The Loss of Breastfeeding - Guilt, Grief & Support Thread

The self-hate makes me so sad! :hug: :hugs: :hug:

I don't hate mine...I don't blame them....I blame me. I still question everything about what I could have/should have done. It's not my the fault of my breasts. It's the fault of my head or my heart or something because deep down I feel like it was something I did and I hate that.

However, I've NEVER liked having my boobs touched. I'm weird though. I just swipe him away and I feel so bad because he loves them so much. Being the weirdo I am though, I don't mind whole boob squeezes, but keep your freaking hands from gently caressing me, because I WILL slap them away.
Hey ladies,

So we started Breanna on Alimentum in the Afternoon 2 days ago (so it's been 48 hours), and we had once incident of diarrhea around 2 hours after she first had it an now NOTHING. She still spits up, but even that is different - way more "watery" and less chunky.

Fingers crossed!
Hey ladies,

So we started Breanna on Alimentum in the Afternoon 2 days ago (so it's been 48 hours), and we had once incident of diarrhea around 2 hours after she first had it an now NOTHING. She still spits up, but even that is different - way more "watery" and less chunky.

Fingers crossed!

I hope it works out for you! Its marvellous when you find something that works after trying so many other things and nothing helping, I know from experience :flower: xx
Hey ladies,

So we started Breanna on Alimentum in the Afternoon 2 days ago (so it's been 48 hours), and we had once incident of diarrhea around 2 hours after she first had it an now NOTHING. She still spits up, but even that is different - way more "watery" and less chunky.

Fingers crossed!

I hope it works out for you! Its marvellous when you find something that works after trying so many other things and nothing helping, I know from experience :flower: xx

Guess what! I think it's working! First dirty diaper since we started - NO diarrhea! But it is very dark green though.

How can I be excited over something like that, lol?
while sophie was being FF all she ever had was Khaki poos- some times they were light khaki- but usually a lovely deep shade of jungle green.
I believe with the hypo formulas this is normal as well; for their poo to be really dark green. It was said by the manufacturers to be normal on the half-hydrolysed, low lactose formula my second youngest was on-weirdly though when on it he had more 'yellow BF baby poo' than he had ever had on just breastmilk (he had horrific slimy green diarrhoea on my milk). xx
When Breanna was on my milk she rarely had any of the normal breastmilk diapers, because she didn't have dirty diapers. She wasn't able to get enough of my milk to make them. My poor baby! She's doing really good now permanent damage, lol.
When Breanna was on my milk she rarely had any of the normal breastmilk diapers, because she didn't have dirty diapers. She wasn't able to get enough of my milk to make them. My poor baby! She's doing really good now permanent damage, lol.

its great when *something* finally works. well done
I feel so stupid. Am I wrong for keeping even the tiniest bit of milk in my breasts in the hope I may become less stressed enough to try and relactate?
Most people think I'm an idiot but I cannot give up :'(
Sweet heart it takes an age to finally let it go. Its the hardest part. You need to go with what feels best for you but if you are beating yourself up be kind to yourself, being a mum is more than antibodies.
I am in tears as I write this.

My daughter is 13days old. We BF'd till day 11 when my cracked and bleeding nipples caused me so much pain and stress it was affecting my milk flow and my baby was getting distress too!

I had an EMCS @38 wks due to Pre-eclampsia. We got no skin to skin at Allan's I was in icu for 24 hrs afterwards. My daughter was kept with me but we were only shown the cradle position and obviously not shown correctly as I'm quite top heavy and my breast was covering her nose so she couldn't breathe. Her latch really hurt but the MW's said "well it always hurts the first few days". She dropped from 3.5kg to 3.0 kg and they put her on top-up formula feeds. I was horrified. Rather then help me they dove formula down her neck! My nipples began to blister so using lanisoh cream daily and almost with every feed while dealing with the pain of a c section and having no energy due to blood loss and getting transfusions-it was all getting too much for me.
My baby was screaming at the breast. My nipples were unbearably painful, my GP said her latch was fine, I contacted LLL and still awaiting a reply, I can't drive after the C section and my home-visit nurse is on two weeks holidays with nobody for me to contact other than the hospital who told me "if it's not working out just put her on formula"

At 11days old I made the decision to pump what I can while I can with an advent breast pump and give her formula as well. I manag about 200mls of BM per day. The rest is formula.

