The Dieting for fertility reasons thread :-)

not posting my numbers this week due to a horrible stomach flu i had over the end of last week and weekend. losing over 9 lbs of weight in 11 hours because i was dehydrated and couldn't consume anything is kind of cheating. LOL
happy to report my virus is gone (and my husband now has it...)

congratulations to those of you still sticking through it and losing. im not looking forward to my steroids again starting up on CD1, but i hope the metformin can some what counteract those side effects and make me not consume everything i see in my path.
Hi girls :)

Pinkee- WELL DONE!! You are doing fab! x

Fairy gem- You are only on day 2 of the plan hun and no matter how well you think you know your body, weight does change from day to day and esp when you are following a different way of eating. So day 2 is deffo not the time to be negative ;-)
You WILL have a baby, but you need to persevere and go by your wkly weigh in x

Longtobeamum- How are you doing hun? x

CanAmfam- sounds like u have had a rough wk! still lost 9lb though, whichever way it happened ;-) Hope u feel better x

I have been SUPER good today! didnt have time for brekky so had a coffee and a apple and then for lunch i had jollof rice and a yogurt and iv had no tea yet so going to make some chicken pasta soon :)

Get you AQ - that really is super good!

Ok - I have a dilemma - I have now HIT, I repeat, HIT MY WEIGHT TARGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

My weigh with the consultant is on monday (5 days) BUT my best friend has just broken up with her DH and i am required to get drunk saturday night, anyone know of any alcohol which wont make me put on weight overnight? Howam i gonna get out of getting drunk with her? Help!! It has to be saturday as well because she lives 250 miles away so i am having to travel all day fri and come back sunday.

I'm just going to have to eat nothing all week and exercise like mad arent i? :shrug:

Ps - even though I have hit my weight - can i still stay on this forum? I promise im staying on a diet!! I'm going to set myself a new target on aiming for a BMI of 27 from then.......
WELL DONE Monsterpops!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:
So proud of you hun! you will be a yummy mummy in no time:winkwink:

You best bloody had stay here or il send out the search party!:haha:

If i am honest, when i have had a boozy night, providing i have stuck to either vod an diet coke or similar, i have never gained... even when i have gone a little I am sure 1 piss up with your friend won't make much difference. you have to consume a LOT of extra cals to gain just 1lb so dont worry!
You deserve a night out and soon you wont be having them cos u will be having treatment an then u will be pregnant:cloud9:

Hi girls :)

Fairy gem- You are only on day 2 of the plan hun and no matter how well you think you know your body, weight does change from day to day and esp when you are following a different way of eating. So day 2 is deffo not the time to be negative ;-)
You WILL have a baby, but you need to persevere and go by your wkly weigh in x

Without sounding funny because that isn't my intention, I just cannot think how else to put this....:flower:

I do know my body, more than anyone else and my weight always follows that pattern when dieting.

Do you think your gonna struggle with sw hun? Only asking with you bein on day 2 an not sticking to the sw plan. Have you had a good look at the extra easy plan?


I'm just not willing to do something that makes me gain for no good reason. I know people think I am silly for basing it on one day but it really is the way my body works and everyone is different.

I just feel very upset right now.

Thank you for your support.

x :hugs:
Do you think your gonna struggle with sw hun? Only asking with you bein on day 2 an not sticking to the sw plan. Have you had a good look at the extra easy plan?


I'm just not willing to do something that makes me gain for no good reason. I know people think I am silly for basing it on one day but it really is the way my body works and everyone is different.

I just feel very upset right now.

Thank you for your support.

x :hugs:

Aw honey - some things work better than others, personally ive never managed to get out of the calorie counting and exercise habit - lost nearly 3 stone though. It can be soul destroying every day you step on the scales, but we are here for you when you feel low.

I get really angry sometimes - I can literally gain half a stone overnight and them spend a week getting it off - I think its the nature of the beast.

Maybe you could try Hoodia? Its a herbal pill that supresses your appetite - ive found it really good xxx Good luck sweetie.

