My poor sister exclusively BF both her girls, now 7 and 9yrs and they both had colic, both had eczema, one had chicken pox at 3 months, they both have all the colds and coughs under the sun and they both are total nightmares when it comes to eating now!!! so all those apparent benefits are not showing themselves to her! and she spent the first few months absolutely shattered, feeding every 2hrs, and losing so much weight she was a gaunt shadow of her former self! It was 3 months before she went to sleep before midnight!!
A current friend is exclusively BF and her LO has been in hospital with bronchiolitis, yet another ailment that is supposed to be less likely in BF babies!!
Touch wood, my combination fed baby hasn't had any colds or coughs, even though i have been ill myself since he was born, he is bang on the 50th percentile, he sleeps like a dream and has done since about 3 weeks, and he is a lovely happy smiley baby!!
Whilst i think being able to grow a baby on BM alone is fantastic, and i have a lot of respect for those who do, it is not the be all and end all!! Me and both my sisters are all FF babies who have turned into healthy strong adults! MY DH was given carnation milk when he was a baby and he has much better immunity than even i do!!!
Mrs POP - it was this post that got my back up. I just don't like the implications that are being made about the sister being 'poor' because of having breastfed, and her children being subjected to these horrible illnesses, which BFing failed to protect them from.
It's nothing to do with FF vs BF, it's just being sensible. You can be happy with FFing without having to be so derogatory towards those who breastfeed and the act of breastfeeding.
And I know this is a 'BF 'failure' support' thread, but most of the stories on here are very similar to my experience, and it just keeps me humble, I suppose, to remember that the reasons I managed to get BFing established were more luck than anything else. We had good support, which isn't always available where and when it's needed.
My poor sister exclusively BF both her girls, now 7 and 9yrs and they both had colic, both had eczema, one had chicken pox at 3 months, they both have all the colds and coughs under the sun and they both are total nightmares when it comes to eating now!!! so all those apparent benefits are not showing themselves to her! and she spent the first few months absolutely shattered, feeding every 2hrs, and losing so much weight she was a gaunt shadow of her former self! It was 3 months before she went to sleep before midnight!!
A current friend is exclusively BF and her LO has been in hospital with bronchiolitis, yet another ailment that is supposed to be less likely in BF babies!!
Touch wood, my combination fed baby hasn't had any colds or coughs, even though i have been ill myself since he was born, he is bang on the 50th percentile, he sleeps like a dream and has done since about 3 weeks, and he is a lovely happy smiley baby!!
Whilst i think being able to grow a baby on BM alone is fantastic, and i have a lot of respect for those who do, it is not the be all and end all!! Me and both my sisters are all FF babies who have turned into healthy strong adults! MY DH was given carnation milk when he was a baby and he has much better immunity than even i do!!!
Mrs POP - it was this post that got my back up. I just don't like the implications that are being made about the sister being 'poor' because of having breastfed, and her children being subjected to these horrible illnesses, which BFing failed to protect them from.
It's nothing to do with FF vs BF, it's just being sensible. You can be happy with FFing without having to be so derogatory towards those who breastfeed and the act of breastfeeding.
And I know this is a 'BF 'failure' support' thread, but most of the stories on here are very similar to my experience, and it just keeps me humble, I suppose, to remember that the reasons I managed to get BFing established were more luck than anything else. We had good support, which isn't always available where and when it's needed.
I apologise if my opinions that i have formed, based upon some real life situations that i have observed with my own eyes are not to your liking. I have said twice now that i combi feed, and i wouldn't bother doing that if i thought breast feeding was a load of rubbish with no benefits at all. What i am saying, and as mrsPOP are re-iterated, is that there are BF babies out there that do not seem to have reaped the rewards, and this is why i will not be made to feel guilty for FF by anyone.
I don't think salb10s post was wrong at all.
If my sisters kids had that many problems I'd call her 'poor' too! Whether you like it or not it is shoved down people throats that bfing prevents all those things and that absolutely adds to ladies guilt when it doesn't work out. That post makes the point that bf or ff if a baby is gonna have issues it's gonna have issues.
I don't think there's anything wrong with reading this thread as a bfer (I am one lol) but if your going to take issue with the things they're saying maybe itd be best to leave it be? If the ladies who're posting are having a bad time and need to rant - that's exactly why there here xx
Hm, well. Moving on from the tension...
I'm giving relactating another go. My OH thinks I'm mental... but maybe it's 3rd time lucky.
And there's no problem with that. However, there is a myth that BF babies are somehow protected by magical breastmilk protection, which is clearly rubbish (however much aptamil want to tell us otherwise!) And perpetuating myths, about anything, isn't helpful to anyone.
Sorry for singling out your post. I just kept being told that no-one had posted anything, and I knew I hadn't imagined it, so I went back and found yours to highlight my point. Nothing personal against you
patch, surely you realize that the BF forum is full of horribly deroggative things said about formua.
Could not your same logic be applied there?
It really isn't. There aren't many mums who have never given any formula at all. There are mums who resent being told to give, often unnecessary, formula top-ups for spurious reasons, and ones who are trying to express because they don't want to give formula because they want to exclusively breastfeed, but there are precious few in the 'formula is poison' camp.
And any posts that do claim 'I wouldn't give my child any of that poison' or the like are often jumped on and corrected by BFers and FFers alike.
we should think of an idea for blinkie Ladies ? make us feal better
we should think of an idea for blinkie Ladies ? make us feal better
I think there are some blinkies about, but they seem to come off defensive about being FF iykwim