My heart is broken. I loved the closeness we had BFing... I feel like I'll never get that back with her. I wish things were different but they're not. Infers like a shit mother and so ashamed when asked "are you BF-ing". This is the word feeling I've ever felt and I can't see me ever feeling any better about it.
:hugs:It may not feel like it now but you will have a WONDERFUL and close bond with your baby regardless of how you feed her. Breast feeding isn't easy- with all the lovely posters of a mother and her breastfed child and the way that "natural way to feed" infers that breastfeeding is almost instinct and therefore easy. As you can see by the storys on this thread its sometime is- but in most case its hard. Really hard. Nothing really prepares you- it can give you great joy yes- but on the other hand it can push you so close to breaking point that its scary. Pump as much as you can- if you want to continue to try to BF please talk to the girls in the breastfeeding section- the girls over there are lovely and really helpful but if it doesn't work out please please be kind to yourself- try not to focus on HOW your child is being fed just focus on her overall wellbeing. Being a mum is so much more than the way you feed- the important thing is that your baby is fed. that's all. However the most important thing is your love- the rest is semantics. If you decide to FF and you are having a hard time adjusting we will always be here. :hugs:

(BTW if you want to read my story- its on P3- its an essay but you a certainly not alone with a traumatic birth mucking up your milk supply)
I am in tears as I write this.

My daughter is 13days old. We BF'd till day 11 when my cracked and bleeding nipples caused me so much pain and stress it was affecting my milk flow and my baby was getting distress too!

I had an EMCS @38 wks due to Pre-eclampsia. We got no skin to skin at Allan's I was in icu for 24 hrs afterwards. My daughter was kept with me but we were only shown the cradle position and obviously not shown correctly as I'm quite top heavy and my breast was covering her nose so she couldn't breathe. Her latch really hurt but the MW's said "well it always hurts the first few days". She dropped from 3.5kg to 3.0 kg and they put her on top-up formula feeds. I was horrified. Rather then help me they dove formula down her neck! My nipples began to blister so using lanisoh cream daily and almost with every feed while dealing with the pain of a c section and having no energy due to blood loss and getting transfusions-it was all getting too much for me.
My baby was screaming at the breast. My nipples were unbearably painful, my GP said her latch was fine, I contacted LLL and still awaiting a reply, I can't drive after the C section and my home-visit nurse is on two weeks holidays with nobody for me to contact other than the hospital who told me "if it's not working out just put her on formula"

At 11days old I made the decision to pump what I can while I can with an advent breast pump and give her formula as well. I manag about 200mls of BM per day. The rest is formula.

My heart is broken. I loved the closeness we had BFing... I feel like I'll never get that back with her. I wish things were different but they're not. Infers like a shit mother and so ashamed when asked "are you BF-ing". This is the word feeling I've ever felt and I can't see me ever feeling any better about it.

Please go and post in the breastfeeding section, maybe the girls can help :hugs:

Im still expressing and bottle feeding my 5 month old and occasionally feast feeding, we had a terrible start. Keep expressing to maintain your supply and there is no problem in using formula if you need to as long as your expressing so your body received the signal to keep producing milk.

It's heartbreaking to have problems with breastfeeding, seek the help while you can but remember to try and enjoy your new baby.

Congratulations x
Mrs. New, :hugs:
So many of us in this thread have had traumautic births, medication conflicts, low supply, bad advice..etc., etc., so many different reasons that breastfeeding either didn't work out at all, or some were able to only combi-feed.

At 13 days PP, all is not lost for you to have a successful breastfeeding relationship. Breastfeeding is wonderful and natural but it isn't the "end all, be all" of a loving relationship with your baby. Many of us in this thread went through such grief and struggle in the early weeks of our baby's lives that it is all a blur or bad memory sometimes.

Try to relax, stress will only make things worse! Enjoy that baby! They grow so fast!
Hi thenewmrs.

Our stories are very similar! and you need big hugs :hugs: I was very lucky not to end up in ICU though, i don't remember much of the first 24 hours though as i needed a GA as my spinal wasn't working.

He latched ok but i never felt he was getting much but he was so sleepy from the birth for quite a while so it was hard to tell. My baby was failing to thrive so was advised to introduce formula by HV so i did. I also took medication to boost my supply along with pumping. I combi-fed for months so if you ever want some advice on it feel free to contact me at anytime. There are also other ladies on this thread also that have pumped too :flower: is really hard work!! Im happy i did it but part of me wishes i let go of the whole thing alot quicker. You know what?? i bonded so much better with my son when i started to accept what was going on. Acceptance is hard sometimes but it feels so much better when you come through it. xxx
gosh its so refreshing to see this thread after the past few weeks i have had :( :hugs: I intended so hard to EBF until 6 months i was ADAMANT i wanted too...

