Urgh, its mad, I think I've made significant improvement and then I read someone's siggy on here and I just want to cry
Basically it was a long-winded story of how she overcome her BF 'troubles' and ended up with the oh-so-helpful platitude of 'dont give up, it can be done!'![]()
Thank you for this thread. I struggled to BF my oldest daughter following a huge weight loss, wouldn't latch, nipple shields and expressing we changed to formula when she was 2 weeks old. this happened after a particularly bad evening when she hadn't latched for hours and I was sat in tears trying to express for her. My pro breast feeding DH had the pump thrown at his head when he refused to go and get formula as 'I should keep trying' He soon put his shoes on and drove to the shop (and became more supportive)lol! When she drank the first bottle she was so content and happy but my feelings of guilt set in and were still here 2 and a half years later. My feelings were not helped by a close friend having a baby 18 months later saying 'i don't understand how you bonded with your baby when you didn't breastfeed' when pregnant with DD2 my pregnancy was dominated by whether I would be able to breast feed her and whether I would be able to deal with the guilt if I couldn't do it. After a very quick(38 minute)easy birth (complete opposite to my 3 day induction with DD1) she latched and had been able to feed. I have realised that I love and bonded with both of my daughters EXACTLY the same. Formula feeding was the right thing to do with DD1 and I wish I could get the past two years back and not feel the guilt that I experienced, now knowing that breastfeeding wouldn't have changed my bonding experience with her at all. If I have to give up breast feeding this time for any reason I will not feel or let anybody make me feel guilty.
Oooh and ladies, did you notice? This thread is a sticky!!!!!![]()
You know what helps me? My LO is doing so well. I have a private blog and one of my friends is an extended BFer and I really love her, but she keeps making digs about how her LO is so advanced because she was BF and it really gets on my nerves because she knows how what Ive been through. It used to make me worry that Alice was going to be at a disadvantage because I FF. But my Alice is doing so well, hitting all her milestones early and is coming along wonderfully. God forbid I sound like a smum (smug mum) but my LO is great and its not because she is FF and had 1 week of BF but because she is AMAZING as all babies are. I wish people wouldnt try to force the point of the massive differences between BF and FF because it takes a whole lot more than feeding to develop your baby.
Oooh and ladies, did you notice? This thread is a sticky!!!!!Ive tweaked the title a bit to make it more official sounding