\ I think part of my obsession with breastfeeding was the ideal I had built up in my head. I never quite experienced what I thought it SHOULD be.
I think this sums up how all of us felt at some point...
I agree with this...
This is my first post here. I've been quietly reading for a week it so now. Today was the day. I gave up...well, not really. I accepted the inevitable. My son gave up last week. So now I'm ready to stop as well, even though it breaks my heart.
Gabe refused to latch from day 1. I was devastated, but I kept at it. Finally on day 4 we got him to latch using a nipple shield, and he was doing well. Then he started losing weight and I came across a term I had never heard before: comfort sucking. It was then that I realized that this is what he did for 75% of the time spent on the boob. It was why no matter how long I nursed him he never seemed satisfied. Then I realized, my breasts never felt full, never leaked. We started formula top up, but as the weeks went on, he needed more and more formula to make him happy. Finally, last week, he started refusing to latch.
I tried it all, I was taking the higher doses of domperidone, fenugreek andblessed thistle. I used the shield, tried the tubing supplemental system, I pumped after every feed, in between feeds, and religiously every 2 hours when he started refusing. I never increased my supply, and never got him back on the boob. I even took him into the bath tub. I tried every suggestion given to me, no matter how crazy it sounded...including getting my oh to suck on my nipples. I had every professional I could find come and offer an opinion. I did it all...and it still wasn't enough. So now after 7 weeks, I've given in, and stopped it all. I'm heartbroken, and feeling betrayed by my body. This was supposed to be natural, easy something only I could do for my child. Instead it's been the most frustratingly difficult thing I have ever done.
Anyways, sorry for the long past, if your still reading, thanks for hanging in there.