Hi everyone
I feel happy to have found this thread, as I've been at the BF forum and don't feel like I belong there, though I don't feel like I belong at the FF either

But this is surely my place, since I still am mourning not being able to breastfeed
Long story short, baby was born healthy and with no problems, but she just wouldn't latch "correctly" according to the nurses. I think I made the mistake of letting them "help" me too much, since they would get her to latch, and immediately say she wasn't doing it perfectly, remove her and reposition. All this managed to do was to make her cry more, and I ended up expressing and the nurses finger fed her. I got her to latch twice while at the hospital (when I was alone! which was probably not a coincidence), but by the time I got home, every time she was near my breast she would cry. The day I went home my poor LO did not wake up for about 8 hours, she was so starved she just had no energy

Luckily I had called a LC who visited, we got her to wake up, but she was so desperate and so angry when near my breasts, that I had to pump and finger feed. We ended up doing this for 8 weeks, then transitioned to bottles of expressed breastmilk.
It's been a rough journey, though now I'm more comfortable with pumping since I can do it less times per day and my baby is growing well, but I still think back to those first days and I have so many regrets: why did I let them interfere so much? Why didn't I make my baby stay in my room and my husband help instead of those nurses? Why did I choose to pump and miss out on spending time with my baby in her first days? Why could I never get her back to the breast? I don't feel like my sadness over not breastfeeding is going away. And no one understands, really, they feel like I should be over it by now.
Sorry for the long read.