AQ - thank you, lol, im not going anywhere!!!!!! xxx
Do you think your gonna struggle with sw hun? Only asking with you bein on day 2 an not sticking to the sw plan. Have you had a good look at the extra easy plan?


I'm just not willing to do something that makes me gain for no good reason. I know people think I am silly for basing it on one day but it really is the way my body works and everyone is different.

I just feel very upset right now.

Thank you for your support.

x :hugs:

Aw honey - some things work better than others, personally ive never managed to get out of the calorie counting and exercise habit - lost nearly 3 stone though. It can be soul destroying every day you step on the scales, but we are here for you when you feel low.

I get really angry sometimes - I can literally gain half a stone overnight and them spend a week getting it off - I think its the nature of the beast.

Maybe you could try Hoodia? Its a herbal pill that supresses your appetite - ive found it really good xxx Good luck sweetie.

AQ - thank you, lol, im not going anywhere!!!!!! xxx

Thanks so much for being so understanding....made me well up :hugs:.

I've eaten well again today but not SW. So i'm pleased i'm sticking to something. Going to have porridge for dinner.

I'll have a look at Hoodia...thanks.

x :hugs:
Hi girls :)

Hope everyone is doing well?

Fairy gem- Hope u are feeling better today :) it was not my intention to say you dont know your own body. I was trying to put a positive spin on things and believe me with the sadness i have endured in my quest to have a baby, i more than know how sad and hard it is to cope with that and lose weight. I will do whatever it takes to be a mother and im sure you will too, so please dont give up hope. If you dont like SW, try something that works for you :)

Well girls, i just got weighed cos i am weigh-in-aholic... haha and.... another 2lb off!!!
So that is 4lbs off since fri!! woop woop! my official weigh in day is fri so hoping to shift another 1lb and then iv met my goal for this wk :)

Going to catch up on one born every minute and then im making chicken pasta for tea and for work tomorrow :)

Oh and i came home to a letter with a appt date for the 5th April to see the FS at the clinic and then he will weigh me etc an refer us for IVF so still a way to go, but my BMI will be fine by then as i have virtually 8wks to manage it.
Very disappointed though as i asked Dr to refer us to the womens in liverpool as its obvious i cnt have kids due to having no bloody tubes but no, he still went through the "middle man" :-( its a step in the right direction but means we are looking at starting treatment in July/Aug now. Feels like i spend all my life waiting to be pregnant :-( xxx
Aww AQ, at least it looks as though we'll be going through it at the same time now :D xxx
Aww AQ, at least it looks as though we'll be going through it at the same time now :D xxx

That is the only good thing to come from the delay tbh hun.
Im gutted tho. I am 30 in may and been thru hell last yr and rly wanted to get pregnant in time for my mum to see it. That may not be likely now.
Time is probs not on my side. Really fed up.
I have no tubes so cannot see why it was not referred to the womens when that is what he said he will do:growlmad: there is obviously no other way on gods earth that i could get pregnant so cnt understand why he referred it there.
The timelines for IVF are going to be ages now... referral in april, probs take till end of may to attend info evening, another 2mths for the consultant appt an related tests etc, brings it to Aug/sep. I am truly gutted. Wish we had money and we would be going private xxx
Aww AQ, at least it looks as though we'll be going through it at the same time now :D xxx

That is the only good thing to come from the delay tbh hun.
Im gutted tho. I am 30 in may and been thru hell last yr and rly wanted to get pregnant in time for my mum to see it. That may not be likely now.
Time is probs not on my side. Really fed up.
I have no tubes so cannot see why it was not referred to the womens when that is what he said he will do:growlmad: there is obviously no other way on gods earth that i could get pregnant so cnt understand why he referred it there.
The timelines for IVF are going to be ages now... referral in april, probs take till end of may to attend info evening, another 2mths for the consultant appt an related tests etc, brings it to Aug/sep. I am truly gutted. Wish we had money and we would be going private xxx

Oh honey - dont feel down :cry:

Look at it this way -

The delay gives you time to ensure your body is in the best physical condition it can be. We can be thin, sexy and healthy!!
You can take time to 'perfect' yourself before going through the ups and downs of ivf.
You've got plenty of time to have a pre-ivf holiday!!!! (i know, i know, theres no money! BUT WHEN ivf WORKS there will be no holoidays for a couple of years at least right!!)
Acupuncture 3 months in advance is meant to help the chances of ivf success - costs me £35 a week at mo - so maybe you could save a little for it?

