Sorry I have been off the grid again ladies - dang it's hard to find time for me these days!!! I miss my GG's and low and behold I find another has birthed a baby since I have been on here last!
Congrats DINI

on Oscar-Anthony!!!!! Hope the jaundice subsides soon... we were told to get LO to eat eat eat when he had it as frequent urination is what can bring those bilirubin levels down faster than uv exposure (we did both too). You wouldn't know it now by looking at him, but man it was hard to get him to wake up and eat when he was just born! Can't wait to see some pics soon!
Hi Wanna! Glad to hear your getting geared up for Feb, that is very exciting! Jax and I are doing well, thanks for asking - up to 20 lbs and 26 inches long (he's a beefcake!)

We have gone through tons of sickness as I had to put him in daycare to go back to work - we are just now both getting over RSV and he had bronchiolitus (poor dude is still on a nebulizer twice a day!) He's a great sport though with everything - I am lucky I have a baby that seems to be happy all in all. He actually just cut his first tooth yesterday! DH and I agreed this past weekend we need to try councleling. That in itself is a huge step I feel.
Sorry Ely is getting sick Frisbee - seems thats all mine does these days! I feel like I am ALWAYS at the doc's office - it's a bit rediculous! It's crazy she is 4 months already, Jax and her are pretty much right on schedule together. And good luck with the move... are you headed far away from where you are living now!?
Jen is super beautiful Celtic! She does have stunning eyes! What med did you finally find that works? We have been through the ringer with reflux too - finally settled on Prevacid that is compunded once a week (pain the a$$ to get it done, but it works for the most part). I hate that there really isn't anything out there that truely puts the reflux at bay, only decreases it to tolerable levels until they hopefully grow out of it.
Coleey - love the profile pic... the winter clothes on your kiddoes look so snuggly and warm! It's just now getting a bit chilly here in Florida. Makes me want some hot chocolate!

Hope you have been doing well!
I sure do miss Mas on here. Hope she is doing well herself getting ready for her wedding. Shout out to Heavyheart too - and all the other GG's that haven't been around lately.