I know I'm coming into this thread a little late, but I just wanted to extend some heart-felt gratitude to MrsPOP for starting it up, and for all the ladies for contributing their stories
Thank you.
I struggled with intense feelings of guilt when I failed to BF for as long as I'd liked to. I managed 3+ months of BF (1 of which was combi, and an extra couple of weeks expressing what I could) but of that time, almost 10 weeks were just a matter of enduring extreme pain...it was utterly heartbreaking, as I know you all understand
It wasn't mastitas, it wasn't blocked ducts, it wasn't any latch problems, it was f***ing thrush of the nipple and milk ducts!!! I had NO idea that you could get thrush in your breasts, and I had no idea it could transfer to LO's mouth, asophogus, digestive tract and little bottom (thankfully it never got that far, but I put that down for stopping BF when his mouth got too sore to feed). Every feed started and ended with agony: like you've got burning glass coming out rather than milk. I used to cry not just while feeding, but for about 30 minutes after while the pain continued. I tried every cream, 3 courses of the pills that are meant to "cure" thrush, and LO had 6(!) rounds of nystatin. We spent the first few months of his life wrecked with anxiety, frustration, and battling constant pain. It was completely draining and without question got in the way of enjoying those first precious months.
I kept going as despite the pain I was in, he fed beautifully. But, then the thrush in his mouth got so, so bad that he ended up not being able to feed. He'd latch on, suck a few times and then begin to arch his back in pain, thrash around and scream. The moment he stopped being able to feed I thought: No More!!! It broke my heart, and the weight of the guilt crushed me for a good while, but as a prem baby on the lowest percentile, him getting sustenance was more important than my self-imposed Mothering goals.
I hated formula, I resented having to buy it, make up the bottles etc. I used to hide the tins in my shopping cart, and felt ashamed when I fed him in public. I felt envy towards all women who BF successfully, and then felt guilty for ever having negative feelings about someone wanting and giving their baby the best start in life.
Once we started weaning it got a little easier. We BLW and it has been one of the most fun experiences of Mothering so far; he LOVES his food!!! He quickly dropped bottles, and every fresh, homemade yummy meal he ate made me feel proud of myself as his Mother. Now he's 16 months old, healthy, happy and 100% awesome.
He doesn't judge me, he loves me, and I love him: that's what really matters in all of this.
One thing I can take from all of this is that sometimes life doesn't go the way you expected it to, and that choices are sometimes removed. This has stopped me from judging others on their parenting decisions, as I have no idea what they've been through to come to that decision. I am definitely a more empathetic person because of this, and for that much I am glad.
We are all just trying our hardest to do the best for our children, and that is something to be proud of!