i haven't had time to catch up on everyone - sorry -

to those who need it.
just wanted to share something positive. Until recently, i always called formula formula - e.g. "okay, baby, you wait here and mommy's going to go make you some formula." well, i decided to start a few baby signs early, and one is for milk, not formula. so, i started calling it milk and saying that with the hand motion, e.g. - "would you like me to make you some milk now?"
for some reason, just changing the word from formula to milk when talking to my baby has had such a HUGE positive impact for me emotionally - i really feel so much better about all of it.
Formulas are things math students use to work out problems with pencil and paper; milk is a food that babies eat.
just thought i would share - it's helped me, so maybe it will help some of you.