The Big Thread of Early Pregnancy Symptoms

*bump* this is good for us at the end of the 2ww and any new bfp's pls share!
just wanted to bump this back up! Its too good to loose! x x
I think I might as well put my symptoms up, after 3 :bfp:s in a row! I'm at 16PO today.

I'd like to start by saying that this time I really felt pregnant from just a couple of days after ovulation. I didn't tell a soul cause i thought I would jinx it by saying something. But i was pretty convinced I was - it just felt like that was a fact!

I think what I felt the first few days around OV were simply ovulation symptoms and nothing to do with pregnancy yet, so I won't go into detail there.

Around 6PO I started feeling cramps, similar to OV cramps but also kind of similar to :witch: cramps, all over my lower abdomen, sometimes if felt like my belly button was being pulled form the inside, sometimes it felt distinctly like my uterus pulling, other times it was on either side (ovaries or simply my bowels being moved around?). They got worse around 11/12PO, when I think implantation took place - in fact I thought :witch: wasa bout to show up! Instead I just had some brown spotting on toilet paper on 13 PO.

Other symptoms: a headache lasting from 11PO to 13PO, sore nipples, oily skin and spots, sore throat, tiredness, a lot of bloating.

Also I didn't recognise this as a symptom, but around 12PO I started thinking kiwis tasted off. I am used to eating a kiwi a day due to health reasons, and it's the first time it happened. Only after I got a positive test did I realise taht perhaps they taste off to me because of the pregnancy and not because they are actually off!

Now I seem to need a 1-2 hour nap in the afternoon, even though I have never napped in my life (not even as a toddler!) in fact, if I do ever nap during the day I feel quite ill afterwards. but not it feels so natural!

also, i seem to be extremely sensitive to movement - when my husband drives it feels to me like he is going over every single pothole in the road!! Before it never felt like that. Also, if someone is smoking, even if they are on the other side of the road, I seem to smell it and feel it in my throat even before I see the cigarette in their hand!

to all the girls who are TTCin, may this be your month!!
AF is surpose to be ariving tomorrow and so far iv had a few cramps but not alot but not having them now. Eating quite abit more but that might just be because im more hungry lately lol my boobs are bigger but thats proberbly because im eating more and i feel tired in day but that could mean anything so not alot of symptoms but iv still got my hopes up :)
congrats and here is my list of symptoms and stuff.. hope this helps- i'm still in shock from yesterday and the bfp!!!!!

Ok guys... as i'm sure youve seen i've got a bfp...

For everyone ttc.. here is my list of symptoms in the 2ww

I think my ovulation day is unclear...

LMP 4th July(i think as had kinda spotting on 3rd too)-really light and unusual

Supposed ovulation day by calender 17th july

18th july-?1dpo abdo pain and had a facial and foot massage with a reflexologist who said i had a mass/cyst or something on my right ovary and that i would ovulate around that time (spooky)-she knew nothing of wttc

19th july-?2dpo abdo pain mainly right side, exhausted beyond belief

20th july- ?3dpo abdo cramping with a band of apin across the hips the like of which i have never had in my life and very very tired (in retrospect was this when i ovulated???)

21th july- ?4dpo very light positive on opk??-never had dark positive

22nd july- ?5dpo very very painful right hand side, slept loads and a colleague commented and asked if i was pregnant (a senior doctor in Obstetrics and said he had a sixth sense about these things)

23rd july- ?6dpo could smell vomit everywhere for no good reason- in a station and at work and at home, tingly boobs and really sore bbs- coudl hang your coat on my nips!

24th july- ?7dpo still could smell vomit really strongly everywhere, so tearful, exhausted and tired- an absolute b***ch to the hubby who hasnt a clue whats up...

25th july- ?8dpo so tearful and emotional cried a lot and very sleepy

26th july- ?9dpo yellow cm, funny smells at a friends house, didnt want to be near alcohol even the smell of it- knew i was pregnant.. cant place why but sure i was and even told me friend i was that convinced..

27th july ?10dpo yellow cm ++ tingly bbs again, moody as hell, crying a lot, awake at 3am unusual for me, sure i'm pregnant for no good reason

28th july ?11dpo emotional ++, smelt smoke in bed, white yellow cm, cp low and hardish so thought af might be on her way...convinced preggo though no evidence.. got up at 3am again

29th july ?12dpo supposed to be due on today- i think...convinced af on her way, abdo cramps although wierdly still sure i'm pregnant....

30th july ?13dpo two faint lines seen on first response tests- hubby cant see the damn lines!!!! Argue like crazy about the lines, tummy pain ++, def feel like af coming so not hopeful...awake 3am again, hot flashes at work (although super hot weather here) cp higher and softer

1st August ?14dpo-abdo cramping ++ expect negative clearblue before bed, hot flashes, convinced preggo cp so high cant get to it!!!

2nd August ?15dpo- three very clear pregnants on clearblue...
Husband nearly has heart attack due to shock....

There it is ladies.....the clearblues are pretty definative for sure...fingers crossed for a sticking bean for me!!!

Good luck to everyone.. hope these symptoms help...
i guess i can post on here now!! (sorry for sounding as though im gloating - i dont mean too, but im just sooooooo excited!)

My main sign was the milk thing. I started drinking LOADS (about 8 litres in every 3 and a half days!!!) Oh i got LOADS of cm the week before i tested positive too. Strange for me.

This started about 5 days before i got my :bfp:

Other than that...i had every symptom going until 3 days before i tested, then i had NOTHING. Not even a twinge until the day after i tested positive!

