being a mum is more than what our breasts produce. The love you give her is worth more than any bloody antibodies. She is not going to remember being breastfed. What she is going to take out of the first 6 months is that there is someone who makes her world work. Even if were all able to climb the mountain with one leg there is a point that we all stop breastfeeding- does that mean that our usefulness as mothers cease? look at your profile pic- that smile is not because you are breastfeeding. Its because your her world. BF ing is just a small part of that picture.
True. Though I'm hoping to keep breastfeeding a lot longer than 6 months, even if that means I still have to combination feed. I refuse to give up on my goal, I'm as stubborn as a mule (not always a good thing). Sometimes I wonder if I mean anything more than a feeding machine to her though.
dont forget you are the magic lady that makes the poos go away too. And the lovley lady that gets the burps up and makes her feel better, your the one with the heart beat and the voice that made her feel safe in the womb and outside. Your the one that when she is having a hard time adjusting to this world- just by being near you the world is a better place. You smell good and by god you are the funniest thing she has ever seen, No one is as good as you and her dad.

I really needed that. I just needed something, anything to hold onto. Things are just so damned hard right now! DF just got a job, which is brilliant since he hasn't had a job in a few months, and even the job he did have was temporary work for 10 days. So I should be really please but he is working night shifts 3 nights a week (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) and those nights are always the hardest for me, even before I had Keziah-May. It's wonderful because we can stop stressing about our rent being in arrears, because within 2 pays that will be done and dusted. I can stop worrying about not having enough food to last from one parenting payment to the next (here in Australia, and in the area I live that is very difficult). I can even stop worrying about the expense of our wedding next month. Yet, I still feel stressed about finances. Why? Because I have never been any good with money, I try to budget and save, I've tried everything, but it never happens. We almost always have all we need, and Kezzy never goes without (she is our top monetary priority) but I still worry!
I worry about Kezzy's health because she will need surgery, I worry about if I'm doing the right thing, and whether I should trust my gut (which is never wrong). I worry that her doctors are leading me down the garden path.
I worry that my arthritis will have me in a wheelchair by 30, and I worry that early menopause (which is almost definite for me) will come before I am ready to stop having children. I worry that this ovarian cyst is going to rupture like the last one and diminish my fertility right back down. I'm worried I'm going to be TTC for more than 8 months (it was 8 months with Kezzy).
I'm worried that Kezzy is going to grow up to have all the emotional and mental issues I have. I'm worried I'll never 'be good enough' to anyone else because of my parenting age.
Just so many things that worry me. I'm sorry I went on a bit but it's just stressful you know? We have to travel 8hrs approximately every 3 weeks for Kezzy's health, so her paediatric, renal and surgical team can see her. I have to worry about Child Safety breathing down my neck for not feeding her properly, I have to worry about her weight not going the way it is supposed to, I have to worry about my health. Now, to make matters worse, I have to worry if I'm over feeding her, underfeeding her or whether I'm just worrying about nothing.