I think I'm at the end of my breastfeeding journey now for sure. My already low milk supply is depleting day by day.
I feel almost okay about stopping. Almost.
The first thing was stopping expressing. I haven't pumped for 2 weeks now. Stopping that was a really hard thing to do for some reason! I hated every second I was attached to that pump, but something made me keep doing it. I think it was simply the desperate belief that it would fix my low milk supply as long as I did it frequently enough and for long enough. That wasn't the case and as soon as I realised that, I kind of lost the will to do it. With a bit of coaxing from a lactation consultant (who knows all my struggles and has been supporting me since my LO was born), I left the pumping behind entirely and nursed my baby instead. Since nursing my baby was what I craved all along. Even if it did mean a slow death for my milk supply.
As it turns out though.... not that slow.
I nursed him. Ish. Feeds spaced out enough that he would always get enough milk to be satisfied. Ish. And then he caught a cold and didn't feed well for a few days and that was when I realised it really really was going to disappear for good this time... and it would be gone faster than I expected. And the first thing I thought was, "should I pick up the pumping again?" and as soon as I had the thought I knew I just couldn't. No. More. Pumping. My pumping days are DONE. I don't even want to look at that pump anymore. I'm just going to accept this finally and move on with life.
I'm now down to 2 feeds a day and I can barely satisfy him at those. Soon it'll be just the one. And then at some point I will nurse him for the last time. I'll try not to see it as more than it is.
Motherhood is so much more than that.
I made it to 4 months. Not quite to 5. I don't want to stop, but I do. Some of you know what I mean. I want the relief of stopping, but it feels like giving up. In a bad way.
But it is what it is.
I have nursed him, which was what I wanted. It was nice when it was nice. It was stressful when it was stressful. It was awful when it was awful. That's it really. I think part of my obsession with breastfeeding was the ideal I had built up in my head. I never quite experienced what I thought it SHOULD be.
Sorry for this rather fragmented post!

Brain is not with it today. Hope you ladies are all doing ok