I wanted a natural birth, and got called into hospital after my waters broke,i instantly saw meconium in my i was hooked up to monitors the lark, bed bound...gutted...where was my walking around,ball bouncing, water birth i'd so hoped for? i now realise this couldn't be helped but the MW's was fab in trying to get me there,after countless amounts of arguing with the doctors who kept persisting to get me on the table...only 13 hours into an induced labour (after i wasn't contracting :( ) the doctors were throwing my legs open, scratching doms head for blood, examining me every 10 mins, chaning my positions making me push, i survived on G&A but god it was agony...they soon realised dom was coming neck first...emergency csection i went.

My first latch with dom was perfect, but it soon went downhill. He would throw himself off, he wouldn't cry..he's really placid but he'd chew his fists into oblivion and grit his gums together going bright red in the face and i just knew i wasn't getting much. Fortunately for me the MW's were fab and helped me with different techniques, hand expressing with me etc. 2nd day and dom too had become jaundiced..he looked like a cast member from towie he was that yellow/orange and i was none the wiser :cry: i felt bad for not detecting it so he went for tests but the paediatrician was happy he didn't need treatment, dom got topped up with aptamil.

My 1st 3 weeks were good...agony but good, he wouldn't latch correctly and blistered and cracked my nipples, each latch on i was in tears shaking all over in pain, my OH upset having to watch me. I had the MW a HV and a breastfeeding expert all out to me to help, and initially it did,but each time dom would slip back into poor feeding techniques :( and then came the fact that my csec scar was infected. Back and forth i have been to the doctors being patched up as its infected with staph. Ive been on 3 sets of flucloxacillin and one set of metrodiazanol (which isnt recommended for BFing!) so my doctor recommended formula feeding,but did say 'if you do it will slow your supply down' and its done exactly that, i fill up, i leak, but dom feeds and gets barely anything, throws himself off every 5 seconds crying, and when thats over after 30 mins, the fist goes into his gob and he starts moaning for more, i am at my wits end and in tears over it looks as though im to go to formula as im trying EVERYTHING in my path to get him back on BF. I also feel a failure and have been told numerous times not to think like this. But i think its hard too when the peer pressure of a 'Textbook reading' health visitor breathes down your throat screaming why they aren't being booby fed! ive luckilly had some nice ones so far,but that was before formula had to be introduced,i am now dreading my 8 week check as thats when they'll find out :cry: so i feel your pain hun, its hard work, and im sure we'll get over it in time...but i know :hugs: xxxx
I developed staph after my c-section too, May. Except it was internal, not in the incision. I was hospitalized for 11 days and seperated from my week old baby. Needless to say, this was not conducive to breastfeeding!:hugs:
I developed staph after my c-section too, May. Except it was internal, not in the incision. I was hospitalized for 11 days and seperated from my week old baby. Needless to say, this was not conducive to breastfeeding!:hugs:

my word, you poor thing :hugs: its a horrid thing to have, ive so far been told im looking 'clear' but im teetering on the edge..this is my 7th week with it and im hoping its the end,its definately affected the taste (ahem yea i taste my milk LOL) it was once sweet, now its kinda...sour? like fizzy sweets? either way i can see why dom is fussing over it poor thing,im waiting 48 hours to wait for this flucloxacillin to worm off my system and shove him back on le boobie :thumbup:
Just wanted to say that I've been stalking this thread for ages but never had the guts to write anything. I love this thread and thank you so much MrsPop for starting it up. I'll share my story with you sometime and in the meantime send massive hugs to everyone going through the heartbreaking struggle x
Ive not written for a while, things have been kerrazy lately in my life.

Anyway, so I nearly killed DH the other night. We were talking about possibly having another baby in a couple of years and that I would try BFing again and he said something about if Im successful Alice will probably ask 'why does my little bro/sis get fed by you mum and I wasnt'.... :grr: :gun:

He said it in a jokey manner and I immediately told him off and he was very sorry but I was astonished. He knows just exactly how much this has affected me so why make stupid jokes that arent even funny!!! :grr:

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