The inbetweenies!!

I was proper emotional when jakey turned 1 where does the time go!!

My bestie has just given birth after induction as she was 12 days overdue! So thrilled for them! Takes me back tho! We're has my teeny 5lbs 15.5 oz baby gone??

I'm Whit & I've got a little almost 1 year old stinkerpants, Sophia. :cry:

I want to be part of the inbetweenies!
Mummy2lola - wow, her hair is amazing!

I have to admit, I'm jealous of the lovely weather you have had. We've had a horrible day! Nothing really new for a Scotland I suppose! :haha:

Thanks hun,yeah her hair has always been the main comment I get since birth,she's always had a mop on top :haha:

Well thankfully Lola's cold has now gone....but I've caught it....I'm worse than any man with a cold,it's Clare flu,the worst u can get :rofl: but I'm trying to stay happy and not roll around whining as Lola didn't complain at all with hers :wacko: xx
We all still have a touch of the cold, Isabella's nose is like a dripping tap! And she hates getting it wiped!

I'm in need of advice ladies. My inbetweenie has started waking for a couple of hours through the night. Last night it was 2-5am. I have tried - giving her a bottle (although she doesn't need it, she is already a little on the heavy side), putting her seahorse on, leaving her alone, singing to her, bringing her in to my bed. She still fusses and shouts and cries. I thought she was maybe too hot so I took her out her sleeping bag but it made no difference. I have tried giving her stuff for teething in case it's that. I'm totally lost on what to try next. I'm not used to being so sleep deprived anymore (she has never been a great sleeper but this is bad for her and she is really tired through the day now). Has anyone been through this or have any advice? Could it be a phase?

We all still have a touch of the cold, Isabella's nose is like a dripping tap! And she hates getting it wiped!

I'm in need of advice ladies. My inbetweenie has started waking for a couple of hours through the night. Last night it was 2-5am. I have tried - giving her a bottle (although she doesn't need it, she is already a little on the heavy side), putting her seahorse on, leaving her alone, singing to her, bringing her in to my bed. She still fusses and shouts and cries. I thought she was maybe too hot so I took her out her sleeping bag but it made no difference. I have tried giving her stuff for teething in case it's that. I'm totally lost on what to try next. I'm not used to being so sleep deprived anymore (she has never been a great sleeper but this is bad for her and she is really tired through the day now). Has anyone been through this or have any advice? Could it be a phase?


Haven't been through it (fingers crossed I won't lol) but it sounds like uve tried everything I would try hun,what ur inbetweenies naps like in the day now? Could it b worth shortening or leaving out so lo is more tired at night,2-5 is a loooong time to be awake and sounds like its kinda playtime eater than sleep lol or what's bedtime? Could it be slightly later? :hugs: hope it's a short phase Hun xx
We all still have a touch of the cold, Isabella's nose is like a dripping tap! And she hates getting it wiped!

I'm in need of advice ladies. My inbetweenie has started waking for a couple of hours through the night. Last night it was 2-5am. I have tried - giving her a bottle (although she doesn't need it, she is already a little on the heavy side), putting her seahorse on, leaving her alone, singing to her, bringing her in to my bed. She still fusses and shouts and cries. I thought she was maybe too hot so I took her out her sleeping bag but it made no difference. I have tried giving her stuff for teething in case it's that. I'm totally lost on what to try next. I'm not used to being so sleep deprived anymore (she has never been a great sleeper but this is bad for her and she is really tired through the day now). Has anyone been through this or have any advice? Could it be a phase?


Haven't been through it (fingers crossed I won't lol) but it sounds like uve tried everything I would try hun,what ur inbetweenies naps like in the day now? Could it b worth shortening or leaving out so lo is more tired at night,2-5 is a loooong time to be awake and sounds like its kinda playtime eater than sleep lol or what's bedtime? Could it be slightly later? :hugs: hope it's a short phase Hun xx

Thanks. :) She had a 2.5 hour nap yesterday, from 11 to 1.30pm. She was tired later but I never put her down for a nap and she went down to bed at 8pm. She is just up from a 2 hour nap so if she is tired later I'll try putting her down for another nap before bed and putting her bedtime back. Maybe more sleep will help her sleep better tonight?! I'm not sure but willing to give it a try as lack of sleep yesterday never helped. I hope it is a short phase as well!! I love to play with her but not at 2am! :)

My LO is fighting naps at the moment... I really don't think she's ready to drop her afternoon nap yet but it's stressful putting her down and her not sleeping.

How many naps did your ladies 10-11 month olds have? and how long?
:hi: to our new members :)

Jacob wakes up around 5am each morning but will go back to sleep, he used to sleep 10-7.00 but lately he wakes up crying. Think it's to do with teething!

I'm having one of those days today and really wish I could be a SAHM!! Proper jealous of those who can!!x
I don't post a lot these days with not fitting in much but i'm in!

My LO's 1 tomorrow and we've only just got it worked out!
We all still have a touch of the cold, Isabella's nose is like a dripping tap! And she hates getting it wiped!

