The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

Just tested with an opk (missed yesterday as I was away from home) and it's nearly positive. Checked also with cbd but that came out negative so maybe my peak will happen tonight or tomorrow or I guess I may have missed it but not worried as we b'd anyway!

Changed my ovulaton ticker to a 35 day cycle too as last time on Clomid they were always 35 days'ish. Fx I get a chance this month please!

update: looks like it's all happening today! Check out this gross but educational photo of my cm! This is beautiful baby making stuff! :happydance:

Glad you had a good weekend away hun - I love Alan Carr too - he fab.

Well think I def did ovulate as had high open cervix and lots cm and now cervix is low hard, closed and sticky cm - fingers crossed means I ovulated. I also am meant to have 21 day bloods on wed, think I am going to go for mine - will let you know when I have the results.

Yey that you have got cm and nearly positive on opk : ) - looking good for you that you too might ovulate this month - like you said you prob just have a slightly longer cycle. Will keep fingers and toes crossed for us both. xxxx

Yeh it's all looking good but I tested again last night with the CBD and no smiley face yet the stick looked positive! I took another test today with a stick and that is not a positive so I am pretty sure my surge happened on Sat so I am marking today as ovulation day! Good luck with your results, you should be able to call your docs receptionist 2 days later for the results :)
Congrads to all that have O'd!! That is a great way to start a BFP!!

As for me.. :witch: got me Sat.. :growlmad:

I have a doc appt today to see where to go from here.. I think that I ovulated on day 19-20 and I had CD21 blood taken and they came back neg.. So my question is should I tell him that I think I O'd late and he got a false neg on my blood work, or let him think I didn't O and he will increase my Clomid from 50mg to 100mg??? I'm so ready to get my BFP.. this month will be out 2 year ttc anniversary.. :cry:
Hey everyone, I have been referred to my local hospital to start clomid and provera, but im just waiting on a letter.... how long after being referred to hospital did it take for all of you?

Hey everyone, I have been referred to my local hospital to start clomid and provera, but im just waiting on a letter.... how long after being referred to hospital did it take for all of you?


I actually walked into my local GP and said "Can I have a script for Clomid and Metformin?" And I walked out 30 seconds later with the script, walked across the road to the chemist and pick it up there and then.
I went to the doctor yesterday to see where to go from here. I am a Clomid taker, so with the cysts I developed last cycle (1.7mm on Left and 3.3mm on right) He did another scan on my ovaries.. the one on the left is gone, but the one on the right is still there, smaller but there.. So he told me to come back in 6 weeks to see if it has resolved itself. Then he will move me up to 100mg Clomid.. :growlmad: So I'm on my own this month! FX'd that I can ovulate on my own! :shrug: I will be temping.. I'm debating on getting OPK's.. I've never used them, and I can usually detect Ov by temp.. I just don't want to waist the money if there is a chance I won't even ovulate this cycle..:dohh: ..
That's a shame wantabby :( but don't get too disheartened x I have been having twinges on my bottom right (I suspect I ovulated yesterday), it's not painful just noticeable and I wonder if I have cysts. Don't know if I've had them before because I've never received any follicol tracking! So does that mean 50mg hasn't worked for you, has this been definately confirmed?
My first cycle the Clomid 50mg worked like I charm.. I ovulated on day 16, and had a 16 day LP.. This last cycle I beleive I ovulated on day 19-20 (by my temps && That is when I had so much pain and they discovered the cysts. I think when I ovulated it disturbed the cysts) I had a 17 day LP... My CD21 progesterone test was on day 21 and came back neg, I think it was a false neg because progesterone peaks at 7DPO and I was only 1DPO.. I didn't have another blood draw to confirm it though.. So I am just going to let him increase my dose :hehe:

I am prone to cysts.. I was on BCP during my teen years to control them.. So they aren't anything new to me.. So I'm sure the twinges you are having are a good sign! :thumbup: You would know if it was a cyst... they are quite painful!
Just finished my last pill last night. Still horrible hot flushes and having nightmares but all in all, physically I feel good I guess. But I also feel doubtful and worried the more I read about all the unsuccessful stories :(
Quick update from me! :) Yesterday I noticed my cm has returned to the milky white texture which implies ovulation is well and truly over. That is if I ovulated but I won't know until next week when I go for my 21 day blood test next Monday. They shouldn't call it the day 21 test because I didn't ovulate CD14, it was CD18!

