We cant live in guilt the rest of our lives. I felt horrible at first mostly over things I read and I was scared of what people may think of me. Stupid I know. But at some point you just have to let it go and say I tried, it did not work out for whatever reason, my child is still perfect, healthy and smart. I saw a quote the other day that I really liked
"There is no way to be a perfect mother, but there is a million ways to be a good one"
You do not win a medal for breast feeding your child, when they get older will they love you any less for not bfing them? I did not know I was breast fed till I got pregnant with my own child and asked my mother. You are just as a good mother as a mother who breast feeds her child! I never liked breast feeding. I went into it thinking it would be some magical bonding experience that would make my child have no problems and make me feel wonderful for doing it. But it just did not work out that way and Im fine with that now. Latching killed me every time, even when I got help. It made me an emotional wreck that balled her head off even when it wasnt hurting. I had blisters that turned into cracks that bled into my childs mouth and face when I breast fed and people just told me "Its fine, a little blood never hurt anyone. Your nipples will toughen up eventually" after a month of it not happening and having mastitis in both breasts, emergency room visits, hoping my child wouldnt wake up cause I knew it just meant me hurting and crying the whole time. Feeding every hour every day and every two hours every night. My husband was deployed whole time so for 6 weeks I hardly ever slept I truely felt insane. I had to do everything by myself I could not spend every minute of every day feeding my child. I stopped breast feeding and since Ive cried TWICE when I would cry twice and hour while I bf.
I feel more of a bond with my son now then I ever did then, Ill never listen to anyone ever again tell me I should have waited longer, tried harder. I hated it plan and simple. In my case happy mommy means happy baby. He is just as healthy, smart and handsome as he was with a boob in his mouth as he is with a bottle in it. And when I did feel guilt what helped me was thinking of the good things of not bfing.
1. I do not get looked at weird by strangers for breast feeding in public or my car or in the bath room.
2. I do not have children coming up to me asking what im doing or trying to pull cover up
3. I can go places alone, sleep in, sleep at night and have other people feed him other having to come get me or pump before hand.
4. I dont leak all the time like I did
5. I dont have to worry about clogged ducts, mastitis
6. My son can hold a bottle and fed himself while I do other things
I do not plan on breast feeding the next child at all. When my milk comes in Ill pump but I will combo feed with formula, when I dry up Ill dry up and not worry about it at all. "At least they got something" is what I was always told. So no breast feeding for me EVER AGAIN. I wish everyone could not listen to what others say and feel comfortable in their situation though I understand it does take time to feel that way.

But I really wish no one would beat themselves up for what happened whether it be they never got milk, baby wouldnt latch, they just didnt want to do it. Formula is NOT poison