ok, back to the original point... thank you for creating this post. after trying to bf for 3 weeks, spending every feed time in tears having been told by my midwife that i HAD to breast feed, i was finally seen by a different midwife who could see how awful i had been made to feel by the medical profession, in being effectively forced to breastfeed, when i could see that my newborn son was not getting enough nutrients, that she had the sense to not look into the latch, as that wasn't a problem but rather to reassure me that i was a good mother as i knew there was a problem and could see that he was not getting what he needed.
there was no issue with tongue tie, which nearly every breastfeeding 'specialist' kept telling me. the problem was actually because my son wanted to 'bite' my nipples and his sucking action was so strong that my nipples would bleed and would be completely mis-shapen.
therefore no one was at fault, but i was made to feel like a failure to my son and my husband because i wasn't able to breastfeed. believe me, i was DESPERATE to bf. however, to this day, although we are essentially ff, whenever i can manage to get anything out, i express what i can to supplement my son's diet. the only reason i express when i can, is because i am still not 100% to terms with the need to ff. that is the fault of the medical profession, all except that one midwife that could see the state that we were in.
thank you for the initial post.