I'm in need of advice ladies. My inbetweenie has started waking for a couple of hours through the night. Last night it was 2-5am. I have tried - giving her a bottle (although she doesn't need it, she is already a little on the heavy side), putting her seahorse on, leaving her alone, singing to her, bringing her in to my bed. She still fusses and shouts and cries. I thought she was maybe too hot so I took her out her sleeping bag but it made no difference. I have tried giving her stuff for teething in case it's that. I'm totally lost on what to try next. I'm not used to being so sleep deprived anymore (she has never been a great sleeper but this is bad for her and she is really tired through the day now). Has anyone been through this or have any advice? Could it be a phase?


Hi Scottishmum, we had a similar situation a few weeks back, it lasted about 3ish weeks. I'm pretty sure it was teething, even though at the time I didn't think it because I was giving her teething stuff but she got 3 new teeth all at once and the bad sleep just stopped. It could also have been a developmental thing at the same time as it seemed to tie in with her starting to pull up and cruise.
Hello everyone!
Can I join you guys? I have a little inbetweener here, too.
I'm 30 and live in Canada...Vancouver, BC. I also met my husband on an online game as I read some of you ladies also did. I moved from the US (Colorado) to be with him here. We've been married almost 2 years now.
Ayla just turned 11 months old yesterday! She is taking steps here and there but not walking quite yet. She's always been a decent sleeper but has been having some trouble lately as she seems to be trying to stick to only one nap a day instead of her usual 2.

Last night she had what I think was a night terror and it scared the heck out of me! She was crying and gasping for air and staring at me like she had no idea who I was. She was all stiff and pushing away from me, too. :nope: I was up from 1am til 5am with her....sooo tired. :coffee:
Have any of your lo's had a night terror?? Although maybe it was just teething pain or just a nightmare because she didn't want to stay in her room or in the dark after she was 'with it' again. Everytime she started to drift off to sleep again she started whimpering and crying again, too. I have no idea what it was! She never does this kind of thing. :shrug:

Anyway, I'm rambling! Nice to meet all of you and talk about inbetween stuff.
My LO is fighting naps at the moment... I really don't think she's ready to drop her afternoon nap yet but it's stressful putting her down and her not sleeping.

How many naps did your ladies 10-11 month olds have? and how long?

Sophia always had 2-3 naps a day ranging from 45 minutes to an hour.
When she turned 11 months she magically dropped them all but 1. She sleeps anywhere from an hour and a half to 3 hours, depending on what we've done through the day. She also STTN, I don't know if that has anything to do with it.
Lola wakes and 2-3 hours later has a nap that ranges from 1-3 hours then she has another 1-2hrs later in the afternoon.she also sttn xx
Thanks ladies :)
I will persevere for now. Yesterday after I posted that it all went quiet and she had an hour nap. So she napped quite well yesterday... for a change ;-) Sods law after i'd posted about it :haha:

sianyld totally agree with you. I work in the office 3 days and at home 1, so I am lucky but I notice how much she changes and stuff that's new in just a couple days. Hate it.
Oh to have the money to stay at home!! Fingers crossed for the Lotto win :winkwink:

Hi ladies! Can I join you, too? My youngest is almost 14mo now, he's the youngest of 4 boys! I have a 9yr old, 7yr old, almost 5yr old and then the baby :) We live in Texas. Oh and I'm Beth, married to Mark, we just celebrated our 10yr anniversary last week!

As for Preston, the baby, he's our little guy (barely hanging on the charts now) though he hit a bit of a growth spurt over the past few weeks and put on a pound making him 20 1/2lbs now! He isn't walking yet, he can cruise with anything and loves walking with your hands but is too scared to try on his own. That's ok though because I'd rather him not walk, 3 little boys to chase is enough for now! The longer he stays little and doesn't walk the longer he's my baby haha. I have a couple videos in my siggy showing some pics of him, his NICU stay and then his 1yr video, if you care to watch :)
Hi Everyone,

Great idea for a thread, the baby posts aren't applicable now but neither are the toddler ones!

I'm 37 (def the old one here!) I met my husband back in 2003 via my best friends sister, (my best friend died suddenly aged 33). My husband house shared with her husband before they married (hope i've not confused you all) lol. We married in 2006 and we're TTC for about a year before. We had 2 failed IVF attempts, then fell pregnant naturally! Grace turned 1 on Friday 13th! We live in rural Cheshire with our menagarie of pets. My husband is in the TA and has been called up to Afghan, he leaves for a 6 month tour, 3rd Sept, dreading 6 months without seeing him or having him around for support and company, i've no fmily nearby either.

Anyhow, back to baby talk.....Grace slept in her own room from a few weeks old as she was a noisy sleeper and kept us awake and my husband is a noisy sleeper so kept her awake so we all got a better nights sleep all round!

She's not started using a spoon etc yet, I do give her one at meal times but she just waves it around or chews it!

She STTN as a rule apart from if she's teething whereby she then tends to wake early...she has two naps of between 1-2 hours late morning and afternoon but there's no fixed routine, she usually sleeps in the car if we're out and about.

Loving this lovely weather at the moment, I'm off work after today till Monday so hope it holds out for a bit!

Ok ladies, a few questions.

We were planning on stopping Sophia's bottles at around 1. She turns a year old tomorrow. :cry:

What's the easiest way to go about this so I know she is still getting enough to keep her hydrated? I think we've decided to keep her on formula for a while longer as she I don't think she gets the food intake she needs for all of her vitamins and calories.

She also won't use a regular sippy cup, but she will drink from the sippys that have straws. Anyone else had their LO's do this?

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