leaked some fluid. I just thought I peed myself again. Well the leaking continued all morning enough for me to wear a pad but it def wasn't pee. I started getting a horrible back ache and just didn't feel right. I went to the hospital and they did some tests and they found blood mixed with mucus and think my mucus plug my be coming loose. THey though my water was leaking but said for right now its in tact. They did an ultrasound to check his fluid and it looked great so they gave me a steroid shot to open up his lungs in case the worst happens. I have to go back today to get the second one. Right now he's measuring a bit bigger and is 2.2lbs! If my water starts leaking then I have to go into the hospital and be on antibiotics till MY DUE DATE!! If it breaks completely and I start having more contractions then the baby will have to be born. I am so scared! I just wanted a normal pregnancy this time! A lady that took me to the ultrasound was trying to make me feel better by saying " Oh, my water broke @ 21 weeks" So I was asking her questions about if they kept her in the hospital etc and she said " Well they did but my baby didn't make it. Well just need to pray for yours now." I started bawling hysterically! I know she was trying to say my baby was 4 wks older etc but I was already a nervous reck trying to keep my emotions hidden for the kids. We were there 5 hrs but the hospital staff ( except that lady) were so great and supportive. The one nurse took my kids on a walk to get a snack, they heard my husband complaining that he missed lunch and brought him a tray of lunch. I can't say enough about how fast they worked, kept me informed etc! They let me go home to rest but have lots of check ups to come. Lets all pray this little man stays put!
awwww jojo, ill pray that little one stays put for at least another 14 and half weeks or so.. just take it easy and relax no straining yourself!! hope all is well :flower: im thinking of you and your :baby: :hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxx
OH, jojo...I will keep you in my prayers and hope the best for your little man. I hope he stays put and makes it alot longer.

I took the baking soda test a month or so back and it did not work for me. No fizz and i know I'm having a boy.

Well, I should get my gluclose test reasults back tomorrow. I'm so nervous I will have gestational diabetes..I'm hoping for a good result though.
FX for your results butterfly! the baking soda test is crap really....:shrug: will just have to wait then!:dohh::haha:
pics from the ultrasound I got yesterday!

I think he's smiling in this one!:cloud9::cloud9:

awwwwwwww cute,lets hope thats the last time we see your little one until week 40(ish) very nice to see you again though :baby: xxxxxxx
Well, I go for another ultrasound on Apr 13th for another check.
Oh geez, Jojo! How scary. How are you feeling now? The ultrasound pics are really good. My next scan is around the same time as yours.
well ill look forward to hearing that :baby: is all cosy and staying in your tummy until week 40!!(ish) and seeing the pics of course!!:thumbup:
hope everyone had a great wkend,:hugs: to all xxxxxxxx
Jojo how scary, I hope baby stays put until full term sweetie:hug::hugs: lovely u/s pics so cute :awww:

guess that baking soda test is poop then:shrug:
Thanks ladies for all the support. Went and got my 2nd shot of steroids yesterday. Boy they burn soooo bad! Baby is stressing me out! I only felt him move 3 time yesterday and it was very faint. Usually he is so active so I was trying to do everything I could to get him to move! On other notes, my MIL is leaving back to Puerto Rico in the morning. Mixed feelings really. I've gotten so use to her being here and really have developed a bond with her. To see her so sad to have to go back breaks my heart. Plus, I'm not good with goodbyes ( is anyone really?) and I hate the thought of standing there watching her walk away and :cry: and watching my hubby :cry: and all the emotions that go with it! Especially in a busy airport! But, my husband seems to think once we get a bigger place to live she might be back. Got mixed feeling about that too!:haha:

How's everyone else feeling today?

How many sleeps till you scan Cab?
What about you Trey?
awww jojo,:hugs: for the MIL situation...bless :baby: moving more now??
scan in 7 sleeps!!!!!! :yipee: so excited...i still think :girl: even though my 1st intuition was :blue: xxxxxx
So I have not heard anything yet from the dr office. I hope they call today...I left a message for them so I hope they will return it.

Jojo, How do you feel? Any more leaking? I hope not. R you on bed rest? I forgot what you said. I am praying I don't have to do bed rest. I watch kids during the day and that would completely screw things up for me.

How is every one else? Good Weekends? Ours was good. Trying to get the house ready for a baby. I have to put his crib in my room and right now there is no room. So moving things out and rearranging is priority. :)
How's everyone doing ladies? Well, MIL officially gone and things should be getting back to normal. Poor hubby has been :cry: off and all day. I :cry: when I kissed her goodbye but then I realized how freaking HUNGRY I was! I know I'm 25 wks but I'm really starting to feel preggo now! That couple nights I've had to get up and pee at least every 40 mins. I'm really starting to get big and its really hard to sleep. I've been noticing I've been getting more hungry last couple of days. Could be the steroids they gave me but I think this baby is growing! TOday after the airport we went to a eat and I had a chicken sandwich,french fries, some french onion soup, and then my hubby didn't finish his french toast so I finished it for him:shy: Then after dropping my son off at school I had some choc pudding!:haha: Was so proud of my hubby because he didn't mention one word as I was stuffing my face like a pig! He just smiled and winked when I asked him if he was gonna eat that last bit of french toast!!

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