I have just recently stopped BFing and while I know my LO is happy and healthy I still wish I was BFing.
I EBF for the first 2 weeks when Orla was born. She was a really tiny baby and was always hungry - on the boob 18 hours upwards. My nipples were cracked and bleeding and I was in tears each time she latched on. I was at the point of despair and my lovely midwife who was so supportive suggested I start combi feeding to get a break. I did this and it worked so well. Orla was gaining weight, my nipples healed up and we were both enjoying it.
This was bliss until 2 weeks ago. I was admitted to hospital with suspected appendicitis, and had an emergency op. It turned out to be an infection called diverticulitis and I was in hopsital for 5 days on super strength IV antibiotics - which were not compatible with breastfeeding. LO was FF exclusively the whole time I ward in, and I am glad now that she was used to the bottle as god knows what would have happened if she wasnt.
I kept expressing in hospital and getting rid of the milk to keep up my supply, but when I got home I had another 8 days of antibiotics that only stopped on Tuesday. My supply has all but disappeared and I am so sad as I miss it
I know that LO has had breast milk for a good few weeks, and she is healthy and happy and gaining weight. I also know that it is important for her to have a healthy mummy to look after her.
But I wish I could have chosen when to stop BFing, rather than having the decision taken away from me