Ps apologies for typo's, I am 1 hand typing & burping baby over shoulder with the other hand, not an expert at that yet!
MrsPOP, that's awful that someone thought it was ok to post that kind of nonsenseSeriously, a mother's love comes from her heart and soul, not from two sacks of glandular tissue attached to her chest
I actually ended up blocking quite a few people off my FB because of the endless BF'ing things like that. Somehow just de-friending them didn't seem enoughAnd even though I'm BF'ing my second baby, I've no intention of un-blocking them. It's hard to describe this, but just because things have worked this time, I haven't forgotten the pain and horrible feelings I had after my first. Does that make sense? I also constantly worry about inadvertenly hurting someone the way I was so often hurt first time around - which is mainly why I haven't posted here in a while
When I was pregnant, I got given a whole bunch of DVDs by my midwife. One of them was a locally produced thing, which (as usual) preached the "Breast is best" message without being particularly forthcoming about what breastfeeding can really be like (or not be like, for a lot of women!). Anyway, they had this "video diary" segment, where they followed a new Mum's breastfeeding journey - it was supposed to be a "highs and lows" type thing. But they didn't pick any old Mum, nope, they picked a Mum of twins! Who already had at least 1 toddler (I forget now how many other kids she had). I mean, seriously, if that isn't subliminally shrieking "This Mum can do it, so you should be able to do as well, no excuses, she has 2 babies!" then I don't know what does. Utterly appalling.
Hugs to all![]()
Well I wasnt BF, I have an IQ of 171 and am a medical Doctor. I always joke with my mum if I was BF I would have been the British Sheldon Cooper!!!!
Well I wasnt BF, I have an IQ of 171 and am a medical Doctor. I always joke with my mum if I was BF I would have been the British Sheldon Cooper!!!!
Well I wasnt BF, I have an IQ of 171 and am a medical Doctor. I always joke with my mum if I was BF I would have been the British Sheldon Cooper!!!!
I'm so singing soft kitty to Xander when he wakes up!
I know that sadness at not being able to breastfeed is as emotional issue not just a rational one, but this might help on the rational side: I've been looking at a couple of scientific papers (im a researcher by trade), & the link tobreastfeeding & IQ is not as strongly proven as one might think-studies are limited & it appears that bf-ing might be a relationship factor not causal factor to a higher IQ (if you are educated then you are more likely to opt to try to breastfeed, but you are also more likely to make better nutritional choices when baby weans, to have more books and interactive toys in the house, etc, ll of which contribute to IQ),
I personally wasnt breastfed but I am in Mensa and have a doctorate - my partner is a big strapping guy who also has a doctorate and hewas combi fed for 3 minths then FF (hes also stillsuperclose to his mommy!) - and we both hardly ever get sick, so FF must also have its merits!