So there you go!

Good luck with all of yours ladies! x x
I am a bit nervous as I had a chemical pregnancy last month and got a BFP yesterday but this morning saw a bit of pinkish discharge. I am keeping my fingers crossed that its a sticky bean!

The only symptom I've had, besides pinkish discharge today and light brown spotting @ 7DPO is this slight cramp/tugging sensation on my right side of my abdomen that started @ 6DPO. It's been pretty constant and sometimes when I cough or sneeze or make a sudden movement it feels a little sharp but mostly its a dull ache. Other than that, nothing, nada, zilch!
Hi - I am 36 years old and have been ttc since December 2007 (was on the pill for 16 years previously)

SInce about 6 dpo I have had very sore, hot, itchy boobs - they now have dark blue veins and small red broken veins running through them - they hurt even when i'm not prodding at them (at every opportunity!!) to make sure they still hurt ) Again from about 6 dpo I have had strange little cramps and a zapping/fluttering feeling in my lower left hand side of my stomach. I have also had what feel like pins and needles in my legs on and off over the weekend. And I just feel different this cycle.

I tested using internet cheapies at 9 dpo and each morning including today (approx. 13 dpo) - BFN on all of them not even a faintest hint.

AF was due 3 days ago - no sign at all (slight cramping but not the same as usual, feels more like an upset stomach) - I keep running to the loo every 10 mins to check. Plus I have had no PMT at all - hubby is happy

Tested again this morning BFn and just been to the loo - light pink CM was on the TP after wiping...... Damn that :witch: is she just around the corner?

I know everyone is different and get their BFP's at different times but this is driving me crazy....
Bumping this up for new :bfp: graduates!

New :bfp: graduates please add your early symptoms!
Thanks for bumping this up! I was looking for this. :happydance:
My early signs were:
1/ Cramps like AF
2/ HUNGER (so so hungy all the time)
3/ lots of CM
4/ Sleepy zzzzzzzzz
Ok here are the symptoms....nothing impressive i'm afraid!!

OV Day : sore BB's
1DPO : V. sore BB's, especially on right hand side
2DPO : As Per 1DPO
3DPO : As Per 1DPO
4DPO : Tired. Sore BB's
5DPO : V. mild cramping in lower belly and back. Low in energy all day. Sore BB's.
6DPO : BB pain and swelling easing off. White spots on areola
7DPO : As per 6DPO with mild heartburn also
8DPO : As per 7DPO but more energy and spots on face
12 & 13 DPO : convinced AF going to arrive as had that "flow" feeling combined with slightly stronger cramping but nothing showed up! :happydance:

No new sypmtoms really from 8DPO but at but have been needing the loo more often since yesterday afternoon and this morning but didn't have to pee during the night which is odd for me!!!

Today at 16DPO I still have sore BB's but not as painful as week one. The heartburn is gone even though it was mild when it was here. The cramping is still there on and off and little bit of creamy cm...not much but its there. Hope to see some more TTC ladies get their :bfp:....August is the month!! :happydance:


With no.1 I had these symptoms:

1. Cuppa tea made me gag
2. Reading thru a menu in my fave restaurant I just could not find anything I fancied eating
3. Big gush of watery cm. Thought I'd peed my pants!
4. Boobs grew overnight
5. Two spots of brown blood I guess it was implantation spotting
6. Sugar craving - ate tonnes of chocolate but i don't normally
7. Completely lost my temper with best friend - shouted at her then burst into tears

Hi there, I'm glad you said about that.....
the first day I felt strange it was a cup of coffee that made me gag and I normally can't cope without a coffee in the morning.
I was extremely tired for 3 days where I slept solid all afternoon.
I have had your number 3 a couple of times, I showed my other half my PJ bottoms and said it looked like I'd wet myself and tried to convince him that I hadn't.
I've had 4 days of bad headaches.
3 days of sicky all day...then patches in various days through then.
I have a tight feeling down below my stomach, when I lie out flat its uncomfortable.
I get funny pains every now and again in my lower stomach.
I was really bloated for a couple of days too and just couldn't get enough gas out of me.
Someone on this site recommended i did a test even though I am not due :witch: for another week but it was :bfn: . Note to self, only do the test when you are supposed to! I wish I wasn't so impatient. I don't want to get my hopes up but all these signs seem to tell me that I could be, would you agree?
Wow...I've just read this thread from start to finish!!! I've avoided it until now because I've just been so depressed about not being preg that it hurt to read about other people being preg (even though I'm happy for you all...I hope you understand!).

Anyway...CD28 for me today and my curiosity got the better of me. Of course I'm more convinced than ever that I must be preg after reading all the symptoms you guys have posted :rofl: at the same time as being utterly convinced I'm not (what makes this month any different to the last 12?) :cry:

Have a string of symptoms, as always, but Im sure they could all be explained away by reasons other than pregnancy!

Anyway, just wanted to say thanks to all the girls who have posted their symptoms for us ttcers to obsess over, and a big congrats to you all. :happydance:

To all those of us who are still impatiently waiting...GOOD LUCK!!! :hug:
Bump! for those awaiting their Baby Bump! (including me)

Hi All......

I'm afraid to say the :witch: has arrived!!!! I guess we'll never know if I was or not.........have to keep on trying....good luck to all of you out there!

Hi all popped in to add to this...

got sore boobs like they are bruised :(
legs ache
back ache
pee alot
creamy cm??? tmi lol
tired but never sleep properly
funny taste in my mouth
think thats it :blush:

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