The 3peats are here!

MAssive congratulations JOjo-cant wait to see pics xxxx
Wow Jojo Congratulations!!!! so happy for you and a great weight for 37 weeks!:happydance: Can't wait to hear your birth story and see piccy's :awww:
Wow, Jojo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations !!!


I can't wait to see the pictures and to hear your story.
just checking for pics....hope all other ladies are greattttt!:thumbup:

love n hugs to all xxxxx
Yea, Caz!

I did too much yesterday. I feel like my hips are going to fall apart. I am now 2 cm dilated. What do you guys know about stripping membranes? Good or Bad?

Can't wait to see pics of the new arrival!
Here is Jadiel

His little face has already changed so much in the 3 days he's been here. Went to his 1st dr appt today and his weight dropped to 6lbs 8oz but the breastfeeding so far is going well! Taking a lot longer to recover with #3 and all the dr's and nurses are telling me that's normal. Have a ton more pics but just been a little busy. GOing to try really hard to get back on tonight and write my birth story and put up more pics. I'm soooooo in love! He is such a great baby! THanks for all the love ladies!! Trey I think you'll be next!


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HOW CUTE IS THAT LITTLE BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow he is gorgeous, im soooo jelous, but its ok ill wait a few more weeks:dohh: he is amazing jojo!:hugs::kiss: big WELLDONE to you, you did a great job!!!!...:friends:

trey, i had a membrane sweep with both my babies and i went into labour that night and delivered the next day!!:happydance: i also think your next!! :happydance:

coral caz and butterfly :hugs: xxxxxxxx
Awww Jojo - those pictures are just the cutest ever! How sweet his he?! You must be such a proud mummy xx
Jojo little Jadiel is absolutely adorable :awww: so so cute. Well done! Can't wait to hear the birth story. I bet you are busy though :hugs:

Trey I never had a sweep, but good luck you're next!! Then Caz, me then Cabs :yipee:
Love those pics! He is a cutie! Where those done by the hospital?!

Well I hope you guys are right in that I'm next. He is rolling around right now. TMI...I lost a glob of my plug this morning! My Mom comes in tomorrow afternoon so maybe its soon.
OMG!!! CONGRATS JOJO!!! :) :) :)


The pics are great, I'm having some done this week, I hope they turn out as good as yours.

Trey I hope yours doing well, sounds like you will be next.

Coral and Cab, and Caz I hope you all are doing good.
Well ladies here's my birth story, I'll try to make it short! So, all last week I was having lots of contractions and the baby wasn't moving hardly at all. At both of my non stress tests they had to shock him a bit to wake him up and get him to move and get a reactive heartbeat, I was 2 cm and had so much watery discharge I was soaking a pad. I kept telling the Dr something was wrong. BUt they kept saying it was fine. On Thursday morning I went for my Non stress test and told the lady what was going on. She checked my fluid and it went from 14 to 6 and with him not being that reactive she sent me over to my dr. MY dr was on vacation ( of course) so I saw a guy I had never seen. He said that I wasn't leaking fluid but because of all the other things going on they were gonna send me over to get induced. The beginning of the inducement was very drama filled because the dr at the hospital didn't want to induce me but i insisted. Once it started though it went beautifully. They put in a foley bulb ( pretty painful) @ 1pm and said it would take around 12 hrs to dilate me to 4 cm and then they would break my water. Well I started walking around doing laps with hubby and by 7pm I was 4 cm but my cervix was still to high to break my water so they started pitocin. Kept increasing the amounts because I was feeling the contractions but not really painful. Around 9pm they checked me and i was still 4cm but they broke my water. The increased the pitocin again many times till I really felt the contractions. They came in around midnight and I was 5cm and asked if I wanted the epidural but I was so torn. The contractions were getting pretty strong but I wasn't at my breaking point yet but because it was going so fast I was scared I would run out of time to get one. But I held out. By 2am I was pulling at my hubby's shirt screaming "I'm gonna die, I can't do this" I hurt so bad! The nurse came in and checked me and I was 7cm so she said if I wanted an epidural now was the time. I was not going to argue with her this time! They came in and did the epidural but it took a longer time that I remember and this one was super painful! My 1st 2 I didn't even feel but this one was almost as bad as the labor. It took about 45 mins and then 15 or so to start to work so when they all left the room it was 3am. At 4 am she asked me if I felt pressure but I couldn't feel anything from my belly button down. So she said because it had only been an hour she would wait another hour or so to check me again but as she was walking out the dr walked in and said he was just gonna check me cause he was close to the room. Well when he checked the babies head was already coming out. So there was 2 pushes and @ 4:15am out popped Jadiel! It was so fast. My 1st labor was 5 days, my 2nd was 32 hours and 3rd was 15 hrs. Can't believe its all over already! I'm so happy that I had my full term baby finally! DSCN0812.jpg
Thanks for sharing Jojo. Glad you and Jadiel are home safe and sound. Lovely family pic also! :)

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