hello everyone

i am new here and it would be great if you guys can help me out.
my baby is 6 months old....we didnt plan her (gift from Almighty

) and after she was born i breastfed her...i was soo determined to do it even though she didnt latch on one breast due to flat nipples so i continued breastfeeding with one breast and still breastfeed her with just my left breast, 2 months after she was born i had my exams (i am a med student) so i introduced formula and she used to take around 3oz when i was away....from past 2 months i am at home 24*7 with her and breastfeed her on demand and she nurses for anywhere between 5mins-1hour and half an later is again hungry and i nurse her again! and she is again hungry so i give her a bottle and she completely finishes a 3oz bottle but from the past month she has started crying on my breast and pulls away and takes around 5oz bottle even after nursing for one hour straight...i dont know what to do! am i not producing enough!?! am i overfeeding her!? i have to start her on solids now and i have no idea about her milk intake....she still nurses 8-12 times in a 24hour period wakes up 4-5 times at night! takes around 8-10oz formula. i am going crazy thinking what to do! i want to quit breastfeeding but cant get myself to actually do it

this thread seems so helpfull! i know not breastfeeding will be good for everyone coz then i can start my internship, i will be more relaxed looking after her and wont irritate my husband!!
i was A LOT stressed during my exams and till my results came out and that can cause low milk supply....but everyone says low milk supply is a myth! gosh! i dont know what to do