The 3peats are here!

I'm doing pretty well. My MIL and Hubby have the flu and I'm hoping It just passes me! Tomorrow is my first OBGYN appt! SO excited! Hopefull will get to hear the heart beat again and schedul my next scan. I need help ladies with the babies name! We know if its a boy we want the first name to be Jadiel (Jah-Dee-el) it sounds really good in spanish and not to bad in english. But I can't choose between 2 middle names so let me know what you think:
Jadiel Xavier Rios
Jadiel Isaias Rios

We also have Jenalyse (Jen-ah-lease)for a girl but that is not set in stone. Trying to find a middle name now. Any ideas?
HI ladies, I hope you don't mind me dropping in. I noticed a couple of your names from other places like july beach bumps.
A little about me. I'm also having number 3. I am 30 years old, almost 31, I have a 7 year old girl and a 5 year old boy. I have been married for nine years and together for 15 years.
though I would come and say hi since I have a little in common with this group of ladies.

How is everyone feeling? I'm feeling pretty nauseaous all day long, but luckily no throwing up.

Are any of you in the States? I think I might be the only one.
jojo, good luck at your ob/gyn app. Hope you hear the heartbeat again:happydance: I like Xavier as middle name. Not sure about girl middle, do you want a spanish middle name? I dont know many of them!

Hi butterfly, @ of us are in the UK and 2 are in the USA. I'm in the UK but lived in the USA for 9 years and my husband is american. Welcome to the group. I have a 9 year old daughter and 6 year old son.

Snow was back all night so schools are closed again, not sure if I'm going to brave it to work tonight, I hate driving in snow. They dont plough the roads here either so they get slushy and icy! I might put my tree up today. I just feel so sick I dont feel like doing anything! ugghh
Hi ladies. Well today has been another crazy day in the life of JoJo!!! This morning while getting ready for my OB appt I realized I have lost my drivers licence! The appt went well although they couldn't find a heart beat which worries me but the Dr said that its normal because Its still early. They have decided that when I go to my appt @ 12wks if they hear a heartbeat then I wont get another scan till 20wks. Then another one @ 28wks and 32 wks to make sure the baby is growing because both my other babies were small. @ 16 wks they are also gonna start me on 1 shot of pogestrone each week till birth to try and prevent preterm labor which happened with both of my other babies as well. When I got home I was informed that my BIL,SIL,21 yr old Nephew and 5 yr old niece will be showing up to my already filled to capisity home @ 7:00pm tomoorrw from Boston! UUUUUHHHHHHGGGGGGG!!!! I'm soooo tired and stressed already and now have less than 24hrs to literallty rearange my home arond for people to be able to just walk around! Not to mention that my MIL has turned me into her personal maid and nurse. She's messy and sick and my husband actually had the nerve to wake me up @ 2:00am in the morning and said " Can you go give my mom her meds?" And today said " The house is gonna be really full this weekend you want to go stay at your Aunt's house?" Are you freaking kidding me!!! I have made her Dr appts, give her meds, give her her shots, cook for her,do her laundry etc!!! So stressed out!

Hope everyone is doing well!!!

Congrats on being a pea Coral!
Congrats on being an Olive Trey!
Congrats on being a rasperry Caz!!!

Welcome Butterfly! I live in Philly! My :sick: has been pretty good. Been craving Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich like crazy and anything creamy : Whip cream,ice cream,milk,ranch etc!! :haha:

Are you ladies craving anything yet?
Thanks for the hellos.

I'm having alot of cravings. I want alot of things usually. I usually can't decide on one thing becuase I want everything, but I'm not eating much at a time, I feel too bad if I fill my self up.

I am really liking mexican food and chinese food and anthing spicy. I have also recently wanted oranges, which i usually can't stand.

I hope your next scan goes well jojo. I will be thinking good thoughts for you.
Jojo - sounds like they are looking after you well, Im going to be having growth scans as well. I really like Jadiel Isaias Rios as a name.

Trey - How are you today? how is your ms?

Coral - yay for putting the tree up, make sure you add some pics

Butterfly- happy 10 weeks today

Im feeling so sick all the time, my pregnancy book was saying after this week the sickness often gets better so hoping it will! We have so much snow here, hubby is off work, he went in this morning but he was the only one so got to come back home! He has gone to do the food shopping as Im too scared to go out in the snow so dont know what he will come back with as he has never done food shopping before!!!

Im craving sweet things, like jam and donuts - not too healthy!!
Hi Ladies and welcome butterfly. I'm in the states too-NC.

Jojo, you're world is truly hectic. It's a good thing MS has slowed down for you. So you have to wait 3 weeks to attempt to hear the heartbeat again? Don't you want to try again before then? So you'll find out what you're having at 20 weeks. I like Xavier too.

Coral I'm sorry you are feeling bad. Hope you find the energy to put up ur tree. We got ours yesterday. I have to decorate it tonight.

caz, I hope u start feeling better soon. Today is day 2 of no nausea so I hope the worst is over. Still tired though. I just realized that I'm an olive...yea!

It's hard to figure out what I want. A lot of sandqiches though. In love w tuna. I finally got tired of Sprite. I was drinking it everyday. I keep thinking about pizza.
morning ladies! How are you today? Im feeling the same as usual, sick and tired!!! So ladies, are you all going to find out the sex of your babies or wait? We are going to find out at 16 weeks, Im no good at waiting!!!
We will find out at 18 weeks.
It's snowing here. Very pretty.
Soooo sleepy.
hi girls,
Sorry I havent been on much, feeling really crappy most of the time. I have m/s still and have a bad cold on top of it. Also working nights is making me exhausted so when I'm home I dont feel like doing much at all :(

Trey and jojo glad m/s is easing up now, I cant wait!

