gosh its so refreshing to see this thread after the past few weeks i have had

I intended so hard to EBF until 6 months i was ADAMANT i wanted too...
I wanted a natural birth, and got called into hospital after my waters broke,i instantly saw meconium in my waters...so i was hooked up to monitors the lark, bed bound...gutted...where was my walking around,ball bouncing, water birth i'd so hoped for? i now realise this couldn't be helped but the MW's was fab in trying to get me there,after countless amounts of arguing with the doctors who kept persisting to get me on the table...only 13 hours into an induced labour (after i wasn't contracting

) the doctors were throwing my legs open, scratching doms head for blood, examining me every 10 mins, chaning my positions making me push, i survived on G&A but god it was agony...they soon realised dom was coming neck first...emergency csection i went.
My first latch with dom was perfect, but it soon went downhill. He would throw himself off, he wouldn't cry..he's really placid but he'd chew his fists into oblivion and grit his gums together going bright red in the face and i just knew i wasn't getting much. Fortunately for me the MW's were fab and helped me with different techniques, hand expressing with me etc. 2nd day and dom too had become jaundiced..he looked like a cast member from towie he was that yellow/orange and i was none the wiser

i felt bad for not detecting it so he went for tests but the paediatrician was happy he didn't need treatment, dom got topped up with aptamil.
My 1st 3 weeks were good...agony but good, he wouldn't latch correctly and blistered and cracked my nipples, each latch on i was in tears shaking all over in pain, my OH upset having to watch me. I had the MW a HV and a breastfeeding expert all out to me to help, and initially it did,but each time dom would slip back into poor feeding techniques

and then came the fact that my csec scar was infected. Back and forth i have been to the doctors being patched up as its infected with staph. Ive been on 3 sets of flucloxacillin and one set of metrodiazanol (which isnt recommended for BFing!) so my doctor recommended formula feeding,but did say 'if you do it will slow your supply down' and its done exactly that, i fill up, i leak, but dom feeds and gets barely anything, throws himself off every 5 seconds crying, and when thats over after 30 mins, the fist goes into his gob and he starts moaning for more, i am at my wits end and in tears over it....so it looks as though im to go to formula as im trying EVERYTHING in my path to get him back on BF. I also feel a failure and have been told numerous times not to think like this. But i think its hard too when the peer pressure of a 'Textbook reading' health visitor breathes down your throat screaming why they aren't being booby fed! ive luckilly had some nice ones so far,but that was before formula had to be introduced,i am now dreading my 8 week check as thats when they'll find out

so i feel your pain hun, its hard work, and im sure we'll get over it in time...but i know