I have this dull achyish feeling down at my pelvis region, it's not painful at all just noticeable. No idea what it could be.
Quick update from me! :) Yesterday I noticed my cm has returned to the milky white texture which implies ovulation is well and truly over. That is if I ovulated but I won't know until next week when I go for my 21 day blood test next Monday. They shouldn't call it the day 21 test because I didn't ovulate CD14, it was CD18!

I have this dull achy feeling down at my pelvis region, it's not painful at all just noticeable. No idea what it could be.

Fingers crossed that you ovulated : ) - mine cm went back to milky and sticky after I 'hope and think' ovulated. I went for my day 21 bloods today - but today got pains in lower back and top of legs, which indicate normally af is on her way - so not feeling too hopeful. Last night also had cramping in lower abdomen, not sure what that was. Wasn't painful, but very noticeable and lasted all evening. I hate all this symptom spotting - try not to do it but can't help noticing everything.

I going to call hospital on Friday and see if they got my blood results back.

Quick update from me! :) Yesterday I noticed my cm has returned to the milky white texture which implies ovulation is well and truly over. That is if I ovulated but I won't know until next week when I go for my 21 day blood test next Monday. They shouldn't call it the day 21 test because I didn't ovulate CD14, it was CD18!

I have this dull achy feeling down at my pelvis region, it's not painful at all just noticeable. No idea what it could be.

Fingers crossed that you ovulated : ) - mine cm went back to milky and sticky after I 'hope and think' ovulated. I went for my day 21 bloods today - but today got pains in lower back and top of legs, which indicate normally af is on her way - so not feeling too hopeful. Last night also had cramping in lower abdomen, not sure what that was. Wasn't painful, but very noticeable and lasted all evening. I hate all this symptom spotting - try not to do it but can't help noticing everything.

I going to call hospital on Friday and see if they got my blood results back.


Hey hun! I know what you mean about symptom spotting, it can do your head in! FX for you, let's hope you did actually ovulate:flower:

I had one clear blue digi left so I tested this afternoon and got a smiley face with the darkest lines ever! So I must have been wrong thinking my ovulation was Sunday/Monday. I'd only noticed the ewcm on the Sunday and can't say I have any now.

That is so annoying when you think you have but haven't but I only ever really rely on the cbd so a smiley face and ovulation now it is! These mild and I mean very mild twinges must be my ovaries getting ready, either that or a load of cysts! C'mon eggy pop!

OMG and does this mean I have to change my ticker again lol!


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Quick update from me! :) Yesterday I noticed my cm has returned to the milky white texture which implies ovulation is well and truly over. That is if I ovulated but I won't know until next week when I go for my 21 day blood test next Monday. They shouldn't call it the day 21 test because I didn't ovulate CD14, it was CD18!

I have this dull achy feeling down at my pelvis region, it's not painful at all just noticeable. No idea what it could be.

Fingers crossed that you ovulated : ) - mine cm went back to milky and sticky after I 'hope and think' ovulated. I went for my day 21 bloods today - but today got pains in lower back and top of legs, which indicate normally af is on her way - so not feeling too hopeful. Last night also had cramping in lower abdomen, not sure what that was. Wasn't painful, but very noticeable and lasted all evening. I hate all this symptom spotting - try not to do it but can't help noticing everything.

I going to call hospital on Friday and see if they got my blood results back.


Hey hun! I know what you mean about symptom spotting, it can do your head in! FX for you, let's hope you did actually ovulate:flower:

I had one clear blue digi left so I tested this afternoon and got a smiley face with the darkest lines ever! So I must have been wrong thinking my ovulation was Sunday/Monday. I'd only noticed the ewcm on the Sunday and can't say I have any now.

That is so annoying when you think you have but haven't but I only ever really rely on the cbd so a smiley face and ovulation now it is! These mild and I mean very mild twinges must be my ovaries getting ready, either that or a load of cysts! C'mon eggy pop!

OMG and does this mean I have to change my ticker again lol!

