The 3peats are here!

Caz sorry to hear that things arent going as you planned. Seems that they would just go ahead and take you into a section seeing as your past due? Guess they're hoping you he turns? Jump up and down luv, spin around do a cart wheel or something! LOL!! maybe either it will make him turn or fall out!!
Just checking up on all the ladies but especially the ones still pregnant!

Cab and Caz how you feeling luvs? Send hugs and kisses and back rubs and good foods and lots relief very soon!!!
Just popping in. All is good on my end.
Cab how are you?
Caz any progress?
Just a really quick update - will do a proper one very soon. My waters started to go at 1pm on sunday and they were yellow/green. Turned out he had pooed (a lot) and I had no waters left pretty much either so had an emergency c-section.

He was born at 7.07pm, on 17/7/11 and weighed 7lbs 7oz - so all the 7s!! He was monitored due to the meconium and also he had low temperature & low blood sugars but is fine now so we both came home this afternoon. Im recovering really quickly - feel much better this time round.

It wasnt the birth that I had wanted but he very nearly didnt make it so we are just thankful he is here.
some pictures:


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CONGRATS!!!!! HE"S HERE!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::blue::blue::blue::blue::blue::blue::blue::blue:\\:D/\\:D/\\:D/\\:D/\\:D/\\:D/:crib::crib::crib::crib::crib::crib::crib::crib:
I'm so happy for you! How scary but so glad that he is home and both of you are doing well. I LOVE the family pics! How is your DD dealing with being a big sister? Oh he is soooo handsome! Love his hair. I'm so happy for you and DH! You were a true champ!! Sending lots of love your way!!!
ALright ladies I'm FREAKING OUT!!!! I need your help!!!! Ok. So Is there any chance I could be pregnant again? Yes, I said it. Ok. So, 2 wks ago my DH and I were fooling around and he was pushing the :sex: issue. I kept telling him i wasnt ready for the full thing yet but he could put the tip in. I told him to go get a condom but we didnt have any. He said well, since were just putting the tip I'll pull out which he did but a bit late if you know what I mean. Now, last couple of days my tummy has been feeling sick,and today its taking everything I have not to throw up everywhere, my bbs are starting to hurt again, I've been having dizzy spells, especially yesterday, and here are the 2 things that really triggered me to start thinking something... I woke up this morning wanting eggs and I have had HEART BURN the last 3 days which if you remember from when we were TTC BOTH ONLY HAVE EVER HAPPENED MY WHOLE LIFE WHEN IM PREGNANT!!! Remember I got heart burn @ 3dpo that was my 1st symptom. WTF!! What am I going to do? Do you think its possible? I'm getting a test tonight. I'm freaking out and to be honest embarrassed! OMG!!! The baby is 4 wks now so I would be getting my AF soon so doesnt that mean I would have been starting that whole process again?
:yipee: CONGRATS CAZ!!! :yipee:
soooo cute well done you!! great pics!!
i dont know why but i lost this thread!:shrug: anyway...noticed jojo asking about being preggo again on another jojo...thats fast moving onto No4!! are you ok with it?? did you test?
hope all other 3peats are good:hugs:
asfm...getting BH constantly! :dohh: pelvic pressure but nothing to say labour is imminent:dohh: xxxxxxxx
well I took 2 tests 1 was a vvvvv faint pos but I think it was just from the baby and the one the morning was neg so It must just be my hormones. I have one more test in case my AF doesn't come because I read alot of women got BFN before their 6 wk check up but by the time their baby was 8 wks they got a BFP so we'll see. I'm callin a urologist today to get an appt for my hubby! Were getting him fixed ASAP!

Cab, when is the next time you see a Dr? I bet you are getting excited!!! What are you naming the little man again???

How is everyone else coming along with their babies? Jadiel slept for 5 hours straight last night! WHHOOOOAAAA HHOOOOOOOOO!!
:wave: jojo,caz,coral,butterfly and trey, im at MW again tomorrow..bloods urine etc...yep im so ready to have baby now and too excited for words! :yipee: for jadiel sleeping 5 hours! clever boy! im naming my baby Rhys Alexander :awww:
pronounced ree-ss...:haha: dont know how to write it in phonics lol, but yeah you prob know anyway :rofl:
im so emotional today...:cry::rofl::growlmad: and :sick: on top!! :dohh: not a good combo! ...
I love that name!!!! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!! Sending massive hugs your way hunni. He will be here before you know it!!!!

Trey, love the avatar pic by the way! he is too cute!
Wow jojo - I think you are pregnant, its def possible by now and your hormones from the last one should be out of your system - how would you feel if you were?

Not long to go cab - how are you feeling? xx
Well Caz if I was I would be very over welmed would be the best way to explain it. I will never be mad or upset that God has blessed me with a baby and I would never ever not want my baby. But it def would be hard on my body,family and pocket book! But my faith and love would carry all of us thru. I have been super hungry last couple days and the heart burn is outta control. I'm saving my other test. I do have my 6 wk check up in a couple wks when I come back from vacation. I would be 3 wks or so I guess right now. I know Im gonna sound so stupid but you have to ovulate to get pregnant right? So did I ovulate already or is it that everything is still just really open and that's how you get pregnant so easy? I feel so stupid? I wonder if a blood test would show it yet or not? and if it did show an amount of hcg would they be able to tell if its new or old? Guess only time will tell.

Caz, how's the baby?
Cab, I like the name! Sounds like you are hitting uncomfortable stage of third trimester. He will be here soon!

Caz!!!! Congratulations! Sorry the delivery didn't go the way you wanted, but I am glad that you both are doing well. Love the pictures!

Jojo, yes you have to ovulate to conceive. I think it is very easy to get pregnant right after having a baby. That's why one of the things they talk about at the 6 week follow up is birth control. Wow, if you are pregnant then that is as close to twins as you can get without carrying them at the same time. :hugs: It will be hard but YOU can do it!! :hugs: Have you called your Doctor to see if they can do a blood test?

Has anyone heard of a birth control called Essure?

Butterfly and Coral how are you doing??

Mason has been up most of the day...he cries when I put him down. My boobs are so sore! Does anyone have a swing? Does your baby like it?
I have not heard of that bc Trey. I can't BC Trey because I had a mini stroke when I was 12 and I have such bad migraines they don't want to take any chances. I'm sure its all just hormones but its crazy to think about it. Jadiel didn't like the swing at first and still he cries at first when I put him in ti put after a few min he stops and he sleeps pretty good in it. Jadiel is also going thru the hold me all the time phase! Are you breastfeeding?
A friend was telling me to look into the Essure cause its permanent and doesn't use hormones. Is your DH willing to get a vasectomy? I can't get mine to even consider it. I used our swing for the first time today and he cried. The next time I'll let him stay a little longer. Yes, I'm breastfeeding. No supplementing yet.

How long does it take for their true eye color to come out?

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