Caz, sorry your still sick:hugs:
I will be finding out the sex also, I'm way too impatient to wait.:haha:

Going to try to get some stuff done around the house then hopefully have a nap, I'm working tonight and tomorrow night .
Sorry been MIA ladies. BIL and his fam came for the weekend and is was sooo busy. Both kids,hubby and myself got the horrible flu! Today was the 1st day I could actually get out of bed. Yesterday I thought I was going to die! Not being able to take anything SUCKS!! Feel bad for the kids because they don't understand why they feel so crappy! Preggo wise feeling pretty good. No more M/S so that's always a +!! Sat got some really bad cramps and had more bleeding. Started red then went to pink. Lots of cramps but kinda felt like strechting too so who knows. Trying not to freak out to much!

Trey, Its killing me to wait but I don't really have any choice. The Dr said the once they hear the heart beat once the Miscarriage rate drops to 2% so I just keep telling myself that! Can't believe were almost @ 10 weeks!!! Feels like I've been preggo for ever now!
Coral, hope you start to feel better soon. My m/s stopped around the end of 7wks so hopefully yours will too!!

Caz, sorry your feeling so sick too! Hope DH did a good job with food shopping!

How you feeling Butterfly?

I'm not sure if I'm gonna find out the sex of the baby or not. DH really wants to know but I really feel like its a boy and we have clothes,bassinet, etc for a boy and a girl so since this will be the last one kinda want it to be a surprise. But, who know if I'll be able to to hold out that long. Can't find out till 20 wk scan so to wait another 10wks feels like forever so my curiosity might over take me!! What do you guys want boy or girl? Do you have a feeling of what it is yet?
Morning ladies.
I think I'm officially MS free. My only challenge is figuring out what I want to eat and making sure my tummy doesn't get empty. I have a cold so i cough and pee all night. I started coffee today. The high doesn't seem to last as long but it was yummy. I guess now I need to start eating better. I'm gaining too much too fast. Oh, and i need to get my hair done! I've been avoiding it but its time. I look terrible. Anyone else have problems finding clothes to wear?

Jojo, I hope u and the fam start feeling better. I thought about having this baby be a surprise but I don't think ill be able to hold out. We have no baby stuff so ill be looking for hand me downs and gifts.
HI ladies,

Treykid3- I am not out growing my cloths yet, but my jeans do hurt a little when I sit, so i'm thinking i need to start wearing more stretchy pants or jeans. I am pregnant at a different time of the year, so I have no winter clothes to wear from my past pregnancy clothes. So it's time to buy some I guess.

I have been feeling better but occasionally I will feel a little queezzy but I think I'm on the downward part of it, I hope!

jojo- I hope everyone is feeling better. My son is not feeling well today. He must have a virus or stomach bug because hes been throwing up and diahhrea too, so hes miserable. I am just praying I don't get it too.

I do want to know what i'm having, so if the baby cooperates at 20 weeks we will find out. But my daughter did not let us see so I hope I don't run into that again. I really would love to be able to know so I can get all the baby stuff out of storage and wash just pink or blue stuff and not both.
Morning ladies, sorry I have been awol these last few days, Sapphira has been ill :( feeling a little better than I was but still got quite a bit of m/s, think it will go in the next week or so though :)
Happy 10 wks Trey!!

Sorry to hear about your DD Caz and to hear you still have m/s. Hope everyone feels better today!

Hey Coral and Butterfly, how you guys feeling?

Today is the first day I don't feel like I'm dying! Still feel pretty sick but can atleast get some stuff done. Hope everyone has a great day!
HI jojo, Iam feeling better actually, except being tired. That has not eased up yet. But I have a sick kid right now so sleep has been hard.

How are you feeling? Have you told family and friends yet? I have, I couldn't hold it in, I needed it out so I could talk and plan in the open.
Oh yea I told everyone!! I couldn't hold it in either. Before I got my BFp I had this nice little plan about waiting till christmas and telling everyone at the same time in some cute way. BUt as soon as that 2nd line showed up I started blabbing it to everyone that would listen!! :haha: Sorry you kids are sick. We are just getting over that here. Everyone else that had this thing I have got over it in 2 days but this is day 4 for me and I still feel pretty crappy. Must be because I'm preggo!
Hello ladies. I'm sitting at my hair dresser's! I'm sorry that everyone is feeling the sickness in one way or another. My cold seems a little better. I have only told some family and good friends. I'm ready to let everyone know cause I'm sick of trying to hold in my tummy. Plus people are thinking that I'm letting myself go. I still haven't told the kids.
Hi Ladies,

Jojo, glad you are feeling better hun. Congrats on 10 weeks!

Trey, getting your hair done will make you feel better, congrats on 10 weeks also:happydance:

Caz, Hope your MS eases soon for you, I see your an olive now:happydance:

Butterfly, sorry you are not feeling well, hope you can rest soon.:hugs:

AFM I'm still sick with a rotten cold, feeling tired all the time and nauseus too. I am eating though anf feel better when I do, but off of a lot of foods I normally eat, craving oranges and orange juice! I did with my DD too I wonder if I'm having a girl:shrug:

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