That's great news, least you got a positive. Annoying like you said when you thought you had already ovulated. Get to it over the next few days then lol.

Will you maybe try and postpone your 21 day bloods if your only ovulating now?

Have fingers crossed for everybody this month : ) xxx
oh yes, as soon as DH walked in the door this afternoon he had no escape haha! Will go for blood tests next Thurs/Fri I reckon. Keep me posted for Friday when you get your results :)
I'm on CD8 took clomid day 2-6. I took it at bedtime to minimise the side effects. First day was fine, 2 and so on terrible flushes and felt very dizzy. I have been absolutely exhausted but I did have 16 days of spotting followed by a 6 day AF then another day of spotting so that would take a lot out of me. Yesterday I had a blackout. I was in toilet in work I remember flushing the toilet then next thing I was in the corridor. In between this I had washed my hands (they were still slightly damp) and gone through 2 doors and I dont remember any of it. I will mention it at my appointment on Friday but wondered if anyone has experienced this? Today I've had no side effects thank god.

Lunch time today I had a massive snotty drip so I guess something is happening.

I was wondering though when in your cycle do you start the OPK's when on clomid and if you get a 'snot' how long from then would it take for you to ovulate?

I have so many questions lol.
Hi julybabe84, you would normally start testing with opk's about 3-4 days after your last pill but to be honest I would leave it a little later as today I got my smiley face on the cbd and I'm on CD21. I've never experienced a black out on it, what mg are you taking lol?

What is a snotty drip, some kind of cm?
Hi Daopdesign,thanks, yeah sorry thats how I described it to my mate and she knew exactly what I meant lol. Its all so confusing. I am on 50mg.

I've to go for internal scan on Friday (day 10) then again on Tuesday (day 14). She said they'll keep scanning me until they think I've ovulated. Monday is a bank holiday here so thats why its 4 days between.
Hi Daopdesign,thanks, yeah sorry thats how I described it to my mate and she knew exactly what I meant lol. Its all so confusing. I am on 50mg.

I've to go for internal scan on Friday (day 10) then again on Tuesday (day 14). She said they'll keep scanning me until they think I've ovulated. Monday is a bank holiday here so thats why its 4 days between.

well they'll definately be able to tell if you are about to ovulate! I wanted scanning but my FS said it will make no odds, I either will or I won't. Start your opk testing from Friday :) good luck hun x
update from me!:wohoo:

Got my surge and smiley face on Wed so now I am offcially in the 2ww, that is if I did ovulate. The surge seemed to only last for one day as tests yesterday were neg so that's me done with poas for a bit! I had a huge amount of ewcm leading up to my surge but it kinda tailored off a day or 2 before. Last month when I didn't ovulate but got a surge I can't say I noticed any fertile cm so maybe this month on Clomid did work :thumbup:

Going for blood test next Thurs to check progestorone and if they confirm I didn't ov then I will be waiting for af and starting 100mg. Do you think I could go for the blood test a little earlier say on Tues which will be 6 days after my surge, that way I could get my results for next Friday?
update from me!:wohoo:

Got my surge and smiley face on Wed so now I am offcially in the 2ww, that is if I did ovulate. The surge seemed to only last for one day as tests yesterday were neg so that's me done with poas for a bit! I had a huge amount of ewcm leading up to my surge but it kinda tailored off a day or 2 before. Last month when I didn't ovulate but got a surge I can't say I noticed any fertile cm so maybe this month on Clomid did work :thumbup:

Going for blood test next Thurs to check progestorone and if they confirm I didn't ov then I will be waiting for af and starting 100mg. Do you think I could go for the blood test a little earlier say on Tues which will be 6 days after my surge, that way I could get my results for next Friday?

So hope that you have ovulated this cycle : ) - not sure about going for bloods on Tues - I know that normally say about 7 days after you ovulate so you might be alright.

I am gutted as day 23 today and af has showed her head. Another early period. Last month day 18 and day 23 this month - so frustrating. And got no more clomid left and docs all closed until monday so going to have to miss this cycle - so upset and pissed off. What is wrong that having these so short cycles! Before clomid wasn't having periods, and before that had long cycles, now this is the other extreme. Sorry for the rant.

Have got my fingers crossed for you though xxxxxxx

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