Thank you for this thread, I've read it through thoughly and have found a lot of comfort in it

I feel I've failed my daughter in many ways, I love her so much and just want the best so like everyone else I am willing to do anything to ensure she is happy and thriving, so we've ended up combi feeding.
I really don't know what happened and why it went wrong, she was breech and we needed a C-section, which was so polar opposite from my dream of a calm relaxed home birth and then I wasn't able to feed her the way I wanted, she lost 11% in 4 days, and although we went to BF clinics from 3 days old, her latch is terrible.
I don't know why my supply never increased, I pump, pump, pump, take copious amount of fenugreek, 90mg of domperidone a day, so much so I do get terrible stomach pains and then have to leave it for a day or so, I eat so much oats that I'm sick of them, fennel tea (I miss regular) and still can only provide half her needs.
I'm feeling a lot better about bottle feeding but sometime despair still overcomes me and I get really snappy and sad, my OH doesn't really underdstand my feelings of guilty and sadness.
I don't want to give up BF even nothing is coming out, am I selfish for carrying on?
I also think the pressure to BF is emmense, it comes from everywhere and giving formula, I feel I have to hide it and do it in secret, I cried in Boots when I brought a cartoon of milk for Tessa and the assistant asked if I would like to pay with my points, I said yes and she happily told me "oh no the goverment wont let you, whoops" I felt so terrible buying it in the first place and then it was like big brother was shaking his head and condemming you as a bad mother.
I did find that using bottles that are colourful and happy looking (Mam) really helped, I enjoyed choosing them and it makes me smile when I see how cheerful they are, shallow I know but it helps.
Also another lady on here suggested not calling it formula but to refer to it as milk, and this too has really helped.
It has taken 3 months to accept this turn of events and still I am not completely accepting, but when I see her smiling face and hear her chatter I know it is all worth it