So. Me again, sorry

I've been exclusively formula feeding my little Alexander for around 3 weeks now after my (rather broken and miserable) breastfeeding journey came to a natural end, and I must say it has been nothing but a positive experience. I'm a much happier person now without the constant anxiety hanging over me.
You know it struck me today... although I did nurse my son for over 4 months I really don't feel like I'm "allowed" to say I breastfed him. I feel like none of it counts, because I formula fed as well. And pumped for a good portion of it. But there was a lot of formula. A LOT.
I did breastfeed him. But. There are so many buts.
Does anyone have similar feelings or am I just being ridiculous?!
I ought to be strong enough to define my own breastfeeding success, but honestly I really feel like a breastfeeding fraud, like I have no right to say I ever breastfed my son because I didn't do it "right". But who is this God Of Breastfeeding I am trying to please? I haven't a clue... There is no grand breastfeeding exam. It's just my own failed expectations.
And in spite of sticking to it for 4 months through hell and high water, I don't feel proud of myself really. I did what I could and it didn't work out. That's it really.
Just musing. Pointless thoughts I know!
In the end it's whatevs. My son is amazing, I am in a much better place mentally, my husband is no longer seething with resentment over my obsession with the pump. It's all good really.

So what gives, brain?