I'm worried how long its gonna take myself - but lets keep our PMA going together shall we!!

Chin up babes :flower::flower::flower:
Thank you for PMA Monsterpops :-~)
If i have to wait and go through FS i will think along those lines but im still waiting for a call back from the nurse so f x'd that we can be referred straight to LWH as we would still have that long to wait and then longer whilst tests etc are done.

I have cheered myself up by colouring my hair an having a nice bubble bath.
Even painted my nails a nice metal colour. Going to Liverpool for a night out with dh, his friend and 5 friends from work for a friend's birthday on Sat night so i cant wait xxx
Hi girls :)

Had WI with my digi scales this morning an weighed 14.9 so DEFFO wrong!
Got on them again an they packed in! :-( went to boots after work and their scales are out of order!!! I am so gutted! been really good all wk and wanted to knw what i had lost! in work all day tomorrow and going out tomorrow night then be recovering sun an in work all wk so wont be able to WI this wk now :-( Been really strict with myself too so was looking forward to seeing what i have lost. I will try return my scales at some point and post my loss before next fri hopefully.

Hope everyone is well? xxx
Eat healthy and enjoy your weight loss as stress is an enemy for fertility. Keep your mind relaxed and focus on the result. I am in the same path and I’ve succeeded in maintaining my BMI.

All the best.
Hi girls.

Hope everyone had a good wkend.
I have been right off track over the wkend! Had chicken kebab with chips an a slice garlic bread on fri cos i was pissed off over not being able to be weighed... then sat we had some sweets in work and then more sweets when got home cos dh and his friend were eating them aswell... then we went to liverpool for a night out for my friend's birthday and had a LOT of vodka... an had happy meal at maccys today.
Been very bad. back on track from tomorrow tho. I dnt knw what i managed to lose by fri gone but i would imagine it would of been 4lb or so? I will get weighed this fri now so hope to have least lost a few lb even after such a bad wkend cos of a probable good loss the previous wk, if it can work like that xxx
AQ You'll have lost loads!! We all deserve the odd day off!

Ive also been bad this weekend - as i mentioned, have been away with a very upset friend - therefore alcohol on through :wacko: However- as im petrified of putting weight on before the big consultant appointment tomorrow i have been really good on the food (barely anything - i know i know very bad)

As for days off - im having one tomorrow after my appt :happydance: regardless of the outcome!! :shrug: Its valentines day so wth!

Have a happy valentines everyone :flower:
Happy Valentines day everybody :flasher:

Well, it's my weigh in this morning, and I have...

Put on :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: 1.6lb

I have had such a bad weekend! Obviously it was worth it at the time, but I don't feel it was now!

It has taken me back under that stone that I thought was gone forever!! :cry:

Back on sw today! Gonna be very good this week!! Come on 4lb!!

Hope everyone is well and has done better than me!

Monsterpops- Glad you were there for your friend and that you enjoyed some drinks etc. Best of luck for your appt today. Hope all goes well x

Longtobeamum- I know u will be upset about a gain, but if u stick to plan from now, when u next weigh you will of lost that 4lb an the 1.6lb will be gone with a few more. so dont lose hope. We can do it! i have found this wkend very hard myself. I am also off work today with some personal probs so im lyin in bed in agony, craving choc!

Hi to everyone else and happy valentines day!
Hope we all have a lovely day.
My dh went back to work earlier but we opened our cards etc in bed and dh brought me brekky in bed :) The card he has bought me is amazing! its a art deco one and the detail is stunning. He also got me a really cute westie teddy with a heart in its mouth :)
we are going to have a belated valentines next sat night. Nice meal, candles and some "other" stuff. hehe xxx

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