The 3peats are here!

Oh my Jojo. I dont think ill go before you. Your body is clearing itself out. I thought you should call your Dr if you are 10min apart.

My stomach ached all last night and I had a lot of BH contractions. I've been running to the potty (soft to loose stools, tmi sorry but cab asked for it) quite often. I called in today. The first time in 8 1/2 months that I have called in because of the pregnancy. I feel the pressure down there and I keep looking for my plug...but nothing yet. When baby is up and moving I hurt. Jojo, have your boobies gotten bigger the last few days? Mine have....

Hope everyone is doing ok.
Well, as for me right now I'm pretty miserable. Contractions started up again a bit ago but nothing reg yet just seriously painful. I am so :sick: and like you Trey feel so much pressure! I have been losing my plug for awhile now so I keep looking for more but not sure if I have any left. 2 more episodes of loose bowels and just feel so raw inside and the pressure almost makes it feel as though my lady parts are swollen, back is KILLING me and I just want something to either get moving or stop! Baby moving around alot today and he feels like his feet are right between my bbs and he's laying right down the middle. Trey, as for my bbs getting bigger, yes they have gotten a bit bigger but they have been so sore and have got lots of shooting pains. Gonna call the Dr and see if I can have them check me and see what's going on! If I haven't changed at all I'm gonna freak out! I did call last night and they said wait to call again until they are 5 mins apart or water breaks in conjunction with contractions every 10 mins.

How you feeling Trey? Anything change?
i think we gonna have another new born on this thread very soon.......:happydance: let us know what doc says jojo...xxxxxx
I have been acting like someone on bed rest today so I have been feeling much better. I will have to go back to work tomorrow so we will see what my body does to me then.

I'm sorry you are feeling bad but it sounds like you are in the early stages of labor.
wow jojo, things seem to be happening now. I just hope like you said that it hurries up or stops so you can get some relief:hugs: keep us updated.

Trey, take it easy at work today and also keep us updated:thumbup:

I hope butterfly and baby are doing ok can't wait to see pictures:happydance::happydance:

Caz how are you feeling?

Cabs, take it easy with the painting today hun:hugs:

Supposed to be quite warm today so may sit in the garden for a while:shrug:
I think we will have a birth announcement from you very soon Jojo!!!

Baby had not been moving very much at all for me for last day or so so yesterday went to the hospital, they monitored me and he is fine - for about 20 mins he did not move at all but then he would not stop kicking and rolling around!! They think he is head down now as well which is good.

Im feeling so tired now, running out of energy! I got my hospital bag packed today though :)
i still have to wash all new baby clothes,blankets and bedding before i even think of what to pack for hospital.....but i am 5-6 weeks behind you lot so im not worried yet:happydance:
painting got done a little but ive given up now, too hot here! xx
Well, I guess the baby has decided to torment me a bit longer before making his big entrance!! Still so :sick: and had couple more loose bowels yesterday but during the day only had a few bad contractions and a couple a night but still nothing regular! This is what happened with my 1st 2 kids though had to be in active labor for a month before they were actually born! Wait... having a contraction now... uuggghhh!!! ANyway, I;m going for my non stress test now so hopefully they will pick up some contractions on the monitor and then be able to send me over to labor and delivery and get this show on the road!!!
well, quick update. This morning felt like I had some fluid leaking but since that has happened so many times now just dismissed it. But when I had the ultrasound @ the high risk Dr this morning she mentioned that my fluid went from 14 to 10 in 1 day so I have an appt @ 1030 to check and she if the fluid that I feel is amniotic. of course no contractions happened while on the monitor! So guess I'll be updating again later!!
what happens if it IS amniotic fluid?? will they induce you earlier? x
Well, it wasn't fluid but if it was than I think that's what they would do. Gonna check it again on Tues and see what happens. If it gets to 5 then that's when they consider it low and I guess that's when they'll induce me!
Another update! The nurse from the high risk Dr just called and said the 24 hr urine test came back high so we'll do another next week and if that one is high too then we could possibly get induced next week!!!

How is everyone else feeling today?
next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am excited,:wohoo: im fine, having a lazy day today......:hugs:
Next week - wow that is so soon!!! Exciting times!!!!!! Im good, had the midwife yesterday, she thinks baby might be breech now but she is not 100% sure either way! Ive got consultant again next week so hopefully they will decide which way up he is!
wow next week that is soon, good luck jojo.
So caz you may get your csection anyway if he is breech?
yeah - it would make life easier!! Im seeing the consultant next week anyway and going to stand my ground and not be pressured into a VBAC! xx
That's right Caz! Don't be pressured into anything. That's your body and your baby! How are they going to be able to tell either way?

Cab, I would love to have a lazy day!

How's everyone else feeling this morning?
ok the lazy day turned rabbits out, fixing drawer fronts back on in kitchen then weeding the whole front garden, not before i bleached the kitchen to death and hoovered the living room:dohh: ah well, must keep active!